In Progress Mobs become unhittable in multiple locations in LS

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Skecpa, Dec 6, 2023.

  1. Rolaque Ancient

    For the Heroes are Forged mission, when the spider leaves the egg sack location and ports to loc 286.65, -972.11, 196.40 she lands with her bottom end pushed into the existing wall. This location makes her unhittable for melee and spell casting. However, if she is pulled forward a couple of steps, she becomes hittable.
    Raccoo likes this.
  2. Scila Augur

    Category: NPC [Can Repro]
    Date/Time: Thu Dec 14 08:29:35 2023

    Character: Level 122 Druid (Main)
    Zone: Timorous Falls
    Location: -1730.19, -1236.18, -84.76, 216.30

    Description: unhittable mob Timm a teensy aedis
  3. Scila Augur

    Category: NPC [Can Repro]
    Date/Time: Sun Dec 17 07:22:30 2023

    Character: Level 123 Druid (Main)
    Zone: Timorous Falls
    Location: -2495.49, -757.02, -110.61, 26.05

    Description: unable to hit a millworker at this location in Timm - there is a distinct line at the place that I think they are getting stuck on when I look at my target ring facing the npc on my left
  4. Rouan Augur

    Haven't really seen it much, if at all, in older zones, but I got it a bunch in ETWK and Dragonscale Hills. I'm guessing the more complicated the geometry the easier it is to get it to occur.
  5. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Had this happen with one of the mosquitos in Timorous Falls. It was right there but I couldn't find a sweet spot for meleeing, even though it's hitting me just fine. I had to pull it off the hill about 200 feet away.
  6. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casualâ„¢

    It happened again last night, in Blightfire Moors. Specifically on the north side of the marshes along the wall where the rats spawn. The work around is set merc to passive, back away to flatter terrain, reengage merc and pet. I did lose a pet, but it was only mana in the long run. Glad to see they are working on the problem though.
  7. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Considering that this wasn't an issue prior to LS launching (I don't think it was happening), it kinda makes me wonder what sort of global changes were made with regards to mob placement/z-axis simply because of the new expansion...and why. And what other global changes were put in that may cause an issue later.
    Xyza likes this.
  8. Jakonis New Member

    This is also happing across UF zones. Any uneven terrain (fungal forest is a nightmare.
    Froger, Fenthen and Silvena like this.
  9. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    For starters, the zones are all spherical globes instead of rectangular cubes. I am unsure if that is some of the reason, but the shape of the zone structure should be noted.
  10. Velisaris_MS Augur

    But that doesn't explain why people are now all of a sudden having geometry/pathing issues in older zones that never had an issue.
    Fenthen likes this.
  11. Warpeace Augur

    Some flat earth posts feel appropriate here now.
    Balfor and Jack like this.
  12. chronicler Augur

    Seems happens a lot in LI .

    Place mob same spot and some cannot hit, others can
  13. Barbwarrior Augur

    its been a issue for a while i was getting loads of you cannot see target while meleeing but its much worse now cant hit them at all in some places
  14. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Pal'Solm mission. Cannot hit goblins in the ravine. Looks like a zone design issue as the targeting ring vanishes into the geometry.

    Cannot move mobs, as soon as you move away they attack to assisting NPCs.
  15. Scila Augur

    It's a geometry problem. I've had to put the merc on passive and use the pet to pull it off the spot to be able to do anything other than watch the pet and merc pound on them. At this point, my guess, is something is wonky that they should have enough information to figure out how to resolve it.
    Joules_Bianchi likes this.
  16. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    Yestreday. three times I had a similar issue with mobs and my merc clipping through to ground and being unhittable. the mob was "visually" normal. but the merc attacking the mobs that did this would clip half underground each time.- Rats in Blightfire near Mesa zone, which have NEVER done this before through many many characters. This is entirely new.
  17. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    this, and it's pretty much anywhere in game. The mobs feet hitbox is clipping through zone geometry. The target ring is below ground.
  18. Fanra

    It has always been the case that you need to see the feet of the mob to cast spells on them. Someone in my fellowship always jokes that a blade of grass in the way was blocking their spells.

    Either it is now worse for some reason or there is a new problem.

    By the way, when Dragons of Norrath came out, I wondered if the developers ever played EQ because the ground of the tunnels/paths in Stillmoon Temple, instead of being level, managed to have just enough bumps and small mounds to make it difficult to cast on the mobs. Poor design due to lack of playing the actual game.
    Silvena likes this.
  19. Shea Lorekeeper

    This. I've seen this happen several times if the goblins are engaged by the NPC's in the 'dugout' area. NPC's can hit them with no issues, and I believe pets maybe? PC's can target them but can't melee or cast on them at all, but they can hit PC's. There have been several times where our tank would get close and take the hits and we just had to keep him healed and let the NPC's slowly kill them.

    Various attempt at moving them didn't work. Pushbacks, grav flux, etc. and as mentioned above, you can't 'pull' them away since they just switch targets to beating on the NPC's.
  20. Vumad Cape Wearer

    The hex mob in final fugue went up on the tree behind the NPCs and I couldn't hit it. Rough loc was 12/28/23 01:03:24 AMYour Location is -1016.46, 124.03, -17.43