Holiday bonus

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Molybedium, Aug 29, