AE, PBAE, DD - boring

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by stuermchen, Aug 4, 2014.

  1. stuermchen Elder

    most of the nameds now have either an AE spell, a PBAE spell, a DD spell, a DoT .... this gets boring. Could we maybe have (not with the next expansion but in the future) some mobs who really are for a group play like clear aggro mobs, jail mobs or similar. Currently I just use some spell runes and then watch and get my coffee.....and I really have to watch....
  2. IDotPeople Augur

    Go meet my good friend Xolok the Blind, he will show you a good time.
    Spellfire and Axxius like this.
  3. guado Augur

    Go kill A Huge Mistake in Chelsith, if you manage to kill Xolok.

    We should build a list of fun named to kill :)
  4. IDotPeople Augur

    Indeed, but what guidelines for levels? I can recall a lot of named I had no love for(while level appropriate). Drelzna and her unlimited HTs, ANY named healer with complete heal at < 60, and a lot more I'm forgetting the names of right now :)
  5. Vlerg Augur

    You could go with all PoWar names except judicator? they all have interesting... sometime buggy ( barb) mechanism.

    but judging by the amount of tear A Huge MIstake caused... I doubt SoE will add more of those names soon.
    Iila likes this.