Mage summoned pet weapon Blade of Walnan not procing

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Search and Rescue, Apr 11, 2024.

  1. Search and Rescue Journeyman

    I am playing a lvl 61 mage on Oakwynd, (not this account I'm posting from, pm me for character name)

    I bought the spell at lvl 61, just started using on lvl 61 warder of xegony air pet.

    Zero weapon procs confirmed by entire group chat windows, and parser.

    Pet procs self air stun only, nothing else.

    Also tested on 1 class down greater vocerate water pet, (cons lvl 48) same results, zero weapon procs, self water proc only, weapons do not work.

    Yes I logged off and on and summoned new pets and tried everything else including asking in game and others claim theirs procs the 270dd proc all the time, mine does not.

    Please advise and fix asap, this is unacceptable based on how much I had to pay to even get this spell which is now utterly useless to me and lowering my dps and affecting my ability to play.
    Pumped and Pantsonfire like this.
  2. Beco Lorekeeper

  3. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    OP is on Oakwynd, and that thread is primarily about lag from live server raids as it relates to pet damage. I don't believe Oakwynd players experience the levels of lag that result in procs resulting in a net DPS loss.

    Edit: Re-reading through the thread I see Sancus' position that proc weapons are also a net dps loss in group content. Again I'm not sure if that would be true on a TLP server that is prior to HoT and some of the later additions that start to bloat down the game's performance and doubt he cares enough to parse it for us. :D Someone in that thread also mentioned pet weapons not proccing on the Test server OP but if other people on Oakwynd aren't having the issue I'm not sure what to tell you.