Heroes Are Forged - The Hero's Forge Mission Discussion

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Tuco, Dec 7, 2023.

  1. fransisco Augur

    Common misconception. Being in raid gear lets you overpower group content. It doesn't make you "too good" or higher skilled. In reality, raid gear lowers the skill bar dramatically for group content.
    It makes you OP for the content, hence breaking it by killing stuff to fast.
  2. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Simply waiting for an add to kill so we can defeat a mission mechanic is kind of silly. IMO the webs should be destructible by slashing weapons or fire spells as well. It makes no sense that we cannot destroy the web but can destroy the spider queen that supposedly spun them....
    Allayna and Fenthen like this.
  3. Szilent Augur

    Raid gear doesn't do that. For the past six weeks, raid weapons haven't even existed. Rk3 (raid) spells haven't existed.
    Sprooce, Fenthen, Yinla and 3 others like this.
  4. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    This mindset STILL exists? :oops:
    Jack, Allayna and Fenthen like this.
  5. Windance Augur

    Raid gear still applies. Increased hp, mana, and heroic stats means raid geared characters will do more damage and be better able to soak damage than those in group gear.
    Kaenneth likes this.
  6. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    To add to this NoS raid weapons are worse than LS group weapons and it is going to be a while before all raiders get their LS raid weapons, 2 - 4 a week if we are lucky, I think we only had 1 weapon drop this week and no TS weapons.
    Allayna and Fenthen like this.
  7. fransisco Augur

    yup, cause focuses, way more hp, enough ac to tank anything and more aren't a thing.
    Ask a caster how much they care about weapons vs their armor with the focuses on it.

    Its silly you think having bis raid gear (all better than any group gear) is a non-factor.
    Kaenneth likes this.
  8. Cadira Augur

    Hardly in this specific example, but even so, my fully group geared 120's never saw an aura let alone a slime add their first time doing this mission with regular non-burn dps.

    You shouldnt lose a desirable clicky for doing regular dps on a thing and killing it because you're not stupendously horrible.
    Fenthen likes this.
  9. Alnitak Augur

    Slime aura pops at around 60 seconds mark and mini-slime spawns at around 90 second mark. The big slime has about 180mil HP. That becomes a 2 mil group dps check to avoid the add and 3 mil group dps check to avoid the aura.
    Not every "group casual" group roster can do it without a burn. In my experience - every raider group can do it easily. And all the variety in between. This is just a numerical example of raiders "breaking" script by simply being raiders.
    I am not taking a stand on this particular scenario, I am just pointing out that raiders play quite different group game even without knowing it sometimes.
    Cadira likes this.
  10. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Unless you're using 6 clerics I don't see how it's not possible to do 2 mil DPS in a pickup group.

    The slime requirements are that your group is either extremely terrible at EverQuest, or you need to just sit on your hands and not actually play the game while waiting for the mission mechanics to happen.
    Kaenneth likes this.
  11. Marton Augur

    You would be surprised.

    When I check my logs, I sometimes wonder about people ...
  12. Windance Augur

    To be clear.

    If you do the event as its scripted, you can do the event in group gear from NoS.

    You just don't have much wiggle room, and you need to know your class well enough to mash the correct abilities.

    Just hitting auto attack, and ignoring the script will result in LOADING ... even if you have raid gear.

    The difference is with raid gear you can be a little sloppy and not wipe.
    Alnitak, Jack, Szilent and 1 other person like this.
  13. Opal Journeyman

    i can assure you people in full raid gear can still completely suck
    Zarkdon, Sprooce, Toukan and 4 others like this.
  14. Xyphen Maximum Augur

    How have the patch changes affected the mission? Is it better or worse?
  15. Bigstomp Augur

    Have not noticed a real change really on the missions. One raid got a bit harder but not enough to move the needle really.
  16. Knifen Augur

    I have seen rogue mercs out dps main melee classes.....
  17. Allayna Augur

    Rogue mercs on "burn" don't do what an auto attack rogue does. Mercs need revamped. Players who don't out dps a rogue merc and play a dps should re-evaluate whether they wanna try a different game.
  18. Kalamos Augur

    Worse. All the mini's summon now. This can present some real issues for some groups on the spider and lich. The lich summoning is especially stupid. I don't know what they were thinking with this change, but I'm guessing it was an attempt to smash a square mission mechanic into a round hole.
  19. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    People were standing on roofs.

    I joined a pickup group outside my guild, and the leader had the ranged DPS stand in a non pathable place.
  20. Xyphen Maximum Augur

    Ugh, was afraid of that. Glad I got the achieves done before they made it worse.