Test Update 02/13/2024 - Patch Notes and Discussions

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by EQ Dev, Feb 13, 2024.

  1. Valcron Elder

    So does anyone know what this actually means though?

    "Base pets and focused pets below Enhanced Minion XXVII will be stronger than they were, but focused pets of Enhanced Minion XXVIII or higher will be weaker."

    What does "Stronger" mean and what does "Weaker" mean? It's worded so ambiguously here.
    Ileasa likes this.
  2. zleski Augur

    It means that TBL-era pets (and before) are buffed, and COV-era (and beyond) pets are nerfed. I wouldn't expect them to be quantified at all by the devs.
    Valcron and Ileasa like this.
  3. Beco Lorekeeper

    This feels for me like: "We are not able to get this DX11-thing to work properly. Let's swing the nerf-stick and see if we can distract our customers from the fiasco we delivered that way"
    Barton-Vox and Covington like this.
  4. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Is the 2nd tower quest working? Got the quest but cannot find any of these magma rockpiles where the shovel will work.
  5. Jedipokey The Devs have become better at Apathy! (380)

    Nerf them down to Wizzy pets lol
  6. Bolien Elder

  7. Kalamos Augur

    Well, as usual the notes aren't 100% clear, but they do say "- Beastlord, Magician, and Necromancer focusable pets from level 116-120 have been rebalanced." just before the lines describing the EM adjustments.

    I take this to assume the pet adjustments ONLY apply to ToL/NoS era pet spells.

    So, ToL/NoS pets, along with raid level EM, were overtuned for whatever reason. The LS pet scaling (pet levels 121-125) was reduced from the jump they took in ToL/NoS. LS pets were still increased, but not as much. To me, this change is smoothing the scaling of pets and EM from 115-125. Instead of a steep line (ToV/CoV to ToL/NoS) then a flatter line (ToL/CoV to LS), the slope is probably more linear with this change.

    Assuming I'm interpreting everything right, this change should only impact Mages that are leveling from 115 to 120 who happen to have a raid EM ear from that era.
  8. Maedhros High King

    I think you missed a very important line of text.
    Weaker can be .000000001% weaker or it could be 50% weaker.
    If it isnt a significant nerf, why do it at all?
    If it is signifcant, what is the justification?
  9. Toukan Augur

    I read through it twice...and I'm still puzzled. Was the fact that when we set certain chat filters like OTHERS HIT OTHERS to HIDE/SHOW not being saved and having to go set it every time we log in addressed ?
    Carblis and menown like this.
  10. Kalamos Augur

    I didn't miss it. I'm just assuming it only applies to the pet levels mentioned in the first sentence of the note.
  11. Keep New Member

    I was under the impression the gift line had been broken for some time and not twin casting as originally intended?
  12. Kalamos Augur

    By the way, here is Sancus' graph of Mage Pet max hit for ToL and LS era pets by EM level:


    Notice how close the max hit of ToL pets gets to LS pets at EM 32. I'm guessing the pet changes are looking to flatten the slope of the blue line.

    LS pets were already nerfed in Beta. This is backfilling that nerf.
    Kaenneth and Svann2 like this.
  13. Pikollo Augur

    I say we convert it to all servers. Cuz AA'ing persona sucks.
    Kaenneth likes this.
  14. Covington New Member

    Stop nerfing Mages

    - Everyone

    P.S. Fix stuff the player base actually cares about.
    Barton-Vox and Carblis like this.
  15. Eaedyilye More stonehive bixies.

    After reading this, as someone who boxes 4 mages and an enchanter, I'm very, very disapointed.
    Barton-Vox likes this.
  16. Kalamos Augur

    Your Enchanter's Gather Mana AA got a huge boost. You should be stoked!

    Gather Mana XI:
    - Slot 1 changed from 'Increase Current Mana by 55000 (v358)' to 'Increase Current Mana by 220000 (v358)'
    - Slot 7 changed from 'Increase Current Mana by 1750 per Tick' to 'Increase Current Mana by 22000 per Tick'
  17. Allayna Augur

    Since you have all this time to work on changes to 3 AA focus lines covering 2 knights....you have time to release Champion's Oath/Reaver's Bargain update that was promised 2 years ago.
    Cadira, Ozon, Lubianx and 2 others like this.
  18. Valcron Elder

    yea exactly , that's my point - what does weaker mean?
  19. Opal Journeyman

    Why nerf shaman AE twincast?
    Barton-Vox and Carblis like this.
  20. Maedhros High King

    it doesnt even matter. this won't effect the extreme overpower of a shaman ae healing really at all. Unless maybe you only had 1 shammy on raids.
    There was no need to twincast to achieve the extreme overhealing.
    They might as well delete glacial gift line while they are at it though.
    Spiritual; surge line needs to be reduced from 3 waves to 2, and then increase recast time to 18 seconds at the very least to put this spell in to a much more reasonable spot.
    Salinae, alanus and fransisco like this.