2nd Account BANNED

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Deadlytoyz, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. Deadlytoyz New Member

    I started a new account (2nd account) and have 2 level 2 characters on it. The account was banned with no explanation given. I just started it. I've had no contact with anyone in game and use NO 3rd party software. I opened a ticket and as of yet have heard nothing from anyone there. This started last Friday 9/18/15.

    The user name is on the ticket

    Please fix this problem.

    Thank you
  2. Deadlytoyz New Member

    There is the ticket that has yet to be addressed

    Account Banned
    Updated BY Customer
  3. lockjaws Augur

    Are you using any sort of VMware software? That for some reason triggers 3rd party program usage, whereas illegal 3rd party programs don't, heh.
  4. Deadlytoyz New Member

    I don't know what VM software is. I don't use cheats or any software other than what is DL'd from my game installer.

    Besides, my main account wasn't banned.