87 Bard on FV, convince me to keep playing!

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Direth, Jun 12, 2016.

  1. Direth New Member


    Okay, so i have leveled 1-87 (leveled solo to 66 and got some PL help up to 85 and then slooooow soloing.) My question is: will the painful grind to endgame be worth it? What is endgame like, are there more groups going because the content is designed that way or is it solo content these days? (god i hope there are more groups, i cant find a group 99% of the time and im a BARD.)

    I certainly enjoy the game otherwise i wouldnt bother making this post but if i reach endgame and finding people to play with is equally hard as it is below 105 then i dont know if theres any reason to continue.
  2. Toni Xelphi of Bristlebane

    Not sure about that server, but it gets better if you get into a guild. I had little luck getting groups until I joined a guild (an active guild, not some random general chat recruitment guild). Now I get them when I want them, sometimes it may take 15 or so minutes.
  3. Fian Augur

    Being in a guild definitely helps. I think it also helps when you are 95+ to get a group, however there are things you can do right now to improve your chances to find a group:
    1. You really only need another player to have a group. Both of you pop a merc, and you can do the group content in the game (DH HA being the most popular). Don't wait for someone else to form a group - you form the group.
    2. Add people to /friend. People like to group with friends. Send them a tell when you are online and see if they want to do something.
    3. When you form a group, always invite others into the group. Don't use a merc on a group slot where a player could be used instead. Know how much you hate not finding a group? They do too! Show compassion and invite people into your group so they aren't twiddling their thumbs bored. Invite them even if they aren't an optimal fit for your group. EQ is more than just trying to form the optimal group for fastest exp gain, especially cause the least optimal setup is one where YOU don't have a group.
    4. Play your class well. If you find that those you group with before aren't eager to invite you in the future, that might be because they found that you were not playing your class well, or setting need on all of the gems. Be a good team member and people will seek you out when they form groups.