Suggesting on how to handle transferring off of FV server

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Venuhm, Apr 20, 2024.

  1. Nennius Curmudgeon

    If you have close friends please ask them to slap you. Not so hard so as to induce serious trauma but hard enough so you will withdraw this idea. I don't play on FV. I don't want to play on FV and the thought your idea ever becoming a reality makes me hope that I can fall into a deep coma and wake up to a world where The Matrix has become a reality.

    Now back to enjoying my new super modem.
    Corwyhn Lionheart and fransisco like this.
  2. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    Weirdly aggressive take. Free-trade is more to the spirit of original EQ.
  3. Nennius Curmudgeon

    I'm not sure most would agree with you. I meant no real insult and i hope none was taken. That having been said, I think it would be a very bad idea. It would bring about another terrible krono rush. Anyway, I will crawl back into my cave.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  4. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Considering how many expansions had mostly no drop items versus none or limited number of no drop Items I would question that.
    Corwyhn Lionheart and fransisco like this.
  5. kizant Augur

    There's basically zero reason to even have a bazaar without free trade.
  6. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Apology offered.
  7. Bigstomp Augur

    I've sold millions worth of stuff in the bazaar this expansion. I'm sure many others have sold far far more. There is plenty of sellable stuff while having the "best" stuff still require you to leave the pok.
    fransisco likes this.
  8. kizant Augur

    Sure there's always crazy people to sell junk to but I miss the days when you could get useful gear using the bazaar. I'm also not really interested in collecting junk just to sell it to people. I only need enough plat to buy some spells and type 3s every so often.
  9. Bilderov Augur

    I wish DBG would have used some technical godliness to bring back the EC tunnel bazaar for the 25th Anniversary. Maybe have a free gate to it, move all of the traders there and have them randomly shout out one of their wares every couple of minutes :p
    kizant likes this.
  10. smash Augur

    If that should be allowed, it would also have to be NAKED to FV.

    Because otherwise, get equip on normal server, transfer to FV, sell equipment. Transfer back again.

    otherwise it would be a bonanza for earning
  11. JetZeppelin2h Augur

    Isn't that the point of FV? You can transfer all your no drop items and sell them there?

    They should just get rid of no drop items and make all no drop items attunable then they could just get rid of FV server.
    Fenthen likes this.
  12. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Is that really a concern when you can already earn all of that equipment on FV already? If someone is going to be looking to sell gear on the server they are going to want to stay on the server as it would cost 5000 DBC (4500 with member discount) in order to transfer to FV and back to their normal server. That is going to make a major cut into any profit that they would be getting from the sales.
  13. fransisco Augur

    This would be actievely bad for FV. That giant permanant exp bonus? You'll get hoards of accounts being transfered there to PL toons and transfer them back afterwards.
    All run by the r.m.t. people no one wants on their servers to begin with
    Rijacki likes this.
  14. fransisco Augur

    What the original devs intended a quarter century ago is meaningless, that was 25 years ago. The spirit of eq is what players today want. I really don't care what the old devs wanted, I want what will keep the game alive and thriving today.
    Rijacki likes this.
  15. fransisco Augur

    Umm what? Last I checked the bazaar on bertox was functioning perfectly fine - on a server with no drop items.
    You might not be aware, but not every character is 125 in bis raid gear.

    Insulting people by saying they must be a crazy person because they want something in the bazaar? I thought you understood this game better than that. Aren't you supposed to be the community person for wizards? Yet you cannot comprehend a player who isn't in a top tier raiding guild?
    Rijacki likes this.
  16. kizant Augur

    I never said anything about raid gear. What I call junk are collections, ornaments, tradeskill items, bags, etc. Stuff that doesn't make group or raid players better at killing mobs. Just let T3 gear and type 5, 7 and 18 augs be tradeable. Plus useful clickies like bifold. Raid gear too obviously but that's not what I was focusing on.
  17. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    Except the 25 year old version is more popular the current version.
    Fenthen likes this.
  18. Tuco Augur

    Hey those collections aren't junk! Bazaaring collections in the first few weeks of each expansion release pays for all my boxes kronos!
  19. fransisco Augur

    Is it? TLP is about as original as Larions song is. TLPs are a disney land ride through the past. If people care about the original design, why aren't they railing against maps, no corpse runs, bodies not rotting, HUGELY increased exp gain, incredibly OP player abilities, yellow mana abilities, the list goes on.
    there is nothing original about tlp, and thats good. The original game was garbage in comparison.
    Rijacki likes this.
  20. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    And yet all the bazaars on other servers are doing great.... strange.
    Rijacki likes this.