Short Duration DPS King?

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Nightlilly, Mar 9, 2024.

  1. Nightlilly New Member

    What class is the king of sustained short duration fights? I am always looking to improve my group and right now I am killing trash in group content at 15 seconds. I am assuming the dot classes would not shine in these short duration fights. My mage floats around a million dps, my group is Bard, Enchanter, Druid, Mage. I tried a Berserker, a Rogue, and a Ranger so far. The Ranger is close to the Mage when we kill something headshotable but other than that not ideal. Same with the Rogue. The Berserker was doing much less except on burns. I am looking for something that can maintain this dps for an entire lesson burn, with small stops between pulls. Maybe a Wizard? I have never played one. I am in group gear, fighting group content btw.
  2. Cadira Augur

    Probably mages. Wizards might be right there with them at 125, idk.

    If druid is healing to a good extent, I'd replace it with a shaman (more adps for mages and better heals than druid) and swap chanter for another mage. Without a full group, a third mage MIGHT be better than the bard unless you like them for other than adps stuff
    Hoss Mage likes this.
  3. fransisco Augur

    I'd go with another caster like mage or wizard. Since your going the caster route, keep with classes the compliment each other.
    One thought about another mage is that its a duplicate, so adding it as a box will be easy. You already have everything worked out for managing a mage.
    Though I wonder what a wizard could do with a proper enchanter behind them. Kinda scary hehe
  4. Alnitak Augur

    If you plan to play with just 4 characters I'd suggest to replace the chanter with a beastlord.
    There is a great inter-class synergy between a druid a mage and a beastlord. Also, you can get by with just 1 healer merc (with another as melee dps) or even without a healer merc at all if you plan to heal with your druid (that is actually a choice - a druid can deliver sustained dps instead of healing)
    Mage's Synergy proc works for druid's fire DD. Nightchill Aura works for BST and MAG nukes. BST synergy proc works on all pets/mercs and on druid and mage if they melee.
    Paragon and BST mana-regen are valuable during lesson burn. BST +ATK buffs help pets and mercs. BST Focus and Tala'Tak are the same as Shamans'.
    Extra pet can off-tank adds easily, which would allow dots doing some damage while the primary mob is being killed.
    In my experience MAG+BST can easily handle 4 trash mobs or a named with 2 adds.

    And a beastlord with LS weapons is a mean dps machine.
  5. fransisco Augur

    gotta disagree with replacing the BL. Chanters are ignored because they don't "bot well", but they give more burn to casters than bl or bards do.
    Andarriel likes this.
  6. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome


    I duo mage and druid a LOT

    Enchanter is hands down the best 3rd to run.

    Better mana flow, better CC, Hastes, Charm pets, Runes, slows.

    I <guarantee> you I can post more XP in a lesson burn with Dru / Mag / Enc over Dru Mage Bst, especially on a bad pull and no OOM. ENC Mana pool and mana regen clearly superior. I have played both these setups a lot.

    Also, Zerkers are burst DPS kings, but lack utility. Will eat heals out aggroing mage pet though.

    I'd swap the bst with the mage and keep the dru/enc over this, but the mag has the better pet, CotH, pet versatility in roles, summons and is very AoE friendly alongside the druid. This combo is also very OP at range. Beaslord not so much. All fights MUST mean face to face and group pulls much harder to crowd control / slow / split pull without the enchanter.
    fransisco likes this.
  7. Nightlilly New Member

    Since I made this Post I leveled up a heroic wizard to 120 to test it. I have no idea what I am doing but so far it is about even dps with the mage, right around a million.

    All I am doing is multibinding the three aa nukes (fire, ice, will) and 3 nukes. I can only cast about 3 times before the mob is dead. Should I just go for the fastest cast, highest damage nukes here? My mana is fine right now, and I have the twincast aura from the chanter.

    Can any wizard help me out? If the dps stays the same as a mage then I will just add another mage because they have the powerful pet to help tank.
  8. Petsio New Member

    I have level 125 mage 50k AAs 125 monk 65k
    AAs both tier 1 Ls raid gear
    Monk does almost double dps as my
    Mage the monk is ridiculous but mage more
    Fun for sure
  9. Vaeeldar Augur

    This. Quite frankly monk or rogue can triple the dps of the mage if they have a BL/BRD/Shaman. Honestly I’m not sure of the point of other dps classes at the moment besides Monk/Rogue.
  10. Szilent Augur

    what if the rogue has ENC/DRU/BRD instead?
  11. Vaeeldar Augur

    The mage you mean? For most part still not close. At least not in group game. Raid game is different. For example necros don’t suck in raids.

    grouping, with raid geared melee it’s annoying because caster dps is just so subpar in comparison. Even the SK will out burn the mage.
  12. Eaedyilye More stonehive bixies.

    If the mage DPS blows junks, we need a massive boost. More DPS please DBG, we're hurting. Everyone here says so.
  13. Vaeeldar Augur

    Mage dos in group game should be increased I think. Rogue/Monk just blow them away in group game. But then nec wiz are in the same bucket.
  14. kizant Augur

    The group game doesn't really matter tbh.
  15. Vaeeldar Augur

    I do both and these days does either matter if you want to put it like that? LS was a joke.

    And yes the group game matters - frankly more in terms of balance. In raid everybody pretty much can be useful. Group not so much.
    fransisco, Moege and Petalonyx like this.
  16. Eaedyilye More stonehive bixies.

    I box 4 mages and an enchanter. If my team got a big DPS boost the game would become a really big joke. My team generating over 24M DPS wouldn't make the game more fun. Things die quick enough as it is, even without burns.
  17. Petalonyx Augur

    Mage dps is fine. Not sure why it's even mentioned in a thread on "short duration DPS" because mage is not a short duration/burst dps class. They have ramp time with pet casts/activations, pets pathing to mobs, spells traveling through the air, spells with longer cast times, etc. Mages are notoriously slow and have been for a very long time.

    That being said, if you are struggling with mage dps ('long duration') in the group game, something is wrong with playstyle, pullstyle, interclass synergy, prep (pre-summons/buffs), gear/aa, or all of the above. For example, mages want mobs in camp constantly so that rage servant pets are queued up as 1 dies and the pet count stays high for Of Many nuke dmg and Theft of Essence procs carry across from the top. Pausing after a mob dies so you can go find a mob and pull it back to a group is no bueno.
  18. Vaeeldar Augur

    Mages are mentioned because I said even them, alongside the rest of casters are completely useless in the group game as a dps class. Relatively speaking anything not rogue/monk is kind of pointless. I suggested it would be nice to make casters useful in groups again. A caster group vs melee group just gets destroyed every time.
  19. kizant Augur

    That's just silly.
    fransisco likes this.
  20. Vaeeldar Augur

    Maybe but I find it annoying that it's only worth bringing melee dps. Wiz/Mage use to have a role, as did ench in group game. The gap has gotten big though. Necros always been subpar although every now and then we'd get a high hp expansion and they only partially sucked in group game.