4 months after release, what's your highest persona?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Tuco, Apr 1, 2024.

  1. JetZeppelin2h Augur

    Why do you think they should unlock shares?

    Lets think about this for a section. All items for persona are shared that means if I have 14 peronas and lockouts were not shared I could run 28 LS missions in 1 hour which normally requires what 5 or 6 hour lockouts per run. That means 28 chest to get loot in 1 hour by just swapping toons (yes I do realize this would take more than 1 hour to run 28 missions along with running back to PoT to swap classes).

    Why do you think they should give you 28 chance before any lockouts to get a chase loot on your toon (or any other loot T2/T3 etc from LS)?

    Achievements are once per persona as well so it doesn't matter which persona you do the achievement on although the exp reward only goes to 1 of the personas. We know there is a leveling issue but getting rid of lockouts for missions isn't a good way to do this because it would floor the game with way to much loot. So if you have 14 persona pick the toon that helps the group the most and all the other personas on your account can use the loot or achievements.
    fransisco likes this.
  2. Razorfall Augur

    For those that have made personas, has your raid lag gotten worse? How about loading/zoning times?
  3. fransisco Augur

    I think lag is more due to time/day of week, and time of year. There are more people playing now than in august for example, and raids are regularily happening cause not everything is farmed out yet. Raid nights make everything bog down, even if you are not in a raid.
  4. Alnitak Augur

    Try it. Personas are fun. In a couple of hours Yesterday I've leveled up new personas to lvl 37 (thanx Bonus time).
    And my personas wore the same lvl 125 gear as the master class (i.e. all the gear is "yellow" and non-functioning) and the only buffs the personas had were Jann's Veil, mount and familiar. Their own buffs from inventory clickies.
    That alone (with TBL food/drink) made my level 2 personas at 8K+ HME. And all those uber mercenary AA's made the level 2 mercs immortal.
    I didn't PL personas, I just played those. It was fun to whack multiple lvl 20 skellies at once while playing lvl 5 ranger.

    On a side note - lockout timers will not be problems. In preparation for lvl 95 personas my lvl 125 master classes do Corrupted Temple of Veeshan expedition and accumulate lvl 95+ raid gear and occasional rk3 spells. Personas past 95 will be real fun - they can actually group with 125 and will be raid-geared at that time.
    fransisco likes this.
  5. Sissruukk Rogue One

    1. What's your highest persona? 51
    2. Roughly how many hours did it take to get to that level? 447,056.451
    3. Did you use a heroic character for them? No
    4. What % of your leveling came from overseer? 35.3%
    5. If leveling personas at the 115+ levels was easier, would you be more likely to use personas? I'm not sure I'll live that long.
    6. If you could switch personas in any zone, would you be more likely to use personas? I can have a choice?
  6. Belexes ForumQuester

    Reading this thread is the most I have done concerning the subject.

    No or none are my answers to Tuco's questions on the subject.

    I have 2 accounts with high level toons strategically placed on both accounts.

    I have no desire to delve further in this. Not practical or desirable. I have alts. :) Why create a persona for something I have already leveled and gotten gear and achievements for? :confused: o_O
    I_Love_My_Bandwidth and drak12 like this.
  7. Kalamos Augur

    No to both for me personally.
  8. Kalamos Augur

    Maybe it's a personal thing. As I mentioned earlier in this thread, I made a Cleric Persona on my Shaman account, and have now leveled it to 125. Being able to share and use all of my Shaman's gear and augs with the exception of the 8 visible armor slots (and type 3s of course) is really nice. Already having a familiar clicky, Jann's Veil, other utility clicks, mounts, Megadeath bonuses, maxed Overseers, etc is really nice.

    Do I need both healers? No, certainly not. But I find it cool that now I'll be able to pick between either depending on the situation, what is more needed or what I feel like on any given day, and I didn't have to put as much work into acquiring gear, clicks and achieves like I would on an Alt account.
  9. JetZeppelin2h Augur

    Crazy man I didn't even know the game existed for that many years. What was EQ like in the 70s?
    Sissruukk likes this.
  10. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    Lockouts are bad for the game, especially one with a minimal population that requires grouping. It’s something a mobile game would use. Well probably see them sell a perk tier or item in the shop to reduce/reset lockout timers in the future.

    Hail the mission NPC, get pop-up asking you if you’d like buy an item to refresh your lockout something like Scroll of Reduction.
  11. JetZeppelin2h Augur

    It comes more down to the loot lockout. I think I would be cool with adding a loot lockout that still allows you to run the mission and but you can't loot an item if you have the lockout. That will help people run more missions for people with the lower population but once you do 1 mission you can no longer loot the drops until 5 hours is up.

    The main problem is if they were to let you loot drops every time it would allow people to be done with the expansions the week it comes out. Given they could change it so only 1 item drops but that still doesn't fix the problem with being done in a week.
  12. Marton Augur

    I can barely handle my Main's inventory now.

    Can't imagine acquiring a persona and dealing with the gear/augs.
  13. JetZeppelin2h Augur

    I hate augs personally. They were not as bad when it was just 1 but now I have 3+ slots on like 5 pieces of gear. I hated the second pokemon because of the augments. I prefer the game to be more simple for stats so I am not having to pull out a spreadsheet to calculate if it is an upgrade or not. Leave the thinking / skill for playing the game not sitting in pok trying to configure everything.
  14. Svann2 The Magnificent

    I started to try this today but realized it would be a nightmare of inventory management. My bags are a mess as it is and having gear swaps would make it worse and also risk losing gear. Would be nice if there was a persona gear keyring or maybe extra tabs like we have for merc gear so it wouldnt have to dump into the bags.
  15. Alnitak Augur

    Stop, take a deep breath, relax and let it flow as it wants.
    I.e. when you swap personas it saves and recalls (if you checked the boxes) the gear to and from the bags. I let the new personas wear the original high level gear. It is "yellow" and is not performing, but it frees me from inventory management. Eventually, as the persona progresses I pick up items here and there and equip them. When personas swap it reequips your original set and drop the persona's gear into the bags. Just have some free space in your bags to stash it.
    And forget your inventory-management ocd (if you have it), inventory will be disorganized for a while.
  16. Marton Augur

    Good for you if you have free space in your inventory.

    No thanks. I prefer having an alt with his own inventory that is organized (and 3 houses too).
  17. Alnitak Augur

    What's up with people wanting houses? Real Estate markes is crushing.
    What do people keep in those 3 houses besides trophies? Long forgotter memories or the lost innocence?
  18. Sissruukk Rogue One

    Depends, really. If you are in a guild, it could be for
    • collectibles
    • TS mats
    • T1 group gear
    • T2 spells
    On a personal level, I had more than one just for TS mats. And many people use alts with houses to separate those mats out by type (baking, smithing, brewing, etc.). I've also had houses open to the guild with AP TS mats.
  19. Marton Augur

    If there were some reasonable systems to store collectibles, trade skill materials, spell runes, and gear, people would not have to keep 20+ houses full of items.
  20. Bilderov Augur

    This man speaks the truth.

    • Have a single character that wants to do the Artisan task - that's all TS to lvl 350 - a massive amount of tradeskill items.
    • Have that character start to pick up collectibles for the exp and items - a massive amount of collectible items.
    • Have that character struggle to do group content so you roll 2 more box accounts to help.
    • Then realise you need TS items and collectible items for those as well.
    Sissruukk likes this.