59 Druid back since LDoN

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Mike_Crow, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. Mike_Crow New Member

    Hi all! My first post here. I logged on for the first time since before GoD was released, and excited to start again. I'm a level 59 Druid with Elysian armor and have no idea where to go to level. Are there any relevant leveling guides out there? It seems easy to stumble upon old data :)

  2. Arliss New Member

    First hire a tank merc. If you are gold get a journeyman merc, if silver get an apprentice 5 tank merc. Then for free equipment you could start with the heros journey quest line. If you started in Cresent reach everything would be a walk in the park for you untill you finished Blightfire Moors, you could also do the Stonehive series. This would give you mostly a mix of defiant equavalent simple to ornate in every slot. In POK go the the tutorial person and do the quest Bazaar tricks of the trade for a 10 slot bag. In Sunrise Hills, (housing off of the guild lobby) talk to the parcel merchant for a quest for a 20 slot bag. Hope that gets you started with the epuipment side. No experience tho but should get you back into playing again.
    Borek-VS and Mike_Crow like this.
  3. Mike_Crow New Member

    Thanks Arliss, baby steps right?
  4. Geroblue Augur

    Almars and Borek have a web sites. Just look for their posts in here, they have links in their signatures.
  5. Sangcreux Journeyman

  6. Borek-VS Augur

    Good suggestions from Arliss.

    You can upgrade your gear in the Bazaar very easily, just look for Elaborate Defiant. You can continue soloing wherever you did it before, or take your shiny new tank merc along and go to anywhere you went with a group, before (not LDoN, unless you have one more group member). Good spots around your level: Grieg's End is great, the Hole (at the temple) is good, and you'll surprise yourself with how well you can do in Bastion of Thunder. Droga has some decent experience for you too, if you remember it fondly at all.

    Really, any of the pre-LDoN zones that you can enter will be a walk in the park; the only newer zones worth a look just yet are the ones from The Serpents Spine, which means Goru'kar Mesa and Blackfeather Roost for the present.
    Mike_Crow likes this.
  7. moogs Augur

    There's a whole team of druids on Xegony that would love to help out if you get stuck. Try to see if you can track one down.

    Welcome back. Stay a while.
    Mike_Crow likes this.