Test Update 02/13/2024 - Patch Notes and Discussions

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by EQ Dev, Feb 13, 2024.

  1. Jedipokey The Devs have become better at Apathy! (380)

    It's by design. If the boxed classes get nerfs you gotta get more accounts to make up for said nerf. lol
  2. Opal Journeyman

    I disagree. Overhealing is what doesnt matter....like at all. Overhealing is not an advantage lol. Deleting twincast ae heals matters quite a bit when shaman is main healer in a mission or solo even a group, as outlined in my original post in this thread. In a raid situation it is also not uncommon that the twin is NEEDED. It is only not needed when multiple shamans are spamming it but it isnt a given that it will be spammed by multiple shamans every time it is warranted. If you are looking at overhealing on a parse and saying to yourself "shamans dont need this!" then you have narrow focus and are only thinking of a single situation in which it isnt needed.

    And as far as quality of life, I am seriously dreading spamming the reckless line for most of my heals. I cant imagine anything more boring actually.

    Twin AE heals takes a bit to get rolling, it is a proactive spell not a reactive spell. Why nerf something that is proactive? You get the reward for the planning and timing it takes to get the thing rolling before its needed.

    So if overhealing is the reason to delete this....the reason is more stupid and short sighted than I could have possibly imagined.
    Tyranthraxus and Carblis like this.
  3. fransisco Augur

    Again, only for 116-120 pets. This has no effect whatsoever on pets in LS.

    Plus, the difference is larger than this graph shows. These are all only raid focuses. The ToL group focus was em 23. Which means you'd have a number of groupers still using em 22 until they were able to upgrade to something 2 ranks below whats in this table.
    The LS group focuses are only em 25/26.
  4. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    It will impact group play though as there is unlikely going to be more than a single shaman in a group.
  5. fransisco Augur

    looks at SKs. Looks away. Looks back at Sks...
    Jedipokey and Maedhros like this.
  6. Razorfall Augur

    Agreed. Especially when they could have just as easily upgraded the punch line. Remove out of combat requirement and change the timer and you're all set.
  7. Fennemin New Member

    I had a similar experience, so I'm guessing it's not in. If it is in, it's certainly not obvious what a magma rockpile or disturbed lava looks like, and clicking near various ground structures and particle effects seems to do nothing except say to look somewhere else.
    Svann2 likes this.
  8. Kalamos Augur

    In case anyone is interested, I just finished 10 minute parses on both Live and Test using the lvl 122 Mage Water pet, and there was not a statistically significant difference in DPS between the two parses.
  9. Zaknaffein Augur

    When I first skimmed over the test notes I read this and was like thank god, finally..... Then I read the part about adding in 95k base DD to it and was like neat.... then after a few seconds I was like wait a second.... This is going to be the most annoying thing ever bouncing up and down like a pogo stick.

    Please think of another way to implement, thank you!
    Xyroff-cazic. likes this.
  10. Angahran Augur

    What was supposed to be changed, since from reading the bug thread it appears nothing was updated.
  11. Szilent Augur

    The quality is irrelevant. Indeed, if the effect is not good, and is in fact a noob trap, then it should not be there especially in that case.

    The discussion of Battle Leap Warcry becoming intrinsic is its own whole thing. When I read the patch message, I assumed Battle Leap Warcry was being made into a stance-like always-on buff. Turning intrinsic instead leads to quite a tangle.

    You observe some consequences, and call them good things. But I don't think they are.

    First, the specific abilities you call out should not be good. Vehement Rage is far more ripe than Battle Leap for being deleted & turned intrinsic (+0% spa185, +5-10% 186 tucked into Innate Prowess). Offensive Discipline is a meta abomination. Disabling one's class as a tradeoff for some dps boost isn't a recipe for balance. The warrior class' identity is being tough, buttons that make the character be not-tough, and harder to support, should not be warrior buttons.

    You don't mention that the window is also opened for Killing Spree's multiplier to matter, whose short duration encourages stealing *every* kill from dps classes. RIP Arcane Overkill, Hunter's Fury, et al. Part of the justification for full coverage on Battle Leap Warcry's multiplier was that the overlap with Killing Spree made it a safe level to work in. Now they'll coexist!

