Advloot Waiting Time Question

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Nennius, Nov 16, 2023.

  1. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Is there a way to shorten the time it takes for loot to be looted when using advloot?
  2. Metanis Bad Company

    Oh for the LOVE of all you consider holy, don't have them mess with a working system right now when their plates are full to overflowing! <grin>
  3. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Just asking. Sheesh! :) Anyway, I am curious if it can be shortened up a bit. 3 minutes would work for me.
  4. Nekk Augur

    Yes - have the loot leader (usually group leader) of the kill press leave all - it will leave all items on corpse for anyone to loot.
  5. Nennius Curmudgeon

    That would work but the lazy dorf in me wants the game to do it all for me. Perhaps I can get a sort of alternate looter thingie. Hehehehehe
  6. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    As far as I am aware it is set to the same time as a normal kill without using the advanced loot system. But if the master looter leaves it on the corpse it can be looted sooner which is a good compromise.
  7. Iven the Lunatic

    Combined with the option of a ML (master looter) that would be great. I hate it when stuff goes to my other boxes and that I have to click on "Loot All" every two minutes.
  8. FranktheBank Augur

    turn on auto loot.
  9. Iven the Lunatic

    The problem with auto loot is that all no trade items would be also looted. Like those from named mobs, that got not added into the loot filter yet. Auto loot does also prevent that those items can be added into the filter.
  10. FranktheBank Augur

    No trade items are not auto looted if you have the confirmation box enabled (which is enabled by default).
    Nennius and Gialana like this.
  11. Iven the Lunatic

    Ok, I will give it a try. Which confirmation box and setup is that exactly ?

    No Drop item: Always ?
  12. Fanra

    I would really like the master looter to be able to specify AdvLoot times for the entire list of items with one click/slider/entry. On raids, we would like the chest to remain AdvLoot so the Master Looter can hand out items beyond the 15 minute limit.

    Other times, we kill a group named and are discussing loot and while we are still deciding, it auto rolls everything. So to prevent this I have to go through the entire loot list and click every item several times to stop each from rolling.

    There's a million small QoL ideas I have that I usually don't bother to state since I never feel the Devs have the time to bother with them. Then again, one of the Devs is working on getting illusions to be able to use mounts, so maybe I should start...
  13. FranktheBank Augur

    Corroect, No Drop Item: Always is the default (and safe) option.
  14. Iven the Lunatic

    I just tested the new setup (Auto Loot All) but items do still land on the other box(es) that are not ML. As far as I get it, "Auto Loot All" does only affect the personal loot but I need an option to loot and give everything from the shared loot to the ML. Currently all items do get automatically auto-rolled. I need a feature to remove auto-roll.
  15. FranktheBank Augur

    just dont have filters on the boxes?
  16. Agrippa Augur

    @Iven: There may be something with the advanced loot tool that I'm unfamiliar with, but I haven't actually been able to get it (alone) to work for things like this. What I did get to work is found in the General Option tab (EQ button)/Confirmations (right side)/No Drop Item set to Always...for each character that wants to use that as an option.
  17. Iven the Lunatic

    How should that help ? I even deactivated the Advanced Loot Window for the secondary box but it didn't changed anything. If you have a solution please do post it here with all setup details for two boxes. ML and secondary box. Asking cryptic questions as answers is not helpfull.
  18. Randomized Augur

    Autoloot is set up for your personal setting (so whatever each of your characters have selected in adv loot setting). It still rolls against everyone who's marked Need for those items. Which is why the box toon is getting items still.

    Unselect all the need boxes on the character you don't want looting anything and it should go to the one character you want it to.

    Specific Lore items obviously won't work that way and will go to others if they've made a choice on that item (need/greed), or stay on the corpse if not.
    Iven likes this.
  19. FranktheBank Augur

    My main has ML. I have almost every item marked autoroll. The items I want to loot, I have marked Always Need. My boxes have almost no items with filters set. So when a Blue Diamond drops, it rolls, and my main is the only person that rolls on it, so he wins the roll. The item is assigned to him by the game, then I automatically loot it.

    If there is an item I need to give a box(like for a quest), I don't have it auto roll. I right click the item in the window, bring up the popup, assign to my box. As long as the item is not no-trade, its automatically looted by my box.
    Iven likes this.
  20. FranktheBank Augur



    My bard, Dancinfrank, has autoloot on for tradeable items.

    So you can see the timestamp of me assigning the two items matches the exact second of the box looting (and I assure you I am not that fast).

    The boxes basically never loot any other item, ever.

    If your boxes have filters, you can just un check this box (apply filters) and they will not roll on things.
    Iven likes this.