15th player made missions

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by blood & gufts, Apr 17, 2014.

  1. Edrick Augur

    Is this the makings of another 35 page Stonewood Bow Stave like thread?
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  2. Shimmerleaf Augur

    That would depend on how often Edrick posts
  3. Riou EQResource

    This wouldn't surprise me in its current state once live :p (Though of course it will have pre-farm list, to counter half of the pain ;) )
  4. Falos Augur

    You know what else had a pre-farm list? Plane of Earth :p
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  5. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    And Plane if Earth is still camped to death, so more knowing about it the week before would have done nothing to help, being as plane of war has been out a couple of weeks now.

    This content is in for a limited period of time, everything should either be in an instance or easy to obtain. If it isn't then it should be in permanently.
  6. Zantor Augur

    I don't think people mind a time sink, as long as the reward is worth it, but lately it seems SoE wants us to put a huge time sink into something that is a minimal reward. From what I am hearing, tons of work and over a hundred hours of playing for a 30 slot bag? 2.0's not require that much and then were a much better upgrade. If SoE wants us to put in a huge time sink, make it for some worthwhile augs, like some of the RoF rewards and have a few selections for the augs we want out of it. Really good augs is what a lot will put tons of time into, only reason I am doing PoWar atm is the 50ac aug. People like a time sink, as long as the reward is worth it.
  7. Riou EQResource

    There is a pretty big EXP issue (maybe exploit?) in one of them, where you can get 100 AA in like 18 seconds pretty easily :p with being able to spawn as many mobs as you want as fast or slow as you want. They have small HP so can be riposte disc killed easily by any Melee. They should really have their EXP reduced, or cap the spawns to how many are required.
  8. blood & gufts Augur

    Could well be even worse due to time limit and that there 3 zones were you need to get those..

    So afraid that for most people,this will be: do it 1 time.
  9. Riou EQResource

    Yea, I don't get how a level 65 requesting that task can kill in DSK, Erudin Library or The Library either :p, they are all supposed to scale to 65s, but that one doesn't