Is platinum worthless for all the good stuff now?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Izzard of Bertox, Nov 30, 2023.

  1. Izzard of Bertox Augur

    If you want that rare and wonderful Item, better bring Krono. These guys have half to several billion plat. I know they are the ones yelling ... "WTB KRONO 5 mil pp per!" But finding those for sale ... VERY rare.
  2. FranktheBank Augur

    No? But like... why would you try to buy something for like 30mil plat when you could just have 5kr.
    Roxas MM and OldTimeEQ1 like this.
  3. Izzard of Bertox Augur

    Why would I have 5kr? Don't need Krono .... or do I now? heh.
    Gaylon likes this.
  4. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    A lot depends on Server.

    Many will still put decent stuff up for sale in the bazaar for 2 mill. I like many others do not deal in Krono.
  5. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Player prices are driven by the market. There is a lot of plat i circulation and people are going to buy and sell things for the maximum. The wealthy players are farming on barter and flipping for profits on trader. I assure you most players do not have a half billion plat.

    30mil plat or 5kr is the mostly the same thing. The reason people are trying to make the trade that way is because krono has a real, fixed value, 30 days of game time, while Platinum has no real value and is depreciating quickly. Krono has a slightly higher inherent value than platinum because it takes an extra step and extra risk to make the conversion. That is why the platinum cost of a rare item might be a little higher than the krono cost if you convert the value directly.

    So in short, platinum has value and you can buy things with platinum. Rare items are always expensive. Low supply causes high prices. The biggest thing about Krono is it's Platinum value is always increasing while the Platinum is always losing it's value against Krono.

    So if you have extra money, consider buying krono as it will appreciate in value.
    OldTimeEQ1 likes this.
  6. uberkingkong Augur

    You mean selling good stuff platinum is it worth it?

    They look at peoples platinum, not what people are pricing and buying stuff in bazaar.

    Could be 10 traders selling krono 2 mil on Oakwynd.
    Doesn't mean there are people with tons of platinum and buying.

    People just trying to see if they can get a ton of platinum, thinking there are people with tons of platinum running around.

    Ask around how much plat you have to people you know, they aint 30 million deep on Oakwynd.
    Probably just as same as you.
  7. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    Do take a look at /barter in Oakwynd please.
  8. uberkingkong Augur

    So 4 very rich people, theres very rich people on every server.
    20+ buyers, thats very aggressive market too.
    20+ different selling kronos.

    People try and control the market, so you have to deal with that too.
    Very rich people are very rich for a reason, they put in the work to stay very rich, while others just watch their success.

    Try what I said,
    Ask around how much plat you have to people you know, they aint 30 million deep on Oakwynd.
    Probably just as same as you

    Rather than just watching very rich people all day and wishing.
    Same people TLP to TLP, TLP is where you get the kronos. Prime krono selling/trading servers.
    Seen people equally super rich on other TLPs this is nothing new.

    Kronos are server transferable, so those super rich people.
    New TLP happens, they bring their 200 kronos with them to the next TLP.
    It's not everyone starts over fresh.
    Super Rich person comes into that server 200 kronos, lets do the same gig all over again.

    People gonna watch us get rich on this server and oogle over us.

    Try what I said,
    Ask around how much plat you have to people you know, they aint 30 million deep on Oakwynd.
    Probably just as same as you
  9. Tuco Augur

    How to decrease the platinum supply and make it valuable again on live servers:
    • Nerf swarm killing by making NPCs leash ( *puke* )
    • Retroactively nerf platinum drops and item sale prices on servers so that the best way to farm platinum is generally going to be fighting whatever the highest level mobs are currently (gross)
    • Come down hard on botting (impossible)
    • Make most gameplay loops like raiding, missions, progression, hunter, leveling etc not reward as much platinum as some new gameplay loops that are focused on plat farming (ugh)
    • Create platinum sinks for the Luck stat modeled after Korean grinding MMOs (please no)
      • Where the difference between a character with a lot of luck and one with a base level of luck is about the same as raid vs group gear
      • Where to get a lot of luck you need an exponentially increasing platinum cost, with a chance for failure that reverts the luck of an item or even destroys it
    I'm good with platinum being basically worthless since I hate all the ideas to change that.
  10. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    This is on a TLP.
  11. Sobmre Augur

    all that is ok, but the only thing that can really fix the issue is making kronos no drop after like 30days or some other time period
  12. alanus Augur

    They could make a platinum-sink quest or maybe add in some illusion items that cost a ton of nobles, similar to the Marcia stuff
  13. fransisco Augur

    Define "good stuff"?
    The best droppable items on any server have only been krono for years already
  14. Micker99 Augur

    Krono, has become the next level up from Platinum, for currency. It's easier to get 2 krono, than 20Mpp(on FV, they go for about 9M or so). For someone who doesn't have a lot of time to play the game, but wants to keep up with gear etc, buying a few krono, can save them months of grinding for PP. It works for the most part and I think it's a win win. People used to buy PP on the black market, now they can legit buy a Krono instead and that works out better for everyone. DBG sells them for way more than a normal membership and it allows people to catch up, who have more money than time.

    Like any game, you either need a lot of time invested or money, if you want to be ahead of the curve. Games like Clash of clans etc., all allow you to play cheap or pay to get ahead faster. It supports the game and I think they are fine.
    code-zero, Andarriel and Filter like this.
  15. Poyzen Frawg Augur

    The point .. bring Krono or your buying power is low. We are all literally grinding for DBG to farm cash from krono and they love it. So would I. I agree that platinum is foreign currency now.
  16. Svann2 The Magnificent

    As always, a new player wont have enough plat to buy the very highest priced items. Its been like that since close to the beginning.

    Best advice is go farm a rare of your own. If its not right for your class then sell it and you will have plat to buy what you wanted.
  17. Oscig Elder

    A new player won't have the plat to buy anything without buying krono. This game is full pay2win.
    Dre. likes this.
  18. Dre. Altoholic

    Krono cap?
    Tyranthraxus likes this.
  19. Svann2 The Magnificent

    You could just play the game and farm items yourself instead of buying them. win win
  20. Herodotus Augur

    Too old school. Why actually play the game? Sheesh.