Motivation To Play Clerics

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Karliv, Feb 15, 2021.

  1. Pimento Lorekeeper

    Don't expect them to do anything about cleric dps - rogues have been begging for years and it's been ignored
  2. Cadira Augur

    Rogues begging for dps upgrades? Outside of maybe early Tlp, rogues are monsters on live
  3. Pimento Lorekeeper

    It's a lot more than early TLP. It's not ok for a pure melee class to be bad for many early expacs to play on live
  4. Brickhaus Augur

    Do you have a list of the expansions where rogues "suck"?

    I am honestly curious (and honestly curious about all classes these days since so much has changed from when Live went originally through each expansion to now).

    Edit - And for back on topic, I still think clerics should turn into the skid and ask for more and varied healing. Cause I don't think the dps train is ever coming in....
  5. Pimento Lorekeeper

    Just read just about any forum melee rogue thread.

    And as far as clerics I'd like to see us get more ToT healing
  6. Velisaris_MS Augur

    That one change alone would be a HUGE improvement...not just for clerics, but for all priests.
  7. Maztastic New Member

    No, I don't want more ToT healing.
    I want more ToT damage.

    ToT healing is lazy.

    But no... other priests cast 200k+ DoTs. They have PLENTY of time to retarget for their heals while still doing damage.
    Annastasya, Emilari, bbanz and 2 others like this.
  8. Conq Augur

    So I'm running my C team through LS progression. Specifically, the conquerors and lieutenants in Pal'Lomen. My C team has very poor dps. So tanking 8+ rallosians was becoming problematic with just a shaman healer then still proved problematic setting the druid to nothing but heals as well. The fix was plugging in my B team cleric for shaman. So tanking 8+ rallosians with only a cleric healing is doable again (druid set to DPS only, since the cleric can handle healing solo), even taking ages to kill them all (ages, like respawns pop in same area as last mob dies). I'm still motivated to play clerics.
  9. EagleTalon99 Elder

    The cleric was the last toon I made for my 6 box, and I absolutely wish I'd made a cleric sooner. But considering the way my box was set up, it was easier to get rid of the healer merc last.

    There's an ocean of difference between a healer merc and a cleric. A real cleric is so much better than a healer merc, you'd have to play a cleric to see why.

    That being said, I filled the last 2 spots (bard and the clerc) inside of 3 months after I spent an XP bonus weekend in OT (RoS) trying to kill "a bluff golem" with 2 healer mercs. I did get it on farming status, but by the time I figured out the strategy, I figured I'd have to waste my life trying to figure out the strategies for all the different possible group level events... just to figure workarounds on the merc limitations.

    I mean, if my warrior is using his healer merc, which is normal, the healer merc follows my warrior like a lost puppy.

    But the greatest gift is just how little mana my cleric sips.. with far more healing, grinding on trash mobs in Gnome Memorial Mountain, the only level 110 zone I've boxed in since I started using 6 toons.. due to working on quests. (Mainly the Slayer achievement, it's incredibly time consuming).

    Even my shaman sips mana now, since she never has to compensate for merc healing being so much worse. -Which isn't that evident if you've only used healer mercs. This is for trash mobs, nothing too difficult.
  10. Anjanax Journeyman

    We are way past the "1 real cleric is better then 2 merc"-point. Noone really has a problem with our healing at the group game, other then finding a group as clerics aren't needed at the group game in LS. For the group game we heal to much, for the raid game the mechanics are "stack up, let shammies ae heal the raid".

    As of now, you can stack up every class in a group without detrimental effects but bringing a 2nd cleric is useless as it doesn't contribute a single bit to the group and a dps merc would be better.
    bbanz and Metanis like this.
  11. Chorus Augur

    I sometimes wonder why over-heal, of which there is a boatload in this game, isn't channeled into something useful. I don't think it would be unreasonable for a cleric over heal to channel into damage on the target's target, even if it is attributed to the other toon, would work like any other aDPS. Give them and the Pally something of that nature would help address a lot of concerns imo.
  12. Annastasya Augur

    This would break the raid game completely if it were a 1 to 1 ratio of overhealed hps to damage on the target's target. It would quickly reach the billions in short fights and on long fights...i don't even want to think about it. Unless you want raid mobs to have a trillion hitpoints.
    fransisco likes this.
  13. Velisaris_MS Augur

    You hear that sound? That's the sound of Absor scribbling down ideas for future raids.
    fransisco and Annastasya like this.
  14. Szilent Augur

    it'd be …strong, I guess? Subject to definitions? You can check your own overheal numbers, but if one presumes AE heals are excluded (as they'd have to be for processing reasons, along with melee leech heals) the cle in my raids would get ~500k dps this way. Which isn't terribad - but also would only land them "still last place, and not real close to second-last" in even the box army / alt infested split raids I participate in. It isn't a whole lot more than a cle now going for it with Contras & Twin-Intras. More, but same scale.
  15. Annastasya Augur

    What about Chorus' post makes you think he was excluding AE heals? You can tweak this fictitious scenario any way you like to bring it down to something reasonable. i've seen enough heal parses to understand well the collective heal power of a whole team, as well as individual clerics. Current design dictates that a cleric operating at max heal potential for an entire raid force, has a ratio of possible healed hitpoints to actual healed hitpoints at about 9/1 give or take. Shaman are even higher.
    Metanis likes this.
  16. fransisco Augur

    I think it would be a fun raid mechanic, but not a standard thing. Shamans shouldnt be out blasting wizards.
    edit: Imagine aoe damage if overheals did damage. Shamans could destroy a raid lol
  17. Szilent Augur

    granting AE healing would have the most productive clerics churning 1.3-1.4M dps thereby (taken together with the direct heals). Stronger than if Splash & Issuance were excluded, but some miles from busted. In the example I had handy from this weekend that I cited before (7 groups including a dozen-ish boxed alts) the top cleric would have been 25th for dps. woooo.
  18. Tuco Augur

    Would be funny if there were an event that introduced this. Not a good or recommended idea, but funny.

    I wonder what kind of numbers could be put up if a raid synergized "assisted healing". I don't even know how Group Armor of the Inquisitor and say, Flurry of Life stack (multiplicatively, etc). I know they're different SPAs.
  19. Raji New Member

    You know, I'd love to main cleric. 100%.

    However, as a non-raider, it feels as if there's no need for the high healing numbers, I add what might as well be zero dps to the group, and can't solo/molo hardly at all.

    Either I'm missing something, or they've REALLY messed up clerics group role.
  20. Velisaris_MS Augur

    I don't raid either.

    The only reasons I even log my cleric in and drag him around is 1) to get xp on the necklace and 2) there are no other clerics in my small guild (at least not main clerics).

    When I'm camping named, I rebuff Shining and DI on my SK every few minutes...and that's it. Vel is there to soak up necklace xp. The only times I'm even needed are on missions and honestly, any healer will do on those most of the time.