2 Servers To Make Everyone Happy?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by ibc93, Dec 3, 2023.

  1. Critt Augur

    Considering the lack luster server ideas for the past 2 years, I doubt very much they will need 2 servers.. Unless by some miracle they come up with an idea that generates significantly more interest than the last two servers.
  2. jeskola pheerie

    I could see them rolling out a Rizlona+mischief server. Rizlona brought in a lot of subs for a significant amount of time. They would need a truebox server to go with it though.
  3. Tribbious Lorekeeper

    Remove AOC until PoP
    Slow down expansion release
    Take away picks
  4. Montag Augur

    The Agnarr recycle idea would be a huge hit I expect. 8 weeks after LDON launches it automatically merges into Agnarr.

    All these years later Agnarr still has four healthy raid guilds clearing all content day and night (1 euro guild day 3 US guilds night).

    It's the perfect solution for busy people who want to keep playing but can't keep up on a TLP that's bound for live.
  5. Critt Augur

    They will never go back to no AOC, it forces kids to compete and we can't have that!
  6. eqfanforlife Elder

    Why though? Don't they get bored?
  7. NuffanTuit Nuffan Tuit on Innoruuk Server

    Take away pics?

    Yes lets return to my very first EQ experience in 1999 standing in line, in Commonlands, to kill an orc.

    As much as a small number of people want it to be, EQ is not designed for player conflict.

    Trying to force it will not be popular....lol

    It is clearly best played as a PVE game.

    while the my guild has the key mobs on lock down is a fun game for you, the rest of the server is not interested in it.
  8. Intercept Augur

    Free trade is fine
    Random triple loot is a huge no thank you.
  9. CdeezNotes Augur

    You mean it breeds toxicity among manchildren trying to reassure themselves how they are superior at a video game compared to others.
  10. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    What's the name of the EU guild?

    Agnarr maybe a new project for the new year.
  11. McJumps TLP QoL Activist

    Nothing says "I have succeeded in life" better than bragging about being able to wake up at 3am to a batphone to log onto EQ and kill Cazic Thule for the 9,322,127th time.
  12. Montag Augur

    "Remedy" or "The Remedy" I forget which.

    The people I've met from them have all been really cool.
  13. Montag Augur

    Some do, some don't. Some get bored for awhile and take a break from EQ or just go to the latest TLP for awhile and then come back exactly where we left off.

    It's got it's own dynamics. Like you can truly best-in-slot your toons eventually though it can take longer than you might think with LDoN augs and rare clickies.

    And you can try less common builds. You'd be surprised how tanky a necro or enchanter can get if you itemize for it. Or the mobs a full tanky build shaman can true solo.

    Old PITA quests with neat rewards that aren't worth the time on other TLPs suddenly worth it here.

    Epics that become obsolete on other servers sometimes don't when you're locked in PoP.

    All kinds of huge timesink things you wouldn't even consider when you only have 12 weeks in PoP become kinda awesome when you're locked.

    It's like a way less painful P99.
    Defenestrated Vase likes this.
  14. AzzlannOG Elder

    You may like FTE but there are a ton of people who dont. There is a way to implement it to reduce trains, but also not take away from the game all the good things that FTE ruins.
  15. Arclyte Augur

    "tons of people"

    Source: trust me bro
  16. jeskola pheerie

    There aren't even "tons of people" still tlping. It's hicks, zaide and 3 others
    SnapVine likes this.
  17. Azzlann Elder

    You guys can keep saying that but there are tons of people like me who didn't continue in Oakwynd specifically because of FTE. Tons of servers have had dupes, some worse than this one and continued on. Oakwynd could have survived it if there was a healthy population to begin with.
  18. Azzlann Elder

    There is like 300 people in our discord and rules haven't even been released yet.
    jeskola likes this.
  19. Slik New Member

    Rofl there was dupes on the past 3 TLPs I was on. Mischief had a terrible dupe, twice. Its fine. Facts.
  20. jeskola pheerie

    Faceless I take it? The guild name suits your status.
