Oakwynd Feedback

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by coltongrundy, Mar 18, 2023.

  1. Loki4567 Lorekeeper

    The ruleset for this server seems fairly bland except for the proposed FTE mechanic.

    That mechanic seems like a poorly thought out disaster in the making. If I thought it would stay confined to that TLP, I really wouldn't care about it as much. But DBG said themselves that they are using this TLP to heta test changes to core mechanics that will go server wide.

    Nope. No thanks. Nuh-uh.

    I immediately thought that FTE could be ruthlessly exploited, turning the place into a griefer's paradise.

    Further, FTR raises longer term concerns for me about "modernizing" eq in such a way that it kills EQ's secret sauce, the social elements of the game. In the last 20 some years I've made a lot of friends thanks to chance encounters, including the chaos of recovering from trains or mishaps, or otherwise helping each other.

    I further worry about this being the first step towards trying to shoehorn the same personal loot/loot box/gambling/pay to win mechanic that was utterly rejected by the EQ2 playerbase. Another modern trend in gaming is creating a problem then squeezing your players for extra money in order to buy the solution.

    EQ's current cash shop is fine, nothing there radically advantages a player with deep pockets or gambling problems over others. I don't want them to slide into the predatory monetization that ruins and has ruined other games.

    TLDR: Nix FTE, FTE is a bad idea presented badly.

    Blah server is blah, but that's fine. If you wanted something more interesting to play, stack all of those bonuses at the front end, bring back focus effects, and start in velious for something a bit different.
  2. Goomba Journeyman

    Free trade, plus Michief rules plus all everything planned would be just awesome, me and a bunch of my friends are going to be coming back to play, and that's the sentiment we all feel.

    Do it!
    7arami likes this.
  3. Vindar Augur

    You don't need to read it all though, people need to stop making these useless threads because they will end up merged there anyway.
    Skuz and Zrender like this.
  4. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    Ditto, I see krono don't earn interest perhaps a new feature they can add.

    There goes an ability to ruin boxers fun for some.
  5. eqacct14 New Member

    Rogues can steal tag rites back and forth ez
    Tie breaker gems tourney best 5/7 10 min heats I
  6. manglered Lorekeeper

    and by merging it, the actual distaste for the ruleset gets buried in 86 pages that no one will pay attn to. while i understand the need for organization, i also understand the need to voice distaste for this server ruleset cause it really is that bad .... so i cant blame people for wanting to post there own threads to be quite honest
    Lynada and Appren like this.
  7. Qingwa New Member

    I disagree. I want nothing more to do with mischief rules or FT. I think the few select individuals like your self just need to return to mischief.
    Skuz and Zrender like this.
  8. Qingwa New Member

    I disagree. I think it is a great idea to have FTE loot locking to the encounter kill. This would end PLing and OW/DZ loot right sellers.

    Actually I'd venture to say anyone who would disagree with this as a great idea is most likely obviously someone profiting from it in some manner. I personally feel it is a great idea and everyone I've spoken to about it feels the same way. We don't need power levelers or loot right sellers it is killing the social aspect of the game!
    Zrender and Vindar like this.
  9. Qingwa New Member

    I hope so! Kick out the PL'ers and the loot right sellers together like a 1 - 2 punch go go!
    Zrender likes this.
  10. Installing Updates Lorekeeper

    LOL! All forum posts since about 2002 are useless, because it has all been said before, rendering all new posts useless. Also, your useless post is useless because we already know it's all useless.
  11. Nessirfiti Augur

    I'm still absolutely confused as to how people think that Encounter locking won't be an absolute disaster. Remember, we're dealing with the remnants of the company that decided the NGE was a great idea in SWG. A change whose supporters tried to defend with "Other MMOs play similarly to how the NGE Does and they do fine!" Which was a horrible defense, because SWG wasn't other games, just like Everquest shockingly isn't other games.

    Making fundamental gameplay changes is not their strong suit.

    And as it is, there's still no reason why encounter locking should exist on a server past Luclin, at the latest. and I find it hard to imagine a reason beyond certain people being unhappy that other people play the game differently than they do.
  12. Nessirfiti Augur

    How are you going to handle people who go LD during fights? are they just SOL then?
    Or fights with Banish mechanics? (The banish mechanics issue is one I tend to suffer from weirdly often, the second fight in solteris just loves to banish me, and spindlecrank in steam factory, those leashes for the vents are awfully hit and miss for me.)

    I understand that a lot of the people advocating for changes like this don't play much past the first four or so expansions, But I'd have hoped Y'all would put some thought into what you're asking for.
    I'm not sure what you mean by social aspects of the game, which ones, and how are they being killed? There's plenty of grouping early on in servers lives, but that tends to taper off once everyone has their mains leveled up, When the largest amount of grinding that's required is new level caps and new AAs, that's easier and better to do with guilds that by that time are also established.

    If you think working to kill powerleveling is going to bring grouping with pugs back on established servers, or change the death of it on new servers going forward, I think you're sincerely mistaken. If I want to make a new character, and they've removed the ability to have a couple friends help me PL the character up, either new characters wont' get made, killing the economy of lowbie junk, Or people will just twink the heck out of their new characters, get a few guildmembers together and grind the levels out in a couple days in a premade group.

    Honestly, now that I've said that, I'm expecting posts demanding that premade groups and guilds be banned.
    I wish I was joking on that one, but I've seen anti-boxers on these forums floating the idea.

    Edit: I really didn't mean to doublepost, thought I was editing.
  13. Moforyguy12345 Augur

    One way I can think of the social aspect being killed is for example: There's been many times trains have happened and people not in group fight it together get it killed and start talking. Next thing you know a group is going. That won't ever happen again with FTE. Someone at zone line is getting killed so you help them and you guys start talking and you join their guild. That can't happen anymore. These little interactions are important to create that feeling EQ lovers remember of back in the day. I have so many memories of BAD trains GOOD trains crazy stories. All that wouldn't exist without trains. It won't be the same game and if they go that route me saying I won't play isn't a chess move. Just a fact. No biggy.
    Crabman and Nessirfiti like this.
  14. Nessirfiti Augur

    I really hope I didn't come off as being for encounter locking, because I'm super not.
    And amusingly enough, being accidentally trained is how I ended up in my current guild, Something entirely random, that ended up with me finding a community that will likely stick together even once the TLP I'm on hits live, and we move to a different game.

    One of the major things that concerns me about encounter locking, is that it has the potential to kill emergent gameplay, and what I can only describe as non-standard player interactions.
    Go Take A Nap and Moforyguy12345 like this.
  15. Zrender Augur

    Huh? This is not 2000. Variations of NGE or custom derivatives are VASTLY more popular across SWG EMUs vs pre-CU as of today with current gamers and nostalgia gamers. Seems like that was, at least for today's MMOers, the right call. That's not why SWG shut down. Not to mention that NGE and FTE are not related in any way.
    Waring_McMarrin likes this.
  16. Trox2010 Augur

    Something that was pointed out on Discord is they added this "- Updated the /yell command to include your target's name." to the Test Server; which is a mechanic used in EQ2 to unlock an encounter if you need help. One thing to keep in mind is if it works like EQ2 then it removes all loot and XP from the encounter.
  17. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Providing feedback is fine but all the doom and gloom about how the entire thing is going to fail based on speculation isn't helping anything.
  18. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    There is a big difference between testing a mechanic to ensure it works, aka encounters lock as advertised, and testing it to see how well it works with the game. The first act of testing can be done both internally and on a test server regardless of population. The second one requires a server with a larger population to see how it impacts the game when players start interacting with each other in the same zone and same area competing for the same mobs.

    You might call this a boring rule set but others might not what is exciting in a ruleset is in the eye of the beholder and as others and myself have stated we don't know the full impact that the new rules are going to have on the server.

    Provide feedback and concerns that you have about the rules but all the posts demanding that the rules be rolled back before we know much about them or how it is all doomed to fail because no one will ever play on it isn't helping anyone.

    They have posted that they are gathering our feedback in preparation to provide more feedback and it hasn't even been a week since it was announced. Sometimes a little patience helps.
    Zrender likes this.
  19. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    They still have it there at least at the faction level last time I checked.
  20. 7arami Irritably sharp-tongued.

    Hey, what's the matter with you? You sound like a broken record repeating the same crap over and over again. Lighten up, buddy, and put a smile on your face! Maybe then you'll actually contribute something useful instead of bringing everyone down with your whining.
    Lexx42 and MasterMagnus like this.