a returning confused player

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Esedes, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. Esedes New Member


    im a returning customer after stopping the game in 2004...i started playing 1998.
    i really like populated servers, so which server do you recommend for me to start over again?
    and do you think at high levels i will find a raiding party or everything is dead?
  2. Buktum Lorekeeper

    I think one of the progression servers are doing well for lower levels. Just check the population graph on the main everquest page to get an idea. As for end-game raiding, just about all servers have at least 1 raiding guild on them. The game is very old now so it's obviously not going to be as busy as it was in 2004. I still love it though.
  3. Fluid Augur

    Really a beta tester?
  4. Tegila Augur

    most of the populated servers have more liek 4-8 active raiding guilds. there's a page that shows you the active population at the time you look at it, of each server and can see who is the most heavily populated. there are several that fluctuate in the top spot. to start with you will want a family guild most likely as theres a lot of ground to cover from 2004 to current raiding. not to self-promote here but Bertox is often the most populated as well as other servers, and we have a very active casual/group/family community with lotta big "levelling" guilds including the one i'm in. Bertox also has raiding guilds of all levels (well not levels per say but skilllevels of theguilds, those that have completed all of the newest expansion as well as those struggling with earlier parts of it and not finishing before next one likely) and a very successful pickup raid group 2 days every weekend that is doing both current content and VoA content so everyone can go do what suits them.