3 Box Mage-Ench-Druid looking for guild on Mangler

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by ThirdEyeBox, Feb 24, 2019.

  1. ThirdEyeBox New Member

    I plan to level up a 3 box with a Mage-Ench-Druid on Mangler and am looking for a raiding guild. I am available in the PM in est any day and I have ~18 years of off/on raid experience. I realize it's early but I want to get "an app" out there because I have joined raiding guilds on the last two progression servers I played that fizzled...my one rule with guilds in all 20 years of Everquest is that once I join a guild I stay and die or thrive with the guild.

    So if there are any guilds looking for a 3 box let me know... as of now I would call my Mage or Ench the main and I can always switch to 3 mage/wiz nukers or something for raid purposes!