What Illusions would you like to see added?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Nightmares, Sep 16, 2021.

  1. Sobmre Augur

    Just add more quested and rare drop ones. i don't really care what they are im addicted to collecting them
    Cavall likes this.
  2. Vumad Cape Wearer

    My main and only real request is that I would like to see project illusion work on pets.

    I would also like to see quests for Dire Charm classes for the dire charm pets. There is a HoH wurlon petamorph and if I could project the squire illusion from ToL onto my pet then I would be pretty darn happy with illusions. But I think a quest for an illusion clicky for the PoP (and similar) dire charm mobs would be awesome.
  3. Null New Member