    More largely, an intrinsic Battle Leap Warcry works also with abilities that aren't themselves problematic. Intensity of the Resolute, Fellstrike Discipline, rng Group Guardian, bst Group Bestial, and even "just" brd War Chorus/March become full multipliers for warrior DPS. Which… I dunno how to say within the bounds of EQ Forum rules… no one was complaining about being too low? Especially no one was complaining about ADPS being not effective enough in multiplying? Is that careful enough language?

    Making Battle Leap Warcry intrinsic feels like "oops"ing our way into another Enhanced Ruin situation.
  12. Demiie New Member

    This shaman nerf will effect smaller guilds for sure . way too go ... nearly break the game with your direct x patch and instead of fixing it you decide to just undo things that don't need to be changed.

    I guess this means the rest of the raid will need to step up
  13. Opal Journeyman

    Captain: "guys, the boat is leaking water from 206 small holes all over the place we need to fix this ASAP or we are all gonna drowned"

    crazy drunk ol' barnacle bill shouts from the back "lets nerf shamans!"

    Captain: "forget the damn holes, NERF THE SHAMANS!"
    Barton-Vox and Metanis like this.
  14. Maedhros High King

    Alsolutely not. No other class has the excessive group healing capability of shammys. You did not NEED twincast in groups. What in the world?
    If Recourse, Spirit of renewal, lions roar, and un-twincasted spirtual surge are not enough to keep your group alive, there is a major problem with your group.
    fransisco likes this.
  15. Maedhros High King

    I am hoping this is the first step in improving priest balance. Personally I would have boosted clerics and druids healing performance BEFORE nerfing shammys but what do I know?
    Barton-Vox, Windance, Marton and 4 others like this.
  16. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    It's part of a cunning plan; the only 'player' that would be able to tolerate it is an automated one with no one looking at the screen, so they can just ban anyone who uses it more than a few times in an hour.
  17. Allayna Augur

    Nerfs are never welcomed. However, even without twinning any of this:

    Shaman Spiritual Shower still does 3 waves of healing. Is on a 10s recast (2ish s cast).
    Cleric Acceptance Splash is roughly double the base healing of Spiritual Shower. Only 1 AE heal though. Is on a 15s recast (sub 2s cast).
    Druid splash is ....absent.
    Paladin has the lowest base healing, but has a powerful curing component. Is on a 18s recast (1s cast).

    Are the shaman on here forgetting the waves of healing component to their splash, the MUCH faster reuse? The druid and paladin parts of me are confused.
    Darkhain, Barraind, Maedhros and 2 others like this.
  18. Opal Journeyman

    this is being reduced by half. that is pretty extreme. It seems some of us might play this game a little more aggressively than others. Some might even run missions with 5th string necro pet tanks, or run through old raids, or have a monk tank, or a shaman pet tank even... Casually killing single pull mobs with a strong tank isnt the only way to play.

    Apparently having a tank so OP you can keep him alive in current content with HoT's is ok lol

    And comparing the value of other priest classes AE's to that of shaman doesnt really make sense unless we analyze all aspects and abilities of of each priest class and compare and contrast them as a whole. You might be right that as a whole they are out of balance, but I dont know enough about cleric and druid to have a worthwhile opinion on it.
    Covington likes this.
  19. Anjanax Journeyman

    Wow.. you guys remeber that are still clerics in the game and tweaking around some crap nobody cares about?

    Fixing the Resist Values of the summoned hammer is nice.. but who cares about that if you are way over the cap anyways and Resist Values doesnt matter anymore?

    Fixing the Healing Value of a spell line with a 5.5 sec cast time? Does any cleric (besides our glourios mercs) even load this spell?

    Clerics have other problems then this, but for the last 10-15 years you didn't care anyways.
  20. Santrigan Lorekeeper

    Blood Magic gets set back to its level 14 version? how is that an update?
    I know the last rank borked the AA'a cast time and duration of Bloodmagic Azia to about 80 seconds while reducing Beza duration to 6 seconds but cant we at least get an extension to Azia (Rank 15) and Beza (Rank 16) by 6 seconds to make it worth the buy?
    Azia 42 seconds
    Beza 36 seconds
    Caza 36 seconds
    Dena 30 seconds
    Ena 30 seconds

    That way you get some upgrade for the last two ranks? otherwise the aa can sit at rank 14 indefinetly?