Question regarding Balance: SK Epic vs. Pally Epic

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Darakar, Dec 29, 2023.

  1. fransisco Augur

    Stuns do nothing for your damage. SKs can tank everything perfectly well without them, and their method of tanking does WAY more damage than paladins.
    Sure stuns seem nice, but unless paladins triple their agro (Espeically multi target) and WAY up their damage, they will still be in the position where you need to justify why you didn't make an SK.
  2. alanus Augur

    I agree that SK are way OP, but stuns are still real nice for damage mitigation when stuff can 1-round a raid geared tank
    Allayna likes this.
  3. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    If there's a dangerous mob that's still stunnable, it's a dev oversight and you probably shouldn't talk about it if you enjoy it.;)
    fransisco likes this.
  4. mmats Augur

    stuns actually do improve dps, comparably, when the sk is dead because he took one too many rounds and the paladin is alive because he was able to neutralize a mob.

    should stick to making a case for better agro generation rather than trying to convince everyone that all paladin abilities are useless.
    Syylke_EMarr likes this.
  5. Lubianx Augur

    Other than the Eldarr raid trash, which is currently in the bug forum, where is a situation where neutralizing a mob which can be stunned would cause a pally to live and an SK not to? If the SK took too many rounds it's likely from too many mobs, which would be a lot and stun wouldn't help anyway as you could only lock down 1 or 2 mobs, or it's during a raid where mobs are not stunnable.

    This is not a for or against stuns (I am an outlier here, I use one stun and 1 crush usually on raids when tanking), just your reasoning is flawed
    fransisco likes this.
  6. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    Stuns also eliminate riposte dps when they work and riposte isn't strikethru'd
    alanus likes this.
  7. Szilent Augur

    strikethrough-ed ripostes still deal damage
    fransisco and Spacemonkey555 like this.
  8. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    Then stun always reduces tank dps
    fransisco likes this.
  9. mmats Augur

    locking down "1 or 2 mobs" doesnt improve survivability? just when i thought i had heard it all...
  10. Lubianx Augur

    Your post said stunning a mob increases DPS as an SK would be dead. What I am saying is there are practically zero situations, apart from aforementioned Elddar trash, where an SK would be dead and a pally alive because of stuns.

    Even on an overpull an SK would still have a better chance against 10 mobs than a pally would against 8 where the other 2 are stun locked.
  11. Allayna Augur

    Everyone is forgetting or negating the fact that stun does zero DPS....and that can be good.

    That my target target heals, valiant, ecliptic, burst, etc do zero DPS....and that can be good.

    When a mob needs to not be damaged, for a mechanic, an achievement, kiting, etc, I can still heal myself and the SK risks putting the mob into summon.

    While this is a niche area of why I wouldn't want stun changed to do damage, it is important to consider when discussing class balance and roles.
  12. mmats Augur

    i assumed that the usual suspects were just taking this opportunity to flood another thread with claims that paladins are terrible in order to guilt devs into making them OP, but maybe youre right and they have just never learned how to play their class to its full potential? lets remind them of the tools they likely arent taking advantage of -

    Beacon of the Righteous (25) 125 LS 35 / 444 90s T30
    Cast: Beacon of the Righteous XVI
    Beacon of the Righteous XVI, when activated, instantly consumes up to 8 opponents within a 0 foot radius in a beacon of light, stunning level 129 or lower opponents for 3 seconds, increasing their hatred for you by 24000 points, then by 14000 points every 6 seconds for 30 seconds.

    Hallowed Lodestar (14) 125 LS 35 / 350 90s T36 Cast: Hallowed Lodestar XIV
    Hallowed Lodestar XIV, when activated, instantly consumes up to 8 opponents within a 200 foot radius of your target in hallowed light, stunning level 129 or lower opponents for 1 second, increasing their hatred for you by 30000 points, then by 12000 points every 6 seconds for 18 seconds.

    Healing Light (38) 125 LS 65 / 1330 - 1: Cast: Healing Light XXXVIII on Spell Use (20% Chance)
    2: Limit Max Level: 254 (lose 100% per level)
    3: Limit Effect: Stun
    4: Limit Effect: Interrupt Casting
    This passive ability grants your stun spells and abilities a 20% chance to bless all group members within a 0 foot radius with Healing Light XXXVIII which heals 51000 health.

    Heroic Leap (12) 125 LS 40 / 196 90s T9 Cast: Heroic Leap IX
    Heroic Leap IX, when activated, instantly causes you to leap approximately 10 feet in front of your target, attracting the attention of up to 8 opponents within a 200 foot radius of your target, increasing their hatred for you by 15000 points.
  13. Nightops Augur


    I guess I never learned, but now you're reminding me how to play a paladin to it's full potential by listing 3 AE agro abilities and a passive AA.

    Can you teach me how using those 3 AE agro abilities helps me as a paladin have a better chance then an SK to survive 10 mobs on an overpull? That is what you claimed, isn't it?
  14. Allayna Augur

    @mmats our 3 AE aggro abilities should have focus lines reducing them to 45s reuse imho. I'd also love at least 1 spell targeted AE stun and 1 spell PBAE stun. Massive pipedream as there are a few paladins who refuse to load stuns.
    Maedhros likes this.
  15. alanus Augur

    I don't think anyone is saying paladins are underpowered and useless, but to think they're on the same tier as SK is weapons-grade delusional. SK are way OP right now

    Hallowed/beacon are great and all that, but are only usable every few minutes and can get you killed by aggroing everything around you.
    Heroic leap is okay, but if you're going to mention an ability for aggro, divine call is far superior. Even FOD is way better.

    Paladins are honestly fine as a class. They're about where they should be. It's just that SK are so overpowered and daybreak doesn't seem to give a hoot that there's a class that is simultaneously arguably the best tank and arguably the best dps and arguably the best at self-heals
    Maedhros and fransisco like this.
  16. Fintank Augur

    Come on friends, everyone knows SK are a DPS class. They just have all those other things like defensives and heals to help balance them out!
    fransisco likes this.
  17. Fintank Augur

    SK's must hate all those times they're taking so much damage without being able to target anything in order to heal. Happens so much, literally all the time for sure. I often just have nothing targetable and am so blessed I can heal myself from all the damage inc from nothing. Like for sure, I hate not tanking anything and needing heals constantly. I'll see myself to that newbie forum so I can learn more about how to deal with taking damage from no mobs and constantly being dead and at the mercy of reliance on paladin heals.
    Apos, Dre., Wulfhere and 5 others like this.
  18. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    Nobody crusades like a Paladin. It’s been 25 years and they’re still on the same crusade.
    WeCameWeConquered and Xanathol like this.
  19. Maedhros High King

    Whoa when did paladins get ae stuns?
    fransisco and alanus like this.
  20. mmats Augur

    im just a hopeless romantic trying to touch peoples hearts. though im greatly honored to be speaking with a man who has 50000 hours of forum time and 100 hours of game time! hows that working out for you so far? did the devs give in yet?