Issues with Instance Areas

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Virrago, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. Bumamgar Journeyman

    Still having issues with instances. Cannot request Tacvi. This is a serious issue for raiding, we need an update from someone as it's been 8 hours since you've been 'looking into it'.
  2. Tegila Augur

    AB is housed on the other side of hte world
  3. Wizardling Lorekeeper

    Raid instances down on Fippy Darkpaw this evening :-(
  4. Raizar New Member

    Cannot enter Mardunk's last stand for J5 merc quest.
  5. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Now we couldn't get an event (Xorbb3) to reset, we're trying to request another and have 18+ people spamming the event opening text.

    Hardware guys, you're worthless and need to be replaced. As well as anyone who decided to release every instanced mission + add new ones and not consider the server load.
  6. Langya Augur

    AB is hosted on another continent =P
  7. moogs Augur

    It's not the end of the world. There are other things to do on a Saturday evening.

    However, we will expect to see the anniversary events extended as compensation.
  8. Tegila Augur

    i woudlnt be surprised if this had soemthign to do with the fact taht the epic ornament quests each create several instanced zones per solo task, not even 1 for 6 people but more like 6 for 1 person. the toher tasks will strain things with anniversary missions but not enough to cause this like this..they kinda quadrupled the workload by having these tasks port you from one zone to another to another to another
  9. Mostlee New Member

    Povar has issues too, although I was able to enter my guild hall earlier today, once. Naturally, useful things like anchors and possessions are in the guild hall and houses.
  10. Warpiggs Augur

    We were able to get ntov tonight after about 35 minutes of people spamming enter. Once we got the instance it never crashed. This needs fixed asap.
    Fenthen likes this.
  11. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    While you are correct, Saturday is also our guild's biggest raid night. As such, very little was accomplished and several hundred man-hours were laid to waste over Sony's incompetence.
  12. Concerned Druid New Member

    This is a great idea from Somoa!!
  13. Modef Lorekeeper

    "What da word?.....I said, "Johannesburg!"
  14. Ormus Elder

    They working now, was able to zone in with no issues
  15. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    "working" as in people are using less instances at this hour, or "working" as in it is now completely resolved and will not occur again?
    Sinestra likes this.
  16. Crystilla Augur

    We've done 2 instances so far (xorbb and Chapterhouse) and both times the first time we said 'ready' we were able to zone in. No more 'the way is blocked' messages.

    Only an actual dev could answer your question though, not a player.
  17. Belkar_OotS Augur

    I am still having issues with the "Big Gnomes" instance. Keeps freezing, and then instance resets by the time the group can enter again.
  18. Baeddon Elder

    Queen Malarian raid won't work even after you took the two events offline.
  19. Geroblue Augur

    I was able to get into my guild hall Sunday at noon. Thanks ! Woohooo !
  20. Leerah Augur

    Just want to point out that Mostlee is not one of my toons. I kept our guild hall open all weekend.
  21. Sinestra Augur

    You let someone use a "Lee" name before you could get to it? I'm disappointed! I actually get a kick out of seeing all the "Lees" on Povar.
    Leerah likes this.