2 box for dungeon crawling?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by select21, Nov 17, 2018.

  1. select21 Journeyman

    Is this possible to do while I level? If so, what classes/mercs would work for this? I know I could come back at max level and destroy everything, but that wouldn't be as fun imo.
  2. Tucoh Augur

    Ideal 2boxes vary based on level, as in, a powerful combo at level 20 may be only moderately strong at level 80. However pretty much any sensible combination will do just fine through the entire game.

    If you specified a character you wanted to play, we could recommend a good pairing for it.
  3. select21 Journeyman

    I'm not really set on a class to play atm. I'm honestly torn between which classes to play. I think it would be fun to have any one of 7 or 8 classes at max level to be honest, but I have to start somewhere. Since I'm starting completely fresh, it would have to be classes that wouldn't need any twink gear.
  4. Zamiam Augur

    Mage, bard
    BST , Ench
    SK , Shaman

    my 2 cents
  5. select21 Journeyman

    Ok cool. I figured the SK/Sham was a good duo for general exp grinding, but wasn't sure how well any of the 2 box options would work for dungeons.
  6. Zamiam Augur

    all three setups i mentioned above are all good for dungeons ..

    Mage + Bard - mage pet can tank pretty much anything group content ( there are a few exceptions to that) mage has CotH and dps : Bard has CC in a pinch via mez or charm . ADPS and is an awesome puller cant leave out selo's and tracking ftw..

    Bst + Ench - Bst pet can tank while also Dpsing along side pet ,slow, haste, para and Fpara (still dont know why BST's dont have tracking ability i mean they are Animalists) sow, and can off tank if need be with swarm : Ench CC , runes, Aura's ADPS and pet tankage if need be .. (yes ive seen Ench pets tank Current named mobs and win )

    SK + Sham - SK Great tank .. AE abilities , Epic, FD (for pulling) HA also , snare, Taps, I'm sure im missing a few things .. harm touch leach .. : Shaman ADPS , healing, slow, haste , buffs, partial CC with root and push root ( forgot name) but SK can pretty much tank multiples so prolly not necessary to CC much .. sow, panther, lion line, HoT's, Epic, pet

    all three setups can use healer dps mercs .. the SK shaman can prolly get away with 2 dps mercs..
  7. shimmer New Member

    I don't necessarily disagree with the above suggestions but I would be a bit careful if picking an SK if you are concerned about gear.
    I suppose it depends on how literal you are when you say 'it would have to be classes that wouldn't need any twink gear'. Technically you don't NEED twink gear with an SK but it would make a big difference in effectiveness and they do require the best gear you can get from grouping or raiding or buying to be able to effectively tank.
    I don't post much but I've noted before that while I love playing my SK, they are VERY gear dependent. My SK gets all the gear drops and augs first while (and since) my enchanter is effective in gear from 3+ expansions ago.
    On that note: SK, Enchanter is a great duo!
  8. select21 Journeyman

    Thanks for the replies.

    I've heard so many great things about Bards and Enchanters and their CC abilities. I've been a Tank in MMO's for years, even in guilds that were pushing server firsts and such. As odd as it may sound, playing a Crowd control class scares me. I don't know why lol. I need to just make one and learn it. I had made a Bst/Clr box for fun while I get to know the game again, but their only lvl23. I might swap the Cleric for an Enchanter just to try it out.

    Out of the groups listed, I would probably lean more towards a pet class instead of the SK, only for gearing reasons at this point. I would love to roll an SK in the future though.
  9. Rizzin Elder

    I've boxed a Necro and Ench through 110. I can do pretty much all group content (including dungeons) except where it requires more DPS than I can dish out. If it can be mezzed/lulled I can go around anything. If it can't and there is a bit of room, I can split the pull with the Necro.
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