Quest Nerf

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Xtor Zadamose, Feb 21, 2024.

  1. Xtor Zadamose Journeyman

    The Emberclaw Sisters quest reward was changed in the patch today. I went from getting over 35 aa to 2. Regular exp gains were at roughly 1.6% exp per. Now the last time was 0.122%.I am not too thrilled about that quest nerf. It does make me wonder something though.

    How come you can't make the quest called Library Heist doable again? Many years ago i did the quest and i am certain i destroyed the Cracked Urn Handle. It's not in my inventory and it's not a destroyed item on a merchant. I have a token of reclamation and checked. In the achievements window i am given a check mark for the quest but i don't have the item. Very oddly the quest can't be done again. It's not even that i would use the Tsaph Katta's Urn of Rejuvenation. It's more about getting the achievement.

    If i can't ever do it on that character i guess that's something ill have to continue living with but since you guys can seemingly manipulate quests so easily, it just doesn't make sense why it can't be done multiple times.
    NatazzEvoli likes this.
  2. 666DPSweDeliver Augur

    Because 35 AA for no risk and little effort was way too much reward.
  3. Cicelee Augur

    And yet we have a year long Anniversary tower quest line that yields similar results with similar work. Although since it is temporary it is OK, amirite?
  4. Allayna Augur

    Should've been 250 AA, only repeatable once per week in my opinion. Let everyone refill their glyph bank for minimal effort/time investment.
  5. Velisaris_MS Augur

    The AA on the Tower stuff is from the achievements only, which are one time rewards. Running the "missions" just yields currency...nothing else. The mobs give scraps of xp, but no AA.
  6. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Yep. A 2 min task with no killing that awards 35 AA every 30 min was NEVER go to stay around very long. To think otherwise is just being naive.
  7. Cicelee Augur

    Fair and valid point.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  8. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Thats the human thing to do is do the stuff with most reward least difficulty!
  9. NatazzEvoli Elder

    Thunderkiks likes this.
  10. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    Just be glad there probably won't be a ban wave for people who 'exploited' it.
  11. Angahran Augur

    Why do people always do this?
    This is a game, it's supposed to be fun, but anytime anything is found that makes things easier for players some people jump on the forums yelling "we can't have anything easy!!"

    If you don't like the risk vs reward of this quest nobody is making you do it.
  12. Angahran Augur

    what 'exploit'?
    It was a quest, there was nothing broken, there was no cheating.

    It was a nice way to help people catch up.
  13. Nerfmatic New Member

    I cant agree more on the catch up comment. It was a nice way for causal players to finally catch up on their AA's. But no..... Nerf the crap out of it. Just ran the quest and received 2 AA's.
    Xtor Zadamose likes this.
  14. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    This was one of the easier ways for folks that didn't box to refill their glyphs for next raid. Now they're back to LFG and not using destruction glyphs, but hheeyyyy that's the vision™ now, amirite?
  15. uberkingkong Augur

    They nerf it after the raiders repeated it and got the easy AAs.
    Then when casuals get to it, AA isn't good anymore.

    Creating that raider casual gap.
    Casuals always leveling, always behind.
    Raiders, enjoying exploits, enjoying easy AAs right away. Enjoying raids beaten right away.
    Casuals, wait many years and still wait on casual content to be fixed, scaled properly etc.
    Raids, fix em right away, make em easy right away.
    Raiders need to get max AA quickly, leave the 35AA in for them. Casuals doing it now, time to take it away.
  16. Velisaris_MS Augur

    It's not a matter of players not wanting nice (or easy) things...we do. :D

    It's a matter of knowing the way the devs work and how they view players as the enemy.

    I promise you...NOBODY wanted that nerfed. Everyone took advantage of it, including me. I was damn glad it was there because...80K+ *#@&ing AA for a shadowknight, that's why.

    But I've seen, with my own eyes, the way the devs kill off ANYTHING that's even remotely fun or useful for dev in particular. So, I viewed it through that lens...that's why I knew it was eventually going to be nerfed. Because that's how the devs see it: it was WAY too beneficial to players.

    No player wanted it nerfed, but that's the way we all know the devs work.
    Veltio, Xtor Zadamose and Fenthen like this.
  17. uberkingkong Augur

    Wow surprise surpise.

    When I mention something, all sudden there is another post that pops up.
    100 all day
  18. fransisco Augur

    Its kinda how every expac works. The raiders farm the crap out of stuff, 2 months in, limits are put on things for everyone who wasn't there at the start to make it harder.
    Its a feature, not a bug. Its a long standing pattern. Its been happening for many many years now.
    JeffHanson likes this.
  19. Knifen Augur

    Its one of the main reasons I rush to get all progression, collects, hunters, done first month of expansion drop. To many "unhelpfull" fixes later on.

    But hey, yall got personas, so there is that.
    FYAD, Yinla, fransisco and 2 others like this.
  20. uberkingkong Augur

    I remember reading a lot of gribbles reddit.

    Best way to level, gribbles gribbles!


    now what? still do it but its nerfed now, xp is bad.

    So concludes to?
    Casuals struggling leveling, always leveling. leveling leveling thats all casuals in EQ.

    Other games, your not really leveling anymore so much as to enjoying the game.
    Leveling leveling focus on leveling is not enjoying the game your playing it but your not enjoying yet.

    EQ new nickname should be levelquest. because you return just to level level most don't even make it to final level and most don't get to enjoy the game, being final level now doing enjoying things.
    Sad thing is, EQ doesn't much fun stuff in it.
    Not just quest and raids, thats work, I'm talking about fun stuff.
    Xtor Zadamose likes this.