Can epic 1.0 mobs spawn times please be updated

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Ghaleon, Oct 9, 2023.

  1. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    People are able to complete decades old quests without having to sit around for hours/days at a time waiting for something to spawn?
  2. Sissruukk Rogue One

    The ease of the Rogue epic 1.0 was offset by the difficulty (in era) of the 1.5. Even today the Rogue 1.5 is irritating to do. I just helped a friend through his 1.5, and he commented that it was two days of his life he'd never get back (he did the 1.5 pre-quest on my advice so that he didn't lose another few days of his life). Sure, on live you could have done the Rogue 1.0 in a matter of hours (depending on if certain mobs/NPCs were up), but now you can spend literal days trying to complete it...on live.

    It was an unnecessary change that didn't benefit anyone.
  3. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    The 1.5 skip quests, 1.5/2.0 quests have no bearing on how much of a time sink the 1.0's should be.
  4. Sissruukk Rogue One

    That is what I am trying to explain here. The Rogue epic 1.5 was made to be such a time sink because of the relative ease of the 1.0. Some would argue that the Rogue 1.5 is probably the largest time sink out of all the epic questlines (I don't know this personally, I've only done the Warrior epic as well). If you haven't looked up the Rogue 1.5, I urge you to do so. There is no need to have two epic time sinks back to back.
  5. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And I am saying that the time sinks should be removed as they serve no point.
    Rijacki likes this.
  6. Sissruukk Rogue One

    OK, then I was misreading what you are saying. Long day here, lol.
    Waring_McMarrin likes this.
  7. Ghaleon Journeyman

    What are the current bottle neck spawns for each epic? Working on generating a comprehensive list of these to create a spreadsheet that will have current spawn info and suggested changes to each.
    Barton likes this.
  8. ForumBoss Augur

    Here are bottlenecks for tlp, either slow or rare enough to cause drama, trains, etc. I assume most issues are less significant on live. The ones that were random or tradeable were less of a problem on mischief. I excluded ones that drop in aoc dz or are tradeable.

    Sk 1.0 lhranc - city of mist
    Enc 1.0 cazel - South ro
    Pal 1.0 miragul - everfrost peaks
    Monk 1.5 wygrish - sirens grotto
    Monk 1.5 windrush - harbingers spire
    Monk 2.0 kaiaren - ocean of tears
    Bard 1.5 - all 4 dragons (ek, Stonebrunt, sonh, etc)
    Cler 1.5 has a few 1 to 3hr things, not super bad, but contested early in omens Era

    not slow repop, but rare and contested:
    Cler 1.0 lord bergurgle - lake rathe
    Cler 1.0 lord gimblox - solusek a
    Monk 1.0 an iksar betrayer in Chardok
    Monk 1.0 drolvarg pawbuster in Karnor’s Castle
    Bard 1.0 eldrig the old - skyfire mountains
  9. Sissruukk Rogue One

    Rogue 1.0 Epic:

    Karg IceBear: Difficult to spawn (even with the magic math writeup on Allah's). May or may not have the Zweihander when he is spawned.

    The other weapon drops aren't as difficult because you only kill one PH for a chance at the named, but they are now bottlenecks because you can go for hours per day without spawning them, and even when you do there is no guarantee at the item.

    The robes can be bottlenecks (Kedge off of Phinigal for instance. He has to be up, and no guarantee of a drop). The other three are off of names with single place holders, so the only bottleneck with those is the possible camp time to get the robes.

    The only upside is that two of the weapons and two of the robes you need are tradeable, so you can have friends help out. The only downside is if someone is camping these to sell for lots of plat.
    Barton likes this.
  10. ForumBoss Augur

    Yeah but at least kedge robe drops in agent of change zones, but isn't guaranteed. It should be made quest tagged so it always drops, or tradable. Same with the kedge backbone for bards. I left it out of the list since it is an an aoc instance, but it is rare. It should be at least tradeable or marked quest on random servers.
    Sissruukk likes this.
  11. Ghaleon Journeyman

    Awesome, thank you for your help!
  12. FranktheBank Augur

    Bro... Warrior Eastern Wastes.
    ForumBoss likes this.
  13. Ghaleon Journeyman

    So currently I am only focusing on 1.0 epics. If this gets more traction (or even better, a dev response) I could look into doing 1.5 and 2.0 quests.
  14. Sissruukk Rogue One

    What is the lockout on AoC instances? Six days?
  15. uberkingkong Augur


    Mage 1.0 Quillmane

    Now it looks better.
    Barton likes this.
  16. ForumBoss Augur

    6.5 I believe, so it can take a while. Kedge robe is quite a bit more common than the backbone in my experience. Both should be tradeable imo or guaranteed drops.
    Rijacki likes this.
  17. Sissruukk Rogue One

    Oh, I certainly agree with you there.
    Rijacki likes this.
  18. Ghaleon Journeyman

    Both the backbone and robe are more common then the water staff in my experience.
  19. Sissruukk Rogue One

    I agree with that as well. Seems ol' Phinny just likes being a pain in the backbone with his staff and robe. ;)
    Rijacki likes this.
  20. FranktheBank Augur

    Phinny drops can be obtained with use of harbingers after... voa? is released I think.