Mix it up a bit for new expansions

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by BarryGarry, Oct 2, 2023.

  1. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    The people playing on live are doing that because they want to see new content and not replay old content over again. There is a significant group on TLP servers that does not appear to want to play new content and would rather replay the same early expansions again and not have new content designed for them.
  2. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    There are already many zones to allow people to catch up and releasing even fewer max level zones will just drive the upper end player base away due to a lack of content.
  3. Randomized Augur

    Far from it actually. I'm one of the best performing DPS in my raid team, thank you :)

    Go and look up spells on Alla for a class. Or better yet, look in game by right clicking on spell gems. All those Direct Damage --> Cold --> spells...they're the same spell upgraded 5 levels. There's really only 14-15 different spells. Same thing with AAs. There's a handful activated AA's, and instead of getting another handful next expansion, they just continue to add ranks to the ones they have (you get like 1-2 new ones here and there).

    Yes...overall, all spells included (including the level 1-5 ones you'll never use at level 120), there's hundreds. But in all reality, there's only a couple dozen that keep getting updated over and over and over with a new name. They all do the same thing, just a little stronger than the next.

    Let's look at Magician Spell line: of many - 77, 82, 87, 92, 97, 102, etc etc etc. Same exact spell. Does the exact same thing, has nearly the exact same name. Just each one is a little stronger than the previous. That's not 6 different spells. That's 1 spell, with multiple ranks. Combat Agility AA rank 13, is not 13 different AAs. It's 1 AA, with 13 ranks.

    See how that works?

    1) Pay for a sub
    2) Use General Chat
    3) Profit and Win
    4) Move to a different server if needed, but mainly 1-2-3.

    As for common goals, if you had the ability to ask players to join you or for help, you'd see the difference. You're limiting yourself, and that's on you.

    They don't jump over for the reasons you mentioned, they leave for the reason Waring mentioned...

    You're absolutely right. Less is more. Therefor adding more 100-120 zones would go against what you're saying. Therefor we should leave the 81, 100+ zones that are filled with quests and story lines, just like you wanted.
    Yinla and Nennius like this.
  4. Iven the Lunatic

    Funny. While I was exploring NoS a little bit, Firepass was the only zone with players in it but I had not visited all zones. It were two players beside me: One was a sextet-boxer (full group), and the other ones was also just exploring the zone. Where have all the flowers players gone ?
  5. Iven the Lunatic

    Don't they would just play on Agnarr, the LDoN locked server ?
  6. Iven the Lunatic

    I know that spell lines do nearly always only get continued but the players do still end up with many additional older spells to remember. You might play a class where you are only focused on DPS spells (wiz ?), but it is more complex for most other classes. The player can easily end up with many dozens of spells to remember. Single buffs, group buffs, self buffs, pet buffs, debuffs, CC, summoned stuff, ports, toys, etc. Some spell lines and many spells could be removed as they are just bloatware. I only had to use about half of the existing spells for magician and enchanter that were within the current level range. Tons of similar DD nukes and CC spells for nothing which do only puzzle the players and that might be only there as a platinum sink.

    A subscription is not an option to me and I am not limiting myself; it is DBG who does limit me. I have paid for NoS and now I do expect that there is enough doable content for me in NoS, right from lvl 115, and not in ToV or EoK ! If new expansions are not meant to be something for FTP, they should be locked behind AllAccess. It is not me who has to deliver something; it is DBG as I already have paid for an expansion (content). See the problem ? Quirky and cunning business policy like a snake. Not honest, and does create a lot irritation and distrust. Player count is going down, down, down. Players have enough of snake policy.

    So you do state that less is more which would also mean less zones and content per expansion. McMarrin will not be happy with that statement. Phear him !
  7. Shakara Augur

    I think the main problem with your stance on this issue is that you have a lot of hypothetical claims that just are not matching up to the current reality. You claim that the EQ live audience needs new content every year and its the best direction they can take however (you included) are not happy with this content and its a net negative on their bottom line as they lose players every year they do this because they have no ability to recruit new players with this strategy. So from every metric the current state of this strategy leads to failure.

    As someone with a little diversity in their gaming profile I see what is working for older games and what is not and the reality of it is people are fine replaying old content as long as it is getting updated and games do just fine with retention without adding a ton of content. What you are asking for is unrealistic because a team as small as DPG can not deliver the product you seek. They already have to recycle so much because the burden of making new stuff is too high so while it looks like you are getting a new expansion its really just the same as every other expansion with bigger numbers. You are already replaying the same content over and over just in a way that's worst because they need to put in so much extra effort to give you the illusion its new. That's all that new expansion are. Old content reskinned and refurbished. It just has the added issue of breaking more systems that are unable to support it.
    LesserArchi and Iven like this.
  8. Windance Augur

    I disagree with your statement that DBG is somehow "not honest" about its business policy when it comes to FTP , gold membership vs buying the latest expansion.

