AA's not available to Gold Account

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Weeks, May 6, 2024.

  1. Weeks New Member


    I can not assigne AA's on any toon on this account. I have loaded it on different computers and the problem continues. I was advised by CS to report this as a bug. I searched for other such threads and found nothing. Please advise.

  2. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    What level are you? Did you Auto Grant? Can you screen shot and post your AA screen?
  3. Gialana Augur

    It's possible you're not high enough level for any new AAs or that you haven't earned enough AA points to purchase anything.

    In General, you'll want to select the Next Rank tab to look for the required level to purchase. The exception is the first rank of the line; if you currently have no ranks of an AA line, only available tab shows the level required.

    Have you tried pressing the Can Purchase button?
    CatsPaws likes this.
  4. fransisco Augur

    Some AA have an expasion requirement as well as a level requirement. Do you own all the expacs? It will say what expac the AA comes from. So it might be a lvl 85 AA, but require Ring of Scale (110) expac for example.
    Another thing about autogrant - it won't work if you have too many banked. You should get a message when you log in that says something like autogrant won't work until you spend more AA. After you spend down, you need to log out and back in. For high level characters, i think around 200 is the limit.
  5. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    I thought that might be the case too but since 27 expansions are free now and assuming he didn't buy the last 3 then he would have up to COV, so if it were an expansion issue it would be a higher one. If that is the case he can buy the low version of LS and that will fill in the other 3 expansions.

    Players can bank 2 or 3 x their level. Some say 3 x but I get messages to spend at 2 x.

    OP needs to fill in some blanks here. Like what level is he? On a tlp? How many AA shows on his screen etc. That was why I asked him to post a screen shot.

    Without more info were just shooting blanks. Just based on the info he posted it is likely a user error that one of us can solve for him if he would respond :)
  6. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

  7. fransisco Augur

    Indeed. Alot of these things aren't bugs, just lack of info
  8. Velisaris_MS Augur

    You can actively bank 2x. Once you hit that max, if you get autgranted AA (like from certain achievements), it will continue to go over that banked cap until you hit 3x.
    Alkerion likes this.
  9. fransisco Augur

    actually no. Autogrant will error and not give you anything until you spend down. You will see a message in red about this when you log in.
  10. 666DPSweDeliver Augur

    Velisaris is quite correct, you can get past the 2X limit on AA easily by gaining AA via achievements. Where you are getting crosswired is their choice of words ... autogrant. Since there is an actual feature in EQ that can be toggled in the AA window called autogrant, they perhaps chose the wrong words to describe what was happening. AA from achievements is probably better described as auto rewarded since you cant turn them off anymore.
    Alkerion likes this.
  11. Alkerion Lorekeeper

    He was correct just a little confusing on the wording by saying auto granting. What he meant was being rewarded AAs from achievements being the only way to move form the 2x to the 3x level. Which is correct. My main toon is at that point right now at 295 banked. That is below the 3x level so I cannot assign any earned experience to AAs it is forced to 100% to normal experience but since I am below the 3x level camping out and back in at 295 is not a problem.
  12. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Yeah, I meant "auto grant" in the sense that the achievemnt doesn't pop up a reward window to choose the AA reward...it just gives it to you whether you want it or not.
  13. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Auto grant does not work if you are at/above the soft AA Banked cap.