<75 AGI AC Penalty Question

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Husk, Nov 7, 2023.

  1. Husk New Member

    If I race change to an Ogre SK my starting Agility will only be 70, thus incurring the AC penalty. Will gear that brings that to 75 and beyond remove that penalty or will my character retain the penalty regardless of how much Agility my gear has added?

    Thanks for the help!
  2. Randomized Augur

    I wasn't aware there was an AC penalty (i believe it only kicks in when you drop below your starting agility point).

    But yes, gear that brings it up will make it go away (or buffs)
  3. phattoni Augur

    there is no penalty for going below 70 agi, just going below your base stat, so if your base agi is 65 and you goto 64 you will start losing ac etc.

    this will also occur based on weight, and if you are a monk you will have weight limits which will lower ac.
    Annastasya likes this.
  4. Wulfhere Augur

  5. Iven the Lunatic

    I think that it is a myth that starting stats do matter. They do only matter for a few levels until the stat caps are reached. What does matter are stats, and class bonuses. A warrior does have a higher STA to HP multiplier than a wizard.
  6. fransisco Augur

    Not quite. Low agi does make your avoidance ac really take a hit. In classic mobs were balanced against someone with at least a 75 ac.
    Doesn't mean you shouldn't play low agi classes, just be aware that you might want a peice of agi jewelry sooner than later.
  7. CrazyLarth Augur

    they removed penaltys (I thought) but kept the old bonus is what you might be seeing