    They have laid out which each tier of "membership" get you and there is nothing that should cause "irritation and distrust".

    The expectation is that players who want to experience the latest and greatest EQ has to offer will need to A: purchase the latest expansion ($40) and B: maintain gold membership ($100-$120) a year.

    You choose to limit yourself because you are unwilling or unable to pay for the subscription.
    Yinla and Ssdar like this.
  9. Windance Augur

    NoS has been out for 10 months. With the limited about of content we've been done with everything for months. Most of our guild log in to do daily AA grinds and raid.

    Sadly there is only so much content and the only replayablity is from the heroic missions and raiding, which is why people on live are adamantly against devoting the limited 'new' content we get being diverted to "mixing it up" with lower level content we have no use for.
    Ssdar and Svann2 like this.
  10. Iven the Lunatic

    If Laurion's Song really will only have seven new zones, just like all the other modern expansions, that will become a sad anniversary. :(
  11. Shakara Augur

    The real crime is the alternate persona feature. This game already has so many neglected unused features idk why the keep making more work for themselves.
  12. Randomized Augur

    So about 3/4 of the things you listed to be "memorized" are situational or not required at all and thus not needing memorized. I don't need to memorize the mana rod spell, or the pet toys, or the group buffs. Those are all situational. New players really aren't going to have an issue learning their abilities because they're staying current and using them. They will see the repeat pattern and it'll make sense.

    It's when you're not current (like the example that started this side of the discussion with someone coming back from a break). I myself prefer playing thr tank classes. I play all 3. I have a level 100 Warrior on my main account on live from the last time I played. I don't remember a single ability on his hotbars. Not because it's complex (i could play him blindfolded), but because i didn't stay current. (Same thing could he said about math and science and fast food)

    It's not a lot and it's not complex. It's not staying current thats the issue with memory retention.

    As for your subscription vs FTP. You are absolutely right. You get what you paid for. There is no quirky or cunning business policy. You bought thr content, you have access to the content. All of it. Youre only limited in player power (this isnthe selling point as to why you want a sub). And its laid out what you get with FTP when you're looking at the options of FTP vs All Access. So that is on you. Not them.

    Have you ever had a subscription or used a Krono for game time? I ask because after about level 100, and I think that this is the biggest contributor to your current t view on EQ. The gear and AA limitation of FTP characters drives me crazy. The difference in power and the overall general gaming experience is nightband day. It to me, is VERY worth the $15 a month.

    I think if you did it for one month to experience it, you'd change your mind about a lot of things.
    Ssdar and Skuz like this.
  13. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    If they want new content and don't want to replay old content why would they play on a server that is locked to an expansion?
  14. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    What is exactly hypothetical about players wanting new expansions and complaining about the lack of content in those expansions? What exactly is hypothetical about groups of TLP servers leaving at around the same time every TLP server for the new one that was just created?
    Ssdar and Skuz like this.
  15. Buds Augur

    How is that a crime? It might be an amazing feature that really makes the game a lot more fun. You are commenting on something that you don't even know anything about yet.
    Yinla and Skuz like this.
  16. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I don't agree with much of what you say but I am right there with you on this point.

    25th expansion should have had more than 7 zones & it's a damn shame it's likely going to be just as small as the other recent ones, I don't blame the devs on this point either.

    I am hoping there is some worthwhile "Anniversary content" coming along later which is more than mere lip-service, "GMM but on steroids" style.
    Yinla and Ssdar like this.
  17. uberkingkong Augur

    Yep, so all in all pretty empty because it only caters to end game players, they are usually raiders. Now empty.
    100% focus on that and its empty, does not benefit anyone else besides that target segment of players.

    Then those empty zones become part of the 16+ zones that you can catchup in. They were empty when they were the active expansion, you think 5 years it will all sudden great, ToL NoS supergreat zones to go from 115 to 125. Nope, wrong.

    Less is more.
    You have like 50+ zones to goto at 40 to 50, but you think everyone goes and explores and takes there time going through all 50+ of those zones? No they goto the good ones. Good catchup ones.

    There is not a single zone in ToV/CoV that is good for catching up 110 to 120 or 110 to 115, they all garbage.

    These end game players, been around for years. Past 10 years year after year, get 100% of the content for them and not satisfied.

    Returners/catching up players, give us 2 zones. I said zones not scaled down places. Catchup 85 to 120.

    You don't hear people complain about 1-85 they have zones, thats not the issue.
    85 to 120 thats the problem.
    Both xp and gear.

    MMORPG community is surprisingly anti social, especially when starting a new game. They not coming in trying EQ, hitting up the everyone they see sending them tells, knowing the LFG system, seeing no one in the LFG system so they think the game is dead as well. No they come in anti social. Level 85 and getting to 120 being anti social, thats anti solo/molo levels. Thats why games with easy to do group finders is very very well received.
    Thats why games with solo/molo path to max is very very well received.
    EQ has neither.

