AB down

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Ranpha, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. Ranpha Augur

  2. Ardin Elder

    awesome timing, ain't it?
  3. Genadine Elder

    For a change we find our Server on its back during Prime Time.
  4. LoudGuitar Journeyman

    Right when my named popped thanks for the warning.
  5. Thancra Loladin

    The numerous fixes and down to the server did wonders.
  6. Bathra New Member

    Why is AB down?
  7. Ashigaru Augur

    Truly remarkable - final mob in Pelzia's Plot (raid) at 23%, and the server crashes.

    Kinda makes you wonder at the increasing level of incompetence demonstrated by the people we pay.
    Ruinedmyownlands likes this.
  8. Zorasis Lorekeeper

    Nice job soe - you must take some pride in your work...
  9. Harmonisia Apprentice

    As sual, AB down during raid time ...
  10. Panien New Member

    /yawn here we go again.....
  11. Ardin Elder

    they are too busy with nerfing us, who cares about some server far far away.
    Ruinedmyownlands likes this.
  12. Jyve Augur

    Ok, who was Beam Kiting?
  13. Bathra New Member

    Got a rollback....aa and exp is gone