Alternate Persona

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by FranktheBank, Oct 4, 2023.

  1. Micker99 Augur

    You are looking at personas as replacements for alts. I see personas as giving your main class, access to other classes special and useful abilities. I doubt I will level up my personas past the point of whatever ability or spells that I want(TP, Bard Fade/invis/selo, CotH etc) or gear them up with anything but old cheap gear. Now if I wanted to start a new alt, I'd probably do it as a persona, but at first I think they will just be QoL improvements for travel and buffing, for your mains. I'll still have my mains that I box and each will have a persona class, that gives them whatever ability I think will help them the most. Will be WAY easier to get all my toons to a zone/spot/buffed safely and less frustratingly after.
  2. CdeezNotes Augur

    Yes, they are. Please provide a dev definition of chase items. Burden of truth is on you. And you're usually wrong about things soooo
  3. Randomized Augur

    Because for the cash cows that are TLP's, that's exactly what they are. It's going to be a lot easier to level a persona on a character that's already keyed for Veeshan's Peak than it is trying to deal with the bottle neck of krono farmers who have key aspects perma-camped.

    Now I can just level my alt/persona and focus on gear/exp and be ready to raid that much faster.
  4. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    That reply was made arguing against what people were saying was going to be how they worked. Since then that information has been invalidated by how it apparently works on beta currently. I am fairly sure that you have to be that other class in order to use those special abilities and spells, so you have to be the bard to use fade, invis, selo; be the mage to CotH, and so on. That would mean you would need to level up your Bard a bit I could be wrong. Had a bunch of big expenses at the end of last month and the start of this month, so only just now able to pre-order. So apparently, just in time to test out the feature (I am upset that I forgot to /beta on Xianzu last night like I meant to do).

    I will say however, that there should have been far more descriptive outline of how the feature would work within the first week of it being announced. We should not have spent the last 2 months guessing and going off of questionable information. The Devs should have just came here and said, we are still working on this feature and here is how we currently plan to have it work; and go from there.

    As for your initial statement, everyone is looking at them as a replacement for/alternative to alts because that is exactly how they were described to us when they were introduced. This is further exacerbated by the fact that all of the things that were marked as being pluses were things that people have specifically been asking to have for alts for a decade or more.
  5. Hdizzle Augur

    Well here's my perspective, if it helps you get the invite.. its a net gain.

    Maybe you play your Alternate persona for some time, people come and go and maybe now your Rogue is a viable option. But you wouldn't have gotten in the group with out your AP.

    For boxing, being able to pivot a Shaman to an Enchanter or a cleric would be supremely clutch. Its about freeing up group slots.
  6. Randomized Augur

    Well that's the thing...Rogue is bottom of the totem pole for quite some time. An expansion or two to start with. Getting a group with him is going to be near impossible. But for a Warrior, well every good group wants a tank.

    So now my Tank is my main, and my Rogue becomes my AP that's still lagging behind.

    But you're not freeing up any group slots. That shaman is taking a spot. Swapping to an Enchanter or Cleric whether it be an AP or a full on alt, the group slots remain the same.
  7. Tuco Augur

    If a specific role is required, being able to swap to that role frees up a slot in the group for anyone.

    Ex: imagine having a group of 5 players that need a tank to do some mission, if a player whose main is a rogue has a SK persona, and all they want is an aug drop or whatever from that mission, that spot is now free to bring in any other class. This same opportunity doesn't exist if that rogue simply has an alt on that account.
    code-zero and Szilent like this.
  8. yodo Augur

    Do tasks lock before loot happens? Could you not beat the mission and swap back to rog before the chest is opened?
  9. Micker99 Augur

    Yes, you only get the abilities of the classes, when you are that persona of course. You would switch to the bard persona, travel to where you need to go, then switch to you main or whatever persona you want to play. You can switch quick, as long as you don't have aggro. You can switch to the bard, selo the group then back again, if you don't have a bard. You can switch to a wizard persona and TP the group or a shaman and buff the group etc.. It opens lots of possibilities and strategies for the game now. Saving a lot of time for many things that are annoying and frustrating now.
    code-zero likes this.
  10. Hdizzle Augur

    Correct. Maybe instead of sitting in the tunnel lfg you could play your AP until a spot opens for your rogue?

    Group spots in the sense that 6 toons can become 12 classes. Instead of rolling 12 toons.

    This is all moot however given the notes floating around about fast camp zones and starting cities.

    My hope, though this was never stated by the dev team, was that it could be a situational tool to leverage every 30 mins or once an hour or something. It appears we get the dumb guy, "don't wanna give you too much" version.
  11. Randomized Augur

    So i'm supposed to try to solo with a class that's horrible at solo gameplay waiting for a moment (that will never come) that someone will want a worthless class? That's not how it works lol.

    You're comparing group slots to character slots. Entirely different. Doesn't matter if I have 14 character slots filled up when a group can only hold 6.
  12. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    *shrugs* I don't see me using personas but if I did it would be for the minor annoyances you talk about. And I suspect the more casual players will think likewise. And to be honest from day one I thought that this was going to be what personas were all about.

    Everyone else was going to pie in the sky things they would do with them then got upset when those things won't happen. It makes no sense to me.

    I have been skimming the thread so I may have missed it what are the exp bonuses personas miss out on?
  13. Randomized Augur

    Exact opposite actually. With experience being tied into achievements, hows leveling for personas going to be in the 110+ range when your main soaked the exp the first time around
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  14. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Ahhh you mean the mission based exp the last few expansions switched to? Yeah if I was going to get into personas that would be a down check. Never liked that switch for leveling exp. I can see where DB might be trying a bait and switch make it seem faster in some areas but slower in others. Or they are having problems with giving the exp bonuses twice.

    Was it confirmed in beta that this is how personas will work that they don't get the one time progression exp bonus on missions/quests? Or are we arguing about if it doesn't include that?
  15. Velisaris_MS Augur

    I don't think they ever answered that question, despite being repeatedly asked by players. I think people on Beta are creating personas, then beta buffing them to 125, so nobody has actually spent the time trying to level one.

    The fact that I'd probably have to xp grind them the old fashioned way, as oppposed to achievement xp, and then gear them (when my already max level alts HAVE gear and AA) is a huge negative and will make them totally useless for me.
  16. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    The forums are about to have so many complaints over the leveling experience being terrible. I can't imagine making a feature like this without doing any work on the leveling process.
  17. Velisaris_MS Augur

    You new here? :p

    Seriously though, if they were going to do something to make leveling a persona not suck, you would think they would make that a HUGE selling point of make it a major benefit over leveling an alt. Something like "reach maximum level in a fraction of the time of a standard alt!". If APs are the big feature selling point, I know I'd be out there doing everything I could to make them appealing.

    The fact that we're just days away from the new expansion and they are refusing to answer the quesiton of persona xp grinding tells me that it's gonna be bad and they want to keep that suckage private, hoping people will buy it withouth full knowledge.
  18. Ravanta Suffer Augur

    I can't wait until people start complaining about zones being taken over by people leveling their personas. It's going to be slayer all over again, but probably worse.
  19. Tuco Augur

    If personas release with the expansion I doubt this will be a problem because there won't be a massive surge. Most People will be focused on the new content with their level 120s and a lot of people, including myself, won't be touching personas till next year because we don't want to be blocked by having a busted character for the entire holiday season.
    code-zero, Kaenneth, Scila and 2 others like this.
  20. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Yea I can just imagine "I swapped to a persona now it wont let me swap back to my main!"