Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun open for visitors

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Vlad Diszno, Oct 23, 2023.

  1. Vlad Diszno Augur

    102 Market Heights, Colonial Island, Drinal

    Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun is a mix of a fun house, circus freakshow, escape house, and a few traps.

    This house is slightly challenging to even zone in, keep trying to click on entrance to the bixie hive till it finds the right spot. More on this below;

    I recommend having NPC names off and particle effects on.

    Hopefully I'll have some alts inside that can be inspected to help you along. I'm working on getting them set up, they'll be on briefly but will likely only be back up later tonight.

    Large races will eventually have to duck to proceed and they may miss out on one element at the beginning, unless shrunk.

    It can be a challenge to zone in sometimes, as the castle can make it difficult to target the bixie hive door, so I'll give a hint how not to have to zone out (via /leaverealestate or EQ Button-Real Estate- Leave Real Estate) and then reenter, possibly several times. Look up once you zone in for a hint at the safe direction.

    In case my alts are not standing about to be inspected for hints, I'll write up some hints in this post.
    If you want to try to figure out the way out of certain areas on your own:


    Upon zoning in, look up for the safe direction to avoid the traps. Else you might have to use the command /leaverealstate (or the EQ Button- Real Estate- Leave Real Estate) and have to zone back again, in order to proceed. These traps are only at the zone in area, so once you go in the right direction, you'll end up in the first room. Non-shrunk large races won't be able to enjoy one of the traps.

    Once in the first room (lots of things going on in there); if you cannot find you way out- Don't be afraid of the dark!

    Once past the first room, keep not being afraid of the dark! There is also an arrow on the floor pointing the way to try.

    After that you'll sort of be going back and forth a bit, but make sure you check out each thing you see closely, or you progress might be hampered.

    Eventually, you'll have to decide which route to take, but don't worry, the wrong routes will eventually lead you back to that same spot so you can try a different route.

    After that, hopefully you'll be able to navigate dexterously so as not to fall off the path toward last room.
    jeskola, fransisco, Marton and 4 others like this.
  2. Herf Augur

    Wait, is this sponsored by THE Svengoolie?
  3. Vlad Diszno Augur

    .Nah, but it is by Svengoofie.
    Though I do hope the real Svengoolie would approve of the house.
    Nennius likes this.
  4. Fading Illusion Augur

    Hi Vlad,
    I'm actually working on an episode about Housing and Decorating for The EverQuest Show.

    Would you be interested in chatting with me?
    Grove and Sprooce like this.
  5. Vlad Diszno Augur

  6. Fading Illusion Augur

    Awesome. Sent you a message with my Discord info.
    P.S. If there are any other housing/decorators out there that would like to chat about this for an upcoming EverQuest Show episode, please reach out to me!
  7. Vlad Diszno Augur