Fixed Internally a crystal gargolye stuck in geometry

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Jaxxer, Apr 2, 2020.

  1. Jaxxer Journeyman

    Near the tower with Qabruh spawn in ToV Velk's, there is a crystal gargoyle that is targetable, but really hard to hit from almost any angle. I think his elevation is just a little too low so his target box is blocked by the geometry. If you catch him right as he spawns you can tag him, but once he sits he's stuck there for the most part. There is one on each side and the others don't behave this way. Location: -60.01, 153.23, 37.32 Makes it a pain to split this area as you basically have to aggro the ones inside to get that one to come, making it three at once instead of one at a time. From the outside of the tower I can stand on top of him with autoattack on without getting aggro from him or hitting him.

    Yinla likes this.
  2. Absor Developer

    He should be out of there for the next update.
  3. Jaxxer Journeyman

    Thanks for the quick response. I appreciate it.