Good job Daybreak!

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Metanis, Jan 7, 2023.

  1. zleski Augur

    Similar experiences on Cazic-Thule: Long zone times, compounded by the end of event lag between completion and receipt of coins.

    While zone times were horrible, the instances themselves felt pretty solid from my point of view, for the most part.

    I will begrudgingly say that this tier 1 launch was better than last year's tier 1 launch.

    As for race timing: Other multiplayer games require video proof of completion which can be used to compile timing. Wouldn't it be nice to have timing separated from when each server can get the dz and zone in? How lovely it would be to have time start from when the event is triggered and not minutes before a tank and Cleric can even zone in. Gosh, we could even have another category, separate from "first completion" that could allow raid teams to push the time down even more.

    Those with the best strats and execution still get to be first and objectively so.

    Anywho. ggs to the racing teams. Congrats to Daybreak for a qualified successful launch. Here's hoping tier 2 and 3 launches become even faster.
    Ozon likes this.
  2. Allayna Augur

    Idk, felt like early EQ, 56k modem, zone, make a sandwich and come back to “ohhh ohhh the screen changed from frozen to loading…!!”

    …literally heard in discord multiple times on Saturday.
    TsiawdMS and Fenthen like this.
  3. Ozon Augur

    Overall, I feel it was/is a step in the right direction. As others have stated, instances were stable, relatively lag free during the actual events, coins/rewards were fine as far as I remember. From what I experienced the issue was moving to/from static zones.

    Overall 7.5/10, unironically Good job DBG!
  4. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Guild Hall (instance) to raid instance zone was also abhorrent. The problems had nothing to do with static zones, it was 100% zoning load times. It should never take 4 to 16 minutes to zone.
  5. FawnTemplar Augur

    Thanks for no lag during the raid events Daybreak. As always congratulations to everyone who finished all or some portion of T1. You guys are awesome (especially looking at you CoN).
    TsiawdMS likes this.
  6. Qimble Augur

    I will 10000% take only top guilds having their raid week "ruined" by slow zone time or crashing causing them to place lower in the race over the massive script lag and casting lockout types of lag we experienced for the first several months of the last 2 expansions.

    Remember having 4 sets of golems moving at once on AHR a month after launch? Or (beneficial in this case) being able to just stand still and kill sontalak because the server couldn't handle having the aura move + drakes spawn so nothing moved.

    Having neither would be better, but if they had to prioritize they choose well. Wish they had made equally good choices with the loot system.
    Metanis and Sissruukk like this.
  7. buca New Member

    Almost all forces are 1 shotting T1 NOS the first night and if beta was any indicator T2 along with T3 are going to be easy for everyone too. So this race is for what exactly at this point? It shows nothing other than our force all took off work and family commitments so that we could be the first one's to down raids that everyone could probably already do with their alts if they focused hard enough. Bottom line is there really is no race anymore, no reason for elitegamers to exist and 95% of raiders are all on equal footing now due to how gear has been done over the past 6 or 7 years. You can either thank or blame the game developers for equating difficulty with simply adding HP to mobs and run around mechanics. I choose to thank the developers usually because they're working on a 20 year old game but I admit it's gotten a bit too easy like WoW
  8. Qimble Augur

    Nice attempt at a derail, I could care less about who places where in the 10t of the "race" personally... but I think the majority in those top guilds would agree that the slow zoning / crashing of this year is better than last year where we had that AND event scripted bugging out and randomly placing events into unwinnable states. Thus far things are holding up far better than they were last year and I'm happy for that.

    You should start another thread to publicly fill your diaper about how raids are too easy now. That isn't what we're talking about here.
    Shanarias and Kaenneth like this.
  9. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    The first tier of raids being easier and more accessible to guilds isn't an issue, especially when they had plenty of time on beta to learn the event and what is needed to beat them. It isn't like the past when people went into all the new raids blind and with no information. It shouldn't be surprising that after working on them in beta and helping fix the issues that guilds are able to quickly clear the raids.
    Ozon likes this.
  10. Tacoheals TACOBELL !!!!

    Just bring back old flagging style raiding instead of TLP style. Was a lot less problems and was absolutely more thrilling to see which guild was Actually number 1. IE: Who was more dedicated to raid early morning to get a flag who was more dedicated to raid the lockout and be organized.
  11. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    A guild having the ability to raid closer to lockouts doesn't mean that they have more skill then a guild that can't.
    Ozon and Fenthen like this.
  12. Qimble Augur

    While they're at it they should go full old school. No more raid instances, just open world bosses with variable spawn times. Your guild missed killing that t1 boss because it happened to spawn at 2am PST and your guild is mostly on central time? Tough, better hope you get it in 168 +/- 48 hours. The real skill is in being able to batphone a raid force and train any opposing guild trying to form up and pull!

    Those old ways were fun when we were young. Much like spending 2 hours in game looking for a group before you find one, it's best they're left in the past.
  13. Zeoni Journeyman

    What I read of this it sounds like you Had Fun & Enjoyed yourselves (Loading Please Wait). Mob killed (Loading, Please Wait) You can now leave the Zone (Loading, Please wait). Great Job everyone. By that I mean No need for Bio Breaks, Food Breaks or Getting some water. In fact you had plenty of time between the loading screen.
  14. dwish Augur

    If this thread doesn’t convey the sad state of the EQ servers nothing will. The game runs so poorly on the norm now that people are “happy” with 10+ min zone times and congratulating daybreak. Broken raid instances are so common it hardly even gets brought up on the boards anymore because people know there will most likely never be a real attempt to fix the issue anyways. The bar has been set at an all time low.
    Marton and Allayna like this.
  15. MischiefTLP Augur

    3 days a year "everyone" raids at the same time, how are zone times while raiding on the other 362 days?
  16. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Generally about 30 seconds.
  17. Tacoheals TACOBELL !!!!

    I suppose can just make another Mearatas raid and actually see which guilds are the best. Only RoI / MS / RoI Alt guild beat Mearatas PRE NERF. Then Triton / SR / RA / ROTE beat it after 1 nerf. Shadows of Doom / ROV beat it after that then they had to nerf it a 3rd time for more people to beat it. In my eyes unless there is a raid that involved mechanics like Mearatas they are all able to be smacked 1 shot no wipes and move on.
  18. zleski Augur

    Don't be a jerk. Any improvement should be applauded.
  19. Lluianae Elder

    For the uninformed, what was Mearatas like? Did any previous expansions have a close parallel to it? I remember the old days, and many who are in all the guilds listed after all the other old top end guilds vanished over the years.

    Perhaps it's just me, but with as few as there are these days, races can't be what they once were when there are fewer guilds actually competing, especially when alt guilds are included in a rankings line-up. Saying this as someone who casts world races on Twitch in FFXIV where while raid sizes are vastly smaller, there are way more groups able to compete at a higher level. I love covering new groups with people doing the unexpected.

    We're not really going to see that manifesting in EQ. So race rankings are going to remain the status quo. Especially when the guilds listed are all testing the raids on Beta with mechanics fully listed. Learning and executing's a huge part of races and that element's largely negated these days.
  20. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    RoI took 4 raid nights and 5 days iirc to beat it. Something like that. No one else beat it for almost 2 months.

    It just required no one missing emotes and everyone hitting banes immediately and no/limited mistakes.
    Lluianae likes this.