Pet inventory feature - bug(s)

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by baby-iksar, Jan 18, 2024.

  1. baby-iksar Journeyman

    I hate to report this one, because I might not like the fix...

    issue 1: pet item stacking

    When mage pets are created, they are born with items in their "Left" Inventory slots.

    Left Wrist: Summoned: Etched Alloy Plate Bracers.
    When you give pets Items that have a Left and Right slot, the item goes into the Right inventory slot only.

    These items in the pet bags are lore.

    So, what this means is, for mages, you can create the last expansion bag (Diablos), and give them a wrist, bracer, earring, and ring from the last expansion. The mage pet now has Left and Right slots populated with non-lore items. I like this... but it might not be intended.

    But a necro pet, cannot get this, because they are born with no gear (other than pet focus/back item). So if you hand them both Laurens Song Ring and a Diablos Ring, they both compete for the Right slot, and only one wins, while the Left Slot is never updated.

    What I hope the fix is: Change these four slots (ear, ring, bracer, and wrist) to be a list, instead of a set, where the first item goes to the Left, and the 2nd goes to the Right (in that order), instead of only using the right slots to hand inventory to, and rejecting collisions.

    issue 2: pet slot visibility

    /pet inventory destroy <N>
    is a little ambiguous. <N> is non-deterministic, and we only know what we destroyed after we destroy it.

    What I hope the fix is: Add the index to the output of the
    /pet inventory check
    Instead of
    Back: Cloak of Enhancement XXXI
    include the index somewhere in the output list.

     [8] Back: Cloak of Enhancement XXXI
    Returning a ordered list (1 to N) might make sense, but i don't think it really matters, as long as we know Back is slot 8.

    Alternatively, I suppose you could allow the command to use an string key (associate array), so we don't care about the index.

    /pet inventory destroy 8
    /pet inventory destroy Back
  2. SteamFox Augur

    Meeko discussed this here
    I don't hate this idea, the fwiw the slot number is the same as a player's if that helps.
    You already can "/pet inventory destroy back"
    Ileasa and Meeko like this.
  3. Meeko Developer(Code)

    What he said. ^
    Ileasa and SteamFox like this.
  4. baby-iksar Journeyman

    i'll try the pet destroy command again, are slots with spaces in the names working?
  5. baby-iksar Journeyman

    btw, i really like this new feature. Huge thank you! :frolic: :)
    klanderso and Ileasa like this.
  6. Meeko Developer(Code)

    It doesn't appear so. I'll get a ticket created to fix that. For now, you can use the slot number to destroy a ring/earring/wrist if needed.

    Edit: I was testing wrong. The slot name matching should work for those slots. All of these should work:
    /pet i d left e
    /pet inv des right wri
    /pet inventory destroy left ring
    baby-iksar likes this.
  7. Gialana Augur

    While I think it could be nice if the number were returned with the /pet inventory command, I think there is already a way you can look up the slot numbers. If you type /useitem without any arguments, it returns a list of numbers that looks like this:
    Charm = 0
    Left Ear = 1
    Head = 2
    Face = 3
    Right Ear = 4
    Neck = 5
    Shoulders = 6
    Arms = 7
    Back = 8
    Left Wrist = 9
    Right Wrist = 10
    Range = 11
    Hands = 12
    Primary = 13
    Secondary = 14
    Left Ring = 15
    Right Ring = 16
    Chest = 17
    Legs = 18
    Feet = 19
    Waist = 20
    Power Source = 21
    Ammo = 22

    Even though not all of these are used by pets, I expect they're the same numbers.
    baby-iksar likes this.
  8. SteamFox Augur

    Fun fact, the only slot here that pets don't have/ can't use is Charm (and power source Meeko?). As players we can't equip items to left wrist/finger (yet?!) as per Meeko above but all other slots should be on the table.
    Gialana likes this.
  9. Drakah UI Designer

    Crazy thought....? why not just code the game to make a Tab in the inventory window, like you have for your Mercanary, call it "Pet", and maintain your Pet inventory there, instead of this slash command thing. o_O
  10. Meeko Developer(Code)

    They can wear power sources and get stats if the armor they're wearing has purity.
  11. Gialana Augur

    Deleted because the dev response below me is more useful.
  12. Meeko Developer(Code)

    Because one of them can be done in a couple days while the other would take a significantly longer amount of time(weeks/months). Having some kind of UI-based functionality is still a long term goal, but for now the slash command should cover most people's needs.
    Keeden, Sancus, Fanra and 7 others like this.
  13. Drakah UI Designer

    Thanks Meeko, it's a good start at least for sure
    Ileasa and Meeko like this.
  14. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    I sorely wish all exchanges were like this and wonder why some topics are ok and adddressed, and other much more pressing topics aren't. The communication goes a long way.

    Scuttling topics goes a long way the other way.

    This thread was a real dignified conversation.

    Others are being met with slightly over the borderline hostility to the point of pruning posts that make mods uncomfortable because they have no answers.

    Keeden likes this.
  15. fransisco Augur

    A pet inventory graphical interface couldn't work like player or merc inventory. You cannot get any gear back from a pet. So you also wouldn't be able to move gear around, because that lets the player pick gear up and have access to it again.
    A graphical interface would just a picture way to show whats there, without letting you interact with anything.
    Ileasa likes this.
  16. baby-iksar Journeyman

    also, since pet gear is ephemeral, not sure it would even help? We'd have to interact with that tab every pet death. Unlike the merc tab, which represents permanently equipped gear.

    I mean, it would be _cool_ to have a trade window with pet do that type of dialog, but not worth the dev cost imho
    Ileasa likes this.
  17. Fanra

    There's no reason that a GUI can't let you destroy the gear and place new gear in the pet slots. Yes, you can't "move gear around" but destroy and place is a good thing.
    Keeden, SteamFox and Drakah like this.
  18. Moege Augur

    can already use slotnames
    /pet inventory destroy back
    /pet inventory destroy primary
    fransisco likes this.
  19. Moege Augur

    And a template save, takes gear from inventory and equips pet.
    Fanra likes this.
  20. SteamFox Augur

    Why not? Just because you can't currently unequip an item from a pet, why does that mean you can never be able to? Removing summoned gear and plain daggers off a pet isn't going to break anything. Heck having their inventory persist through death wouldn't exactly be that OP either, just saves having to craft legs and belts every day. Even if they did want it to be so you still couldn't unequip items, why not have it when you try to pick it up it just asks if you want to delete it? Yes, boom deleted. No? item stays on pet.