Future content should be scaled down.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Shakara, Oct 5, 2023.

  1. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    This is a terrible idea i dont raid and havent since DoN. This would just make it easier for boxers to box raids.
    I_Love_My_Bandwidth and Skuz like this.
  2. Windance Augur

    Its also not a day vs night difference.

    If I remember right the banner gives you some extra HP so you can take ~ 1 more hit from a raid boss or survive one more tick against most ( but not all ) dots.

    It also gives a slight increase in DPS, but its not like adding or removing a full group of DPS.
    Tucoh likes this.
  3. Cicelee Augur

    I am sure there are many guilds who would love to min/max their DPS classes to make events go faster and easier. But in a 20+ year old game, some people have been playing a wizard/monk/berserker/etc for 20+ years and they don't really want to throw all that time and effort in favor of the flavor of the expansion class. And guilds probably don't want to ask these people to switch from their characters they have spent 20+ years on.
    Skuz and FranktheBank like this.
  4. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    I would like to just /hail mobs and they send their full loot table to my inventory. Saves the agony of having to kill them, ya'know?
    Mikana likes this.
  5. FYAD Augur

    They've already scaled down raid content. NOS is probably the easiest set of raids in 10 years. You absolutely do not need 54 players to do any NoS raid. A team of ~40 competent players is plenty. I don't want to have 18-24 player raids as I specifically enjoy the large group environment.
    Tucoh likes this.
  6. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    How is filling a 54 person raid with player pity invites? Just because a guild would fill out raids differently for a 24 person raid with 30 less slots than a 54 person raid doesn't mean that those who would not get invites the smaller raid are getting pity invites
  7. Fleiss Journeyman

    This content isn't hard or require 54 to beat it. Outside of bridge wisp mechanic or bad luck on a call outs to run away, 24 very good players (and good composition) could beat all the raids. Not being rude, just honest. I've participated in alt raids with probably 25 percent were boxed toons, no raid mains with the forces in the 30s and beat all but pit fight and bridge. Pit fight mostly because we only attempted once and mainly just wanted easy loot and coins. A lot is don't fail emotes and play characters better. There are guides and discords to help classes, streams and videos, and even posted online strats. 54 is buffer for mistakes but the events are not even close to requiring that. Some are actually easier if you DPS less based on their mechanics. So please don't make raid easier.
    FYAD likes this.
  8. DeadRagarr Augur

    All for modernizing things in EQ, but large scale raids are the soul of EQ. Same thing with CC classes. Getting rid of those would do more harm than good. You need to look at actual solutions to issues such as being able to swap servers easier or merging dead servers.
  9. Dixa Augur

    it would do no such thing. there are not 54 classes in this game. Age of Conan had great 24 man raiding. the game has 12 classes. we always brought two of each.

    This game has 16 classes. there is no need to go beyond 32 players for raids in a game this old with such a dwindling population.
  10. uberkingkong Augur

    So your saying them doing a bunch of beta testing.

    They do more testing on raids than they do on group content.
    Which is why you don't many casuals on Live.

    Anyways, your saying it's still too hard?
    You want to be able to box it.

    Why don't you just join a raid guild.

    See this is antisocial people don't realize the game has.

    Bad group finder system

    Personas, you think it does anything to help the issues? No. Personas doesn't do squat. It's just something some end game player thought would be cool.

    Personas is basically an end game player sink.
    All because there raids are on joke mode. Such a joke they have so much time.
    Back then the time was wasted, sinked in, doing raids, struggling, being challenged.
  11. Shakara Augur

    Who is filling a raid with 54 real people? Every guild i have been on live has around 20 real people and then the rest is boxes.
  12. Shakara Augur

    Saying we need bigger raid sizes so we can bring sub optimal classes seems like the wrong answer to that problem and is irrelevant to the other good reasons for smaller raid size.
  13. Shakara Augur

    Thats a class balance issue not a raid size issue
  14. Shakara Augur

    Raid size has nothing to do with raid design. you can design raids that would not be easy to box yet are tuned for 24 people like most MMOs do this.
  15. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    On paper I'm in agreement, but in the actuality of what it could do to the playerbase I don't see it being a good business move.

    How many raiding guilds have 20-30 people propped up by the other 10-15 that actually know what they are doing and carry them through content? That describes pretty much every single guild I've been in since 2003 and that's a lot considering I'm a serial reroller.

    In a perfect world those people carrying them split up again and carry them through smaller sized raids but the reality is a lot would just find themselves out in the cold. At that point now you have to rebalance the game AGAIN for 24 "Earned Hunter Achievements in PoK" players that can't beat the content anymore because they aren't getting carried through it anymore.

    I'm slightly inebriated so hopefully this was a coherent post, I had to retype some sections like 10x and I'm still not sure if I made the point I intended to make when I started it. :)
    NatazzEvoli and FranktheBank like this.
  16. Tacoheals TACOBELL !!!!

    Idk what server your on or what world you live in but its also Summer time / close to beta as well so people step away before new expac however MOST top 10 guilds are having ZERO issue filling raids, and when the game is actually interesting with new content and new raids and all the raid gear isnt going to peoples 5th bazaar mule. than yeah raids are full with benches usually.

    Not to mention ALMOST all raids in NOS are boxable or able to beat with 32 people. That expac was stupid easy.
    Nadirah likes this.
  17. Shakara Augur

    Is this not better addressed by making easier raids (yet most people complain they are too easy so....).
  18. Svann2 The Magnificent

    No, it isnt.
    Skuz, Ssdar and Nennius like this.
  19. Shakara Augur

    Well there is actually issues that would be solved by this like the lag caused by so many people in one zone. back in 2000 there was a lot less going on but now there are so many mechanics and calculations the softwear has trouble keeping up and it affects things like class balance.
  20. Shakara Augur

    yes it is?