No FTE so top end guilds can DPS race?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ysu9, Apr 14, 2024.

  1. SnapVine Augur

    we don't officially know why its not moving forward, which is the point of this thread, right? because they don't communicate
    Search and Rescue likes this.
  2. Numiko Augur

    No need for open world stuff or splitting on a random loot server, you will be swimming in gear after a few weeks. I feel sorry for the officers in charge of handing it out it gets so bad with 10-15 items dropping each kill.

    I can remember on Mischief people wandering up and down the beach in South Ro asking "anyone want some planer armour? its Free!"
    OldTimeEQ1 and Demetri like this.
  3. Tachyon Augur

    my point, i use to be big on tracking raiding guilds on server forums i ran... don't even know guild progress any more... i don't think very many care who killed quarm first... the old big roadblocks, Coirnav and the Rathe Council are trivial for casual guilds now... we cleared time first try on oakwynd... not the first on server i'm sure but close enough... i was wearing mostly loam gear on my necro and didn't die once

    today it's not a challenge, it's how much free time you have to raid
    Demetri and SnapVine like this.
  4. SnapVine Augur

    you made me realize that the amount I want there to be FTE is tiny compared to the amount FTE haters DON'T want there to be FTE. I won't feel "lucky" if they bring it back, i'll still play like a normal person with or without it.

    I guess the issue is that toxic people have a much harder time when FTE is preventing them from playing how they want to play.
    Demetri and Search and Rescue like this.
  5. Psalmz Elder

    Nope, not at all.

    There are though, people who move in front of other's pulls and sit so they can petition, weaponizing customer service to take over hunting areas. It was the petiton load that DPG wanted to reduce.
  6. AzzlannOG Elder

    Yeah that is true for sure, its nothing like it used to be. I just dont think the struggle is entirely dead.
  7. Kahna Augur

    It is. My guild on Mischief only really struggled on Underfoot, which is notorious for being difficult. Beyond that everything was a cake walk for them.
  8. AzzlannOG Elder

    I was referring to the struggle between different guilds. Yes there is not much difficulty for people completing raids now.
  9. Kahna Augur

    Oh, yeah, that isn't a thing and hasn't been since Ragefire.
  10. Demetri Augur

    It's easy to translate it's abandonment for the next set of TLPs while adjusting the PBAE mechanics (as well as dev statements about trying to nuke illegal 3rd party programs again) that it almost certainly was meant to address the toxic AE PLer types.
    Numiko likes this.
  11. Celatusp99 Augur

    FTE failed that though there were just tons of new ways to grief with FTE.
  12. Muramx Augur

    I feel like the people that keep saying "it never happens to me." In regards to trains or KSing. Are the same people that foam at the mouth and say "DpS rAcE!" While their 12 boxes steal a named from a solo or duo. Yeah it doesn't happen to you because you're probably the one doing it.

    In early EQ, Varant and SoE smashed it. If you were a repeat offender good luck finding a guild much less a group. People would try to name change or server transfer because they ruined their name. There was even a website for awhile that tracked these people. Somewhere between that and now, a group of entitled players showed up.
    Demetri likes this.
  13. Tachyon Augur

    debatable i've played since day one, if you were a reliable raider many things were overlooked
    Kraked likes this.
  14. SnapVine Augur

    true! but eventually they might stop overlooking it and kick you out of the guild, even if you're an officer!
    Demetri likes this.
  15. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    Please stay on Oakwynd, the only server - as of now - with FTE.

    FTE is irrelevant to the upcoming TLPs, as they don't have FTE (I know this is a very complex point to grasp, so underlining relevant parts!).

    Those who love FTE will stay on Oakwynd. Those who want FTE on upcoming TLPs (refer previous underlined stuff to recap) can start a thread on it and request DPG for it.

    Bartholomo likes this.
  16. Tachyon Augur

    agreed, i've seen it happen
  17. Demetri Augur

    Some leeway is one thing, back in the days when video evidence was rather rare - so you'd likely be using a bunch of mixed stories to piece it together. But kind of offensive that now that "well, I trust them because the evidence is iffy" in the era of a good portion being recorded with video the same still occurs.

    People just don't care anymore, or have rewritten their own morality when it comes to games.

    Golden rule shouldn't just apply to RL where the negative consequences are more severe - such thinking makes things like gaming better for those around as well. (which in part keeps populations around on MMOs to continue having people to play with/against, etc)
  18. Artanthos Journeyman

    The PLers and farmers don't stop.

    They never stop.

    If you get in the way of their pay-to-win service, they will train you for as long as it takes to drive you out of the zone.
  19. Bartholomo Journeyman

    We can go around in circles all day. Bottom line, its an opinion. I am of the opinion that FTE is annoying, and I dislike it. There are cases for and against it. I'm sure those people who rolled into your groups camp with 1 person and sat on the named spawn all day and literally said "My camp now #$(%" are going to complain along with the people who genuinely liked what it did.
  20. Bartholomo Journeyman

    I had the exact same issues on oakwynd just in different ways. The bot's were terrible and they had free reign, and if you say you didnt see them, your either a terrible liar or dont quite know what you are looking for. I still got KS'd, even more so on Oakwynd with mage pet attack bots. Even before that, taunt would break FTE for the entirety of classic. Then on top of all of this, I died more from unattackable mobs that FTE had broken, than I ever did from trains on a normal server. I just cannot grasp this entirely delimma. I try to look at every argument from each point of view, and I do see how FTE can be a boon for certain people, but if we are being honest, I just didnt see it helping me most of the time, just more of an annoyance.