    Let me ask you something.
    Name your top 3 favorite expansions.
    Now do they have catchup content?
    Kunark? That had zones catchup to max. Luclin? That had zones catchup to max.

    You remember when they heavily invested in data to figure out how to get people to come play.
    You remember TSS, EQ has the same issue now. Cut the data person, you already have the data, in this regard it hasn't changed.
    Only difference between TSS then and TSS future, 30th expansion. The past 7 or so expansions they had catchup content, people would get really close, 60s when max level is 70. Gear was a huge issue though, hence TSS quests here is a reward.

    SOLO tasks, here is armor
    SOLO task, here is good weapon

    Past 10 years year after year
    named (group, very tough) for armor/good weapon
    missions ( group, very tough) for armor/ good weapon

    Now they inflated with augs, heroic vitality.
    You didn't do the past 6 expansions and got your heroic vitality and what oh, thats why you are bad.

    New/Returner has to do a billion catchup tasks, has to go through garbage zones, terrible xp unless you got group, next no gear upgrades dropping.

    110-120 thats really disgusting leveling for new/returning players. Too much grinds.

    All these end game players wanting more for them.
    They want more grind, they are so bored, me me me me. Grind grind grind.

    New/returning has to go through those me me me me grinds.
    Heroic Vitality ugh, thats months of work, especially if they do it at level/at era.

    These later expansions EXPECT you to have some of it. Which a returning/newplayer is gonna be likely 0/10billion
    EXPECTED to have heroics, EXPECTED to have slower slow trash EXPECTED to have mez EXPECTED to do high dps checks, EXPECTED to be full previous expansion geared up, EXPECTED to have this and that. a solo/molo catchup player they dont meet all those checks from these 100% end game player expansion to expansion past 10 years year after year.
    Yet they make these raids a joke, thats why these end game players bored outta their minds, they beat the raids day 1, that should be there timesink.
    Raiders timesink should not be casual content targeted to for them.

    This game doesn't take into consideration long term vision.
    It's all mememe 100% end game content, short term satisfy the end game players. If they lose 10% of their content for people who are catching up that unacceptable to them, no investments for long term all short term memememe 100% end game expansions past 10 years year after year.

    These end game players like to tout
    "we keep the lights on", anything other than 100% end game content unacceptable year after year past 10 years.
    "who keeps lights on, we do"
    yeah because you got rid everyone else. It's not growing game its a decaying game.

    Every other game, 10 million players easy. Millions easy.
    Raids, there are way more casuals than raiders. But EQ, because of the way its been going. Its heavy raiders not because thats why people play EQ. It's because the past 10 years year after year there is no investment in new/returning players regarding zones specially designed for them like TSS.

    TSS did not make scaled instances like LDoN for returning/newplayers they made zones SPECIFICALLY for them. It worked. It was a success.
    People have TSS on their top 3 favorite expansion.
    Because people keep making it look bad, not 1-120. 85-120.
    1-120 thats a lot of work.
    85-120 thats nothing, quit whining.

    No one likes 110-115 zone either.
    People enjoy zones like 10-30, 50-65. wide level margins.

    They could make end game zones, but widen the margins, why is it 115-120?
    Past 10 years year after year, 10 years of garbage.
    I know for fact no one has any of those past 10 years of expansions as their top 3 favorites, if they being real.

    Just because 30 level margin zone hasn't happened before doesn't mean it can never happen.
    This community, these thought process people of EQ, they think of being in the box too much.
    Hasn't been done before.
    Doesn't mean it cannot be done, does not mean it is bad.
    Most of those wide level margins zones are everyones goto and favorites.
    If there was a 30 level wide margin zone I bet it would great, everyone's new top 3 favorite zone. I'm a big fan of unrest, veksar. WIDE level margins. Maiden Eye ToL, ugh, garbage. Any of those CoV/ToV zones hot garbage. DSP https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/zone.html?zstrat=128 20 level margin heck yeah, I lived in that zone.

    DSP, why do 25-45 zone? There is 60+ other zones for getting to 45, it makes no sense. They say.
    I say, One of my favorites, be quiet. Why not too.

    Current day EQ 85 to max, needs more old school dev old school think tankers. Past 10 years year after year, I'm pretty sad for EQ actually, what have they been doing.
    LesserArchi likes this.
  18. Randomized Augur

    Because that "segment" of players is about 95% of the live population. Plain and simple: there isnt enough of a reason to make "new" catchup zones because there isnt a large enough playerbase to appeal to, to spend the resources on it.

    ToV, CoV and ToL are your fast catch up zones. Those three zones will get you 110-120. And if you're not 120 by the time you complete those 3 (you will be), then you have all of the CURRENT expansion to level up.
    Ssdar likes this.
  19. Svann2 The Magnificent

    More players in firefall pass than east commonlands.
    Yinla likes this.
  20. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Simple answer to all of this. IF DB thought making low level new zones would make sense money wise they would do it. They don't think that.