In Progress Mobs become unhittable in multiple locations in LS

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Skecpa, Dec 6, 2023.

  1. rahzel44 Journeyman

    Happening all over Torment of Velious in Eastern Wastes.
  2. minimind The Village Idiot

    This happens to me most predictably in the dugout area the three goblins spawn in the Pal`Omen mission: Final Fugue. I've had it happen enough that I don't bother to try to meet the goblins down there. I wait far from the pit, kill whichever charge me, and then go after the remaining ones.

    The error can present itself even on seemingly flat land. On Saturday night, our raid faced one such mob in the T3 raid Heroes Forged. The mob looked to be on the concrete floor, but was acting as though it was below geometry. We had to leave it to die to pets.

    Short of a Dev being with someone when the error presents itself, is there some type of data/output we could collect to provide in this thread?
    Yinla, daBlubb, Silvena and 1 other person like this.
  3. alanus Augur

    It seems to happen when mobs are on angled ground or something similar. I've had it happen mostly when swarming and I don't pull to a level surface
  4. Svann2 The Magnificent

    It happens sometimes on the spider mob in the heroes forge mission after you kill her eggs. Sometimes in her room and sometimes when she ports out of her room to her original spawn point. Thats not uneven ground but its the same thing I guess.
    minimind likes this.
  5. Toni Xelphi of Bristlebane

    Find one of your CRC people, preferred one of the smart ones. Log in to a character in game and watch them play, they will show you this issue. It doesn't matter where/when/how, it matters that it's in essentially every zone in the game since the launch of this expansion. Instead of, 'we can't recreate' I suggest you move to step 2 which is creative problem solving solutions.
    Jack likes this.
  6. Svann2 The Magnificent

    I suspect path calculation rounding error. Use of wrong data type maybe.
  7. Santrigan Lorekeeper

    Yes can confirm this as well it happens a lot when you're fighting mobs on slopes in the LI zones.
    Haven't encountered this outside LI though.

    You can get around this by moving the mob a bit.

    /pet back
    have tank move the mob

    then they become targetable again.
    Fenthen, minimind and Svann2 like this.
  8. Klucifer Master

    I would just like to echo what people have said, I'd gladly arrange for you to watch me play. I'm not sure how to obtain specific NPC/PC locations where I've experienced this issue. I've reached out to you multiple times, sent you video and offers to allow you to watch my game play previously...
  9. Paye New Member

    I'd suggest that player race, shrink, and levi isn't relevant to the issue. When it happens the entire group is unable to hit not a single specific person. Seen frequently in the Pal'omen mission if Shalowain engages the 3 spawn of goblins on the slope. Seen frequently in Hero's forge when pulling PH for Alloy/Ingot on to the safe spot to the right of the forge area overlooking the pond and the rest of the zone.
    Barton-Vox, alanus and Silvena like this.
  10. Paladin Augur

    I have seen this happen more than once, myself. It is usually when a MoB is on a slant of some kind and one or both of its feet are underground (not visible). One example I have seen more than once, is the Pal'Lomen mission, at the trench where the goblins spawn. If the NPC's aggro them while they are still in the trench and / or the slant up out of the trench.
    minimind likes this.
  11. 666DPSweDeliver Augur

    I would submit that you are having problems reproducing the bug at location in this thread because the exact locations are a red herring. It's being caused by how the mob paths to that location, not the location itself. Unlevel terrain exacerbates the problem but you can still get the bug on level ground.

    Additionally, this bug existed way before the latest expansion was launched. Would happen back in original kunark when we camped on an incline.
  12. Dewd Master

    Some code change that happened to be introduced the same time as LS expansion patch made this issue become way more prevalent. The day before was perfectly fine. The day after launch this was immediately recognized by many as frequently happening and easily reproducible pull after pull.

    Ramp/slope/hill/change of z-axis will cause the mob to show close to you, but its actual hitbox is way out of range. However the mob will continue to attack you freely of course.

    Yes, you could always find situations of this happening in the past, but was a rare occurrence compared to the current state of this bug.
    Yinla, Barton-Vox and Kutsuu like this.
  13. Scargar New Member

    This happend to me in Western Wastes everytime I was on a slope. My wife and I couldn't hit the mob but the pets and merc could. They ended up killing the mob so I stopped pulling mobs up on a hill.
    CatsPaws likes this.
  14. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    This happened to me in The Great Divide (TOV) yesterday. I pulled a dwarf and only the pet could hit it. We had to back the pet off and have it come towards the tank for it to release from under the world.
    Yinla and CatsPaws like this.
  15. Nennius Curmudgeon

    I had this happen in VP (RoS) yesterday. Geometry issue I assume.
  16. Falconz Journeyman

    From my experience...

    1) It's not only LS. However, it did start the day LS was released.
    2) Pet's don't have a problem hitting/tanking the mob, it's just PC's cant cast or hit the mob
    3) If you can somehow move the mob (possibly backing off the pet wtih the most agro), the mob becomes hittable again. This is hard if you're using mage swarm pet because they love agro and can't really back them off without getting rid of them.
    Yinla likes this.
  17. Lodestar The Undefeated

    Exactly. Critical information for the devs. You cannot always reproduce this issue per location. You can only reproduce the issue given a sufficient amount of time attempting reproduction in any location mentioned. The issue does not always present itself consistently.
  18. Grau Elder

    Man, I'm not trying to be rude here but I am completely baffled by this.

    The specific mobs DON'T MATTER. It happens in every single zone of the game when you pull mobs to your group (or really just when mobs aggro your group and move).

    I don't own Laurion's Song, I play on Mischief. I've played through (recent-ishly) SoF, SoD, UF, and HoT. It happens in every single zone, every single mission, every single everything... and is completely random on which mobs it happens to. You might not see it for day, or it might happen 5 mobs in a row.

    Even better, in HoT when it happens in Al'Kabor's Nightmare the mobs summon you under the islands.
    Dewd likes this.
  19. looffy Journeyman

    Something with LS may have made it worse but this has been an issue since the 64 bit update.
  20. 666DPSweDeliver Augur

    Not sure why people get so flustered when the devs say the cant reproduce it. It's not like its incompetence on their part. I've tried to recreate a whole host of bugs reported by people, some of them are just hard to reproduce. Heck, I've gone hours trying to reproduce this bug myself in areas I've experienced it before without any luck. Sometimes whatever underlying code is causing it just doesn't replicate the issue.

    Now that said, fighting along a zone wall that happens to be a hill ... rather common in almost every expansion, tends to be the easiest place to reproduce it. It still doesn't happen every time.

    Part of me wonders whether this bug is related to the easily reproducible bug where if you move a character in a zone that another character is zoning into, if you stop before the 2nd character finishes zoning you will appear to the 2nd character to be in the original position, when in fact you can be a significant distance away. Somehow where the game server "knows" where you are and where the client displays you are not synchronized. The same would appear to happen with the NPCs that are unhittable. Game server has one loc, our client is displaying us in a different loc. I'm trying to attack something that's in a completely different location, hence its unhittable.

    Quite a few times I've seen this bug, if my tank moves slightly backwards, it forces the game to update the NPC position, you can visually see the mob warp a few units backwards, it paths to the correct position in front of the tank and all is well with the world again. Doesn't work for the times the NPCs seem to become unhittable because their feet are under the world.