Test Update 02/13/2024 - Patch Notes and Discussions

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by EQ Dev, Feb 13, 2024.

  1. Rogean Lorekeeper

    Awesome. I just tested it myself and it looks like my max normal hit was the same between a live warrior with battle leap on, and a testcopy. The max critical hit was higher on live though, but that could just be because my sample size wasn't long enough.

    Glad to see there won't be stacking issues.
  2. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    Nerfing the preservation focus is pointless, just makes it more annoying.

    Adding the rejuvenating steel focus is absolutely moronic. I would really like an explanation for this turd sandwich. NO ONE USES THE STUPID SPELL. And no one will after this either. Just the same 2 bad players serverwide that make dumb choices.
    Stephen51, Maedhros, Koldanar and 7 others like this.
  3. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    As long as it doesn't have FTE.
    kizant likes this.
  4. Cairbrae Developer

    Sorry, nothing for that issue yet. We're working on it. In the meanwhile, be sure to disable the AlwaysOnTop variable in eqclient.ini, as it can behave unintuitively with the Windows 10/11 desktop manager.

  5. Warpeace Augur

    Rejuvenating Steel line post patch is tempting...

    If you make it an AA:(

    Its just not going to get a spell gem.

    Listen to class feedback!!

    To be fair I also asked for the charges to at least be doubled, and they have been. Now seeing it and playing with it it just doesn't impress and leaves a void if you load it on your spell bar.
    Koldanar and alanus like this.
  6. Sebat - Tunare New Member

    Wow... Are you just TRYING to lose paying customers?? I raid and play as both of those classes, and your last nerf to my beloved Beastlord resulted in 3 of the 4 paid accounts I had going to silver/unpaid.

    24 Years I've played EQ, and this very well could be the end.
  7. Salben Journeyman

    You know they don’t listen to their customers lol never have and never will. We requested we be able to go to options and HIDE others hits instead of just moving the filter to a new window…and I see nothing in the notes about it. So I have to filter it and lag out on raids as it spams through..I don’t parse, I shouldn’t be required to deal with spam that was previously able to be hidden!
    Ileasa likes this.
  8. strongbus Augur

    would like to know why they did it
    Ileasa and Covington like this.
  9. Cairbrae Developer

    Possibly, if your back buffer was cleared to black.

    The change is that we're not enabling DXGI flip model for the time being, due to the flickering artifacts.

    Windows 11 users can still override this via System > Display > Graphics > Change default graphics settings > Optimizations for windowed games.
  10. Salben Journeyman

    You aren’t allowed to know why lol and I guarantee they will never explain the reason for the changes. The player is owed nothing!
    Covington likes this.
  11. fransisco Augur

    Its actually a GREAT buff for groupers. The gulf between raid and group pets pre LS is gigantonormous. Not sure why they decreased the raid side, but upping the group side will be well met.

    Also, can I have your stuff when you go?
    Kaenneth, Ileasa, Jedipokey and 2 others like this.
  12. Gialana Augur

    The standard lock-out timer for Heroic Adventures is 2 hours, 30 minutes.
    The standard lock-out timer for missions is 5 hours.

    These were reduced from 3 hours and 6 hours, respectively when lock-out timers were changed to start counting down upon completion instead of request.

    Will we deal with 6 hours? Yes. But it doesn't really make sense, either.
    Koldanar, Hobs, Velisaris_MS and 2 others like this.
  13. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Surely thats last expansion pets as it is 116 - 120 not 121 to 125.
  14. Kaliko Augur

    Your beast will still be fine as long as you press buttons and know how to maximize the class. The pet will still be capable of tanking I bet, maybe just not 4 mobs at once!
    minimind likes this.
  15. Carblis New Member

    What a great expansion it's been for Shaman. I appreciate all you have done for us. Really makes me want to continue playing the class.
    Jedipokey likes this.
  16. Snotts New Member

    Game is nearly unplayable cause of dx11 and you nerf classes. Time to reconsider my subs again..
  17. Hekaton Augur

    man another spell to go to the not gonna mem ever again pile. think shaman are up to 10 of those now
    Carblis likes this.
  18. Lodestar The Undefeated

    Cairbrae: Any ETA on hitching being addressed due to NPC models/textures loading into the game world?

    To me this is the biggest performance opportunity, along with general FPS optimizations which I'd imagine is more challenging than addressing that first.
    Silvena, Velisaris_MS and Windance like this.
  19. Dre. Altoholic

    Seconded. This is a terrible idea. Isn't there some sort of player council for vetting stuff like this?
  20. Allayna Augur

    I need you to stop listening to the vocal few who have no idea how to play their class.

    The cost of Extended Rejuvenating Steel Focus AA line is 315 AA.
    315 AA for another focus that only our classes worst players asked for.

    22 charges and 2 min 56s duration, with the new focus line.

    This was the max heal:
    [Tue Feb 13 21:11:51 2024] You are reinvigorated by steel.
    [Tue Feb 13 21:11:51 2024] You healed Aallayna for 91341 hit points by Steely Restoration. (Lucky Critical)

    In practice, I attempted to just use steel and preservation and not click any buttons....like purely passive healing against a level 120 wolf in LI....I died.

    This spell line is trash. Should have been trashed ages ago. Please put valuable dev time for spells and AAs into things we actually load....this lands as totally tone deaf.

    No one is going to load this...even with the "improvements?" It has a 2 min global cooldown to load...much like no one worth their salt should be loading the Angst line for the same reasons.

    So for this ability that literally no one asked for we are getting a nerf to Extended Preservation of Marr.

    On live the spell lasts 7:45s and has 130 charges.
    On test it drops to 6:22s and 94 charges.

    Likewise we get a nerf to Extended Steely Stance.
    On live the spell lasts 9:18s. On test it drops to 8:22s.

    What was the design goal here? Can you spell it out?