Lava Queen Scaling

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Marbles, Feb 22, 2024.

  1. Marbles Elder

    Can you check the scaling around level 100, my appropriately geared group (97-99) got hit by some ae and two toons dead on engage (wasnt long for the others)
  2. Cimbaeth Elder

    Yeah the scaling may be a bit off. I killed it with one nuke at level 125.
  3. uberkingkong Augur

    This part of the reason why the leveling up is bad in this game.

    They'll tell you, do the achievements, all of them.
    Then you run into some roadblock like this.
    Oh just do more previous content.

    Thats casual life.

    Those people that have issues 1 to 125.
    Got a raider box, got some already really good main, etc.
    They aint straight up 99 is the highest toon and going through life in EQ.

    Overseer, overseer all the way to 125.
    Lack of guides 1 to 125.
    They'll say go do achievements, all of them.
    Get rekt blocks.

    Sad thing is raiders > casual.

    Gotta focus on raids 90% of the time casual 10%. Oh that is not scaled properly, well wait till raid season is over, wait till this bug. Casual content low priorities all of it.
    LFG system doing something people go LFG, low priority.

    Raids raids raids, high priority.

    Meanwhile other games, 3 expansions later. "can we get new raids please"
    they go on 3 expansions no new raids.

    EQ no new raids, doom and gloom. Why? Because they did that to themselves. Basically killed off casuals, that all you have is raiders, and yep thats a bad situation.

    btw there is a lot more than just this one.
    Neriak 3rd gate, shariak golem or whatever, that guy wrecks scaled players.
  4. Soulbanshee Augur

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