AB server error / shutdown - ETA on fix?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Kyzvs, Aug 8, 2017.

  1. Kyzvs Augur

    AB has just been shut down due to some kind of error - any details on what it is / ETA on it coming back up please?

    Nothing on your twitter feed or the forums...

  2. Siny Augur

    Yes, very unusual to have just 1 minutes notice of shutdown
  3. Kyzvs Augur

    Maybe they found a lag fix ;)
  4. usernamealreadyexist Journeyman

    ooooh no, plz dont fix the lag. its awesome! I can trade 500k to someone, then zone with trade window open. once i have zoned, we both have the 500k! Gonna try with kronos when server is back up again :)
    Kyzvs likes this.
  5. Kyzvs Augur

    An exploit? Gadzooks, lag insta-fix incoming!

  6. Kyzvs Augur

    AB back up now - thanks for all the communication :D

    Full disclosure - I helped design and implement 24/7 support for a large global corporation. I do know that it is fully possible to support a large web-enabled system with tens of throusands of global users 24/7 with small support teams and limited budgets. So if I appear overly judgemental, I do have some background that informs my view.
  7. Kyzvs Augur

    ^but I still can't spell thousands... :D
    usernamealreadyexist likes this.
  8. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    The difference between plat and kronos(I think) is that each krono has an ID-number, making it trivial for the server to detect duplicates, So I really doubt it would work for kronos.

    It almost sounds plausibel it would work for plat transactions though(if DBG were sloppy when they coded the trade window). A variant of that worked in WoW(with extreme luck, I could not replicate it)... Internal lagspikes in the server infrastructure, is probably a requirement for that exploit to be possible...

    I would advise against trying to exploit though, it will most likely end in a permanent ban...