Mage Pets

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by DillyBar, Feb 7, 2024.

  1. fransisco Augur

    Its been shown to ALWAYS be the case on live. You can be alone, and you will still lose dps if your pet is casting or having proccing weapons. Its "less bad" when you are not in a raid, but you will lose damage if your pet has proccing weapons or has proccing spells on them.
    I might be wrong on this, but I think someone used a dummy on test (about the lowest lag place your gonna find) and was roughly break even. Which means even alone in a zone on live your gonna have more lag.
    The mage discord has more info on this if your interested
  2. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    fransisco likes this.
  3. Lodestar The Undefeated

    This is inaccurate. I've posted extensively on other thread(s) on it. The margin of error exceeds what's reproducible under a controlled environment in the group game. You are risking decreasing your DPS by removing procing weapons in the group game in a zone with minimal lag. The only types of procs that make sense to remove in the group game are ultra-high PPM procs such as BST epic 2.0 that have unparseably low damage returns (therein the only risk that exists is a high proc rate inducing lower DPS even given minimal zone lag).

    However in raids, it's still always an unquestionable impact that exceeds all margins of error. You should always remove all procs, and procing weapons, in raids until it's (perhaps never) fixed.

    If you disagree with this assessment, then I urge you to actually parse it yourself, with proper controls in group zones. It all goes back to the margin of error exceeding the very low parse differentials that can't overcome said margin, as controls are incapable of providing sufficient rigidity to produce results that consistently exceed the margin of error to prove out a clear decrease in DPS.

    Raids are conclusive, group game is inconclusive. Take whatever risk you desire if you don't parse it yourself.
  4. kizant Augur

    Or big picture. Why would losing a small amount of DPS to gain additional hate be a problem in the first place? Oh noes the mob took 37 seconds to die instead of 34. The horror. It's not like you're in a desperate battle here. You could take a nap mid fight and still win.
    yepmetoo likes this.
  5. fransisco Augur

    Your margin of error argument doesn't hold water. You talk about anything less than 15% as margin of error so doesn't count. There are pages of people refuting your statements with parsed facts.
    Sancus and Barton-Vox like this.
  6. Lodestar The Undefeated

    Believe whatever you want to have fun believing. Your statement relating to margin of error above or below 15% is what doesn't hold water. That is a statement of wasted effort on your part--about as good as elephants are purple.

    Download SPSS or Minitab, take a stats course, and run your own parses. None of the parses posted in that thread are sufficient from a controls perspective.
  7. fransisco Augur

    Please, post and show us evidence. Let it stand up to critique. All you do is say claim all the evidence you dislike is invalid
    Barton-Vox likes this.
  8. Barton-Vox Fizzlethorpe Rules !!

    Post your evidence then
  9. Svann2 The Magnificent

    no you!
    Barton-Vox likes this.