6 man group box setup?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Gurtu, Feb 10, 2018.

  1. Gurtu New Member

    Hey guys can you tell me if there is a better box than this for doing all group content in the game?

  2. Toomba Elder

    Hard to argue with that, maybe a wiz over one of the mages
  3. Lubianx Augur

    The only problem with that make up is you will encounter is a couple of RoS named in Teir 2 that have 100% spell reflect meaning that you will have to rely on the pet's DPS for those.
    Whulfgar likes this.
  4. Whulfgar Augur

    That is pretty close to what I box almost 90% of the time.

    Warrior - raider
    druid - alt TS geared
    shammy - alt TS geared
    chanter - alt TS geared
    Wizard - alt TS geared
    wizard - alt TS geared
    wizard - alt TS geared
  5. Tucoh Augur

    That setup is pretty good. I'd argue that Whulfgar's is better because of the wizards, though he's got 7 group members :D The question of "best" is hard to answer, because different group makeups excel in different situations.

    One good thing about getting a strong box group is that it's easy to level new characters via fellowship XP, and in RoS it's easy to gear them via tradeskill gear. So you aren't tied to a given group setup and can make changes later with much less effort than the initial leveling process. Because of this, you might want to even consider starting your group with a mage that can use their pet to tank and drag your group to 110 before you get serious about getting AAs and gear for your warrior, and then once your warrior takes over, switch the mage for another wizard.

    For example, I start each expansion with: war / brd / ber / sha / mag / cle, and after I do progression once I swap the cleric for a ranger and the mage for a beastlord. I do this because until I get the expansion's group gear, AA's, levels and spells, my warrior needs that cleric's massive healing and tanking buffs to survive difficult encounters that I'm leaning. The mage provides diversity in damage, because it can cast spells on mobs that need to be fought at range or have heavy damage shields.

    However, once I get geared, learn the encounters, get some AA's, I find that war / brd / ber / sha / bst / rng is not only much more fun to play, but dramatically increases the damage I do which increases how quickly I can farm mobs. There are also situations that arise that I need this group to beat, for example the Cactikii mission that I took out yesterday. I haven't heard of any group-geared teams doing that mission since they buffed it, much less boxed groups, and there's no way I could've done it without having the ability to select a basically perfect group makeup for it.

    One big choice, however, is whether you use caster or melee DPS. It's hard to recommend melee DPS to people, but that's what I use. There are upsides to melee DPS focus, including making use of the warrior's high DPS when they have good ADPS support and being able to rely on healing from heal Target of Target procs. But the big downside is that you'll spend a lot of your attention keeping your mobs positioned and your party organized.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  6. Metanis Bad Company

    Enchanter (raid equipped)
    Cleric (raid equipped)

    Works for us although mage dps sucks in VP with all the fire resistant mobs. Thank goodness for chanter and shaman dots!!