A trader system that works.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Xcelon Silverblade, Dec 2, 2023.

  1. Raptorjesus5 Augur

    Being able to play while selling is the only real problem with the current system. Well I guess that and the 2m plat cap.
  2. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    Remember the old tiny arena off the old pinwheel bazaar? Traders got more than nudged off the platform for a spot.

    "/ooc can someone cast a modrod so we can get into trader mode pls?"
    Wdor and CatsPaws like this.
  3. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    This- Trader mode locking down an account is dumb for them too- Zero chance of engagement or monetization to the account, or even socially.
  4. Svann2 The Magnificent

    I heard someone leved a trader then pushed him into the pvp area.
    Joules_Bianchi likes this.
  5. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    TL's were more fun, cast 2 and everyone in the bazzar area LDed.
    Wdor likes this.
  6. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    Something to that effect, yeah Remember old Bobbing levitate? Every time levitated char rises, move the dwarf under it and nudge it, the only error is the word "A" This was the death of the old Bazaar linked arena.
  7. Xcelon Silverblade Paladin of Tallon Zek

    oh and not to mention if you want to do buyer mode you need another account to be able to offer people plat for items as well so almost no one does it, if we can also do trader and buyer same account same time which would be easy with the auction house setup like EQ2 and every other system that would be great as well
  8. Xcelon Silverblade Paladin of Tallon Zek

    it does not work very well and very few people use it because of its limitation and other cumbersome aspects. I bet if the suggestions or even half of them were implemented the number of trader accounts would go up like 10 fold or more.
  9. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Yes, but it does work.
    KarmaKitty and Herodotus like this.
  10. Herodotus Augur

    Lots of traders on BB. Can't speak for other servers though.
    KarmaKitty likes this.
  11. FYAD Augur

    You're right, it doesn't literally crash if you try to use it. But it sucks and we deserve better.
  12. Xcelon Silverblade Paladin of Tallon Zek

    yes this is another great thing I forgot about the 2 mil plat cap yes thank you
    KarmaKitty likes this.
  13. Kyzvs Augur

    My hopes:

    1. Free accounts can trade but have to buy bags using DB cash and have to be logged in. Max 1000pp per sale.

    2. Paid accounts can sell whilst logged off / playing another account, buy bags with DB cash. Limit to 2m pp still.

    3. Guild traders can sell items worth more than 2m and are fixed NPC's (so an option off the existing guild bank system). Have a tribute cost for them being up that slides according to size of guild.

    To be honest though, I'd go back to the original EC tunnel days - was more dynamic and interesting although I fully understand the game just doesn't have the items any more to make it feasible. It's such a shame that what used to be a massive variety of valid playable gear and loadouts is funneled into such a tiny amount of fixed gear per expansion.
  14. Vanesae Journeyman

    I would like Auction house bundled, requires current expansion purchase to use so dpg can make money off it. Usable on TLP starting in Classic. No plat cap, or nobles integrated.
  15. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    That sounds like a horrible system as a 1000 plat limit would be useless on most servers and the 2m plat limit is a coding limitation and if it can be removed it should be for everyone.

    The EC tunnels days didn't end because of itemization but because players don't want to stand around selling items all the time like they did before the bazaar.
  16. Kyzvs Augur

    I think for free accounts 1kpp is fine. It lets them flog off their unused defiant and help pay for spells etc. Also freebies get a taste for traders, but doesn't really give anything major for free - which is yet another incentive to pay for an account. It also gives a small lever to help prevent mudflation.

    I disagree on the second point also - people stand around and sell now (that's the problem), just to a larger audience. I realise it's an impossible dream, but the EC days were "shall I buy what's available" vs "shall I learn an obscure quest and go and get item x" - those days were more varied, but gone fer good I accept.
  17. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Why though, that value won't let them sell anything of value at all. I think the reason that they don't allow F2P players to sell is because of the 500 active trader cap in the bazzar which has been hit on some servers. If they can fix that there should be no limitation on what a F2P player can sell items for and if they get lucky and get a ultra rare item they should be able to sell it the same way that a paying player can.

    Honestly this is why there is a push for an auction house as that would solve a lot of the issues with the current system.
  18. KarmaKitty Augur

    Love the buyers paying 10% or less of what the NPCs pay. Always a good one, bah.

    Really love the people putting items up in the bazaar for way under my buyline. Saves me oodles of plat.

    Yes, it works. Yes, we deserve better. Odds are not in our lifetime/
  19. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    Just let F2P sell enough to actually afford Krono is the way forward. Who cares whether the seller is all access of f2p? really? There is zero valid reason not to.
  20. ForumBoss Augur

    They could make a perk for setting up a trader on the go, where you could sell items directly from your (larger) bags while out on the field kind of like the reverse of what you can do with barter while in the field. That and removing the 2M plat cap would be awesome.