2 days left on 2x spawns and a 9hr patch

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by songweaver, Oct 19, 2016.

  1. songweaver New Member

    Nice, DBG the 2x spawn rate and 2x faction ends tomorrow yet today you pull the servers down for a NINE HOUR patch, i mean seriously. What a waste of time.
  2. Nightmares Augur

    Love the double faction, but many are reporting the 2x spawn rate seems to either be not working, or in some rare cases the named have actually become even more rare.
    It is kind of a bother and annoyance that there is this 9 hour patch though, eating away at our time for this. However it's not like we were not expecting it, they do a game patch every month around this time. It's almost clockwork ( but the gnomes could fix that clockwork a little better, seems to speed up or slow down from time to time).
    What I am really hoping for are fixes to all the Reward Previews, inspects, Achievements, Marketplace item graphic glitches.
    I know some of it was addressed in the patch, as the notes came out last night, but I am worried that 5+ weapon ornamentation in Marketplace will all still look like the Fish swords, or 5+ shields all look the same, or the robes, etc. I would love to see the actual items, so I know if I want to buy them or not. Let's face it, You're not gonna buy a new ornament without first being able to see what it really is. They'd have TONS of petitions to refund items /cash if the actual sucked when they came out. And all those tickets would be legitimate(so TONS of extra work, time and money down the drain for them).
  3. SonOfABiscuit Augur

    Agreed. I understand that maintenance, patches, and downtime are a part of every MMORPG, but the timing on this particular patch is suspect.
  4. Ghostinthemachine Elder

    How does downtime affect krono time? I have 2 days left am I losing 9(if we're lucky and it comes up smooth) of them now or is the timer suspended?
  5. Elizabeta Augur

    Don't forget the lost weekend because of the massive crash-inducing lag or the locked-but-not-locked servers.
  6. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Considering the 2 x faction started on Oct 7th and this is the 19th. Not sure what factioning there is still in the game that would upset folks for losing 9 hours out of two weeks. My crew is working on Dranicks scar so can get the clicky breastplates.

    If your paying top price for monthly = $14.99 divided by 31 days in October = .48 cents a day divide by 24 hours in a day = .02 per hour. So .02 x 9 hours = .18 cents. Not even a full penny. Not being snide or sarcastic just really bored with the long patch :D
  7. Ghubuk Augur

    If you're going to be snide at least give him his full 18 cents...not .18 of a cent.........:)
  8. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    LOL, really? It's Wednesday. Downtime (Scheduled) is always on Wednesday.

    I swear, some people just LIVE to complain.
  9. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    It is obvious the servers needed some work with all the problems occurring especially on the weekends and it had to happen sometime. And Wed is the usual time for such things. So as much as people could plan/expect server down times doing it now made sense.

    But I am going to guess the double spawn part bothers them more then the double faction..

    I do think we have to be careful about constantly bringing up the cost of downtime compared to the whole year of the server being up. Instead I would just argue that the amount of downtime overall is not super significant.

    But it is fair to say most players dont play 24/7 x 365 so for some this could be a more significant part of their play time and is fair to respect that.

    And the OP isnt complaing about being ripped off financially but about losing 9 hours out of two weeks. And it would be 9 hours out of their play time during the two weeks not 9 hours out of 336 hours. If they play 5 hours a day and this is their time slot it would be more realistic to say they are upset about losing 5 hours out of 70 hours of bonus spawns (and double faction). If you add in the server instability time we have been experiencing I wouldn't say it would be out of line to add a day to the bonus time but there might not be a day available to add in depending on what else they have planned up until the new expansion comes out.

    And to be fair I am generally one of the people reminding people that the game is up most of the time. But I also think it is important to see both sides of these things.
    Nightmares likes this.
  10. Tvarian Augur

    So I lost 9 hours of EQ playtime today, which I'll never get back. Of course, I'm working during those hours, so I'm losing the same 9 hours 5 days a week! DBG needs to do something about my work schedule so that I won't miss any EQ time at all. If the servers are gonna be all wonky on the weekends, then I want to work weekends and have all week off to play, except on patch days, and of course I want to be paid the same salary each week.

    I wonder if DBG is hiring...

    /sarcasm off

    I'm hoping that the patch will clear up the zoning and graphics issues. I know I haven't spent much time at all in game lately because I just got tired of the problems.
    Tatanka likes this.
  11. SonOfABiscuit Augur

    I'm complaining because they chose this Wednesday instead of any other day outside of the increased named/faction time frame... it's called reading comprehension, genius.
  12. Cicelee Augur

    And if they have it next Wednesday, people are going to whine and cry that they lost nine hours from 2x experience or whatever is next.

    You have had two weeks to get your hunter achievements or factioning done quicker than normal. Sorry you failed at your goals. I was able to complete mine because I started early and did not wait till the last second.
    Tatanka likes this.
  13. SonOfABiscuit Augur

    Thanks for your condolences, but I don't see how anything you said invalidates my point. Again, reading comprehension is important, troll.
  14. Cicelee Augur

    Fine, I will bite.

    What is your point?

    ps- Maybe the failure is not reading comprehension. Maybe the failure is effective communication. Just saying.
    Tatanka likes this.
  15. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Well yes and no. You and I have no idea of other people's RL schedules. They may or may not have had all that time. RL kept me out of the game for Monday and Tuesday and will today most likely so the downtime today doesn't affect me but I am just saying lets not blame people because they didn't start early and failed a their goals. Some are content about how much they were able to take advantage of the double spawn/faction time and others are not...no right or wrong in that.

    I think we can talk about the relative pain some seem to be feeling about the down time without getting snippy about it.

    I do get that there seems to be constant complaining about down time but its not as if it is the same person doing it every time.
    Nightmares likes this.
  16. daranged Lorekeeper

    I think we should be happy they gave us 2 WEEKS instead of just the usual weekend thing :)
    Tatanka likes this.
  17. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Well they didnt do two weeks for no reason. They are trying to get more people playing and into EQ as we get closer to the expansion launch in the hopes it will spur expansion sales. I don't think it was some spontaneous "lets reward the players" type of thing.

    I suspect they really hate having to take the servers down while they are trying to generate more woo hoo feeling about eq though.
    Nightmares likes this.
  18. Catashe Augur

    Swear you can't make anyone happy that plays this game... They give ya 2 weeks of this stuff which is whatever since its just double faction double rares but you are complaining cause they are patching their game like they do EVERY month around this time? Give me a break
    Tatanka likes this.
  19. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Oh, we comprehend fine. We just don't agree.
  20. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    I am happy with this game, no complaints!:D Love it! Lasts longer than going to see a movie (which I can stream anyway), no hangover from drinking at the bars all night (and I have more money), didn't break that leg skiing down Everfrost hills and don't catch any diseases from people I meet. Bonus's are just that bonus's. You don't go to the boss when he gives you a bonus and say "hey, give me more money on this free bonus you gave me for no reason"
    Nightmares and Tatanka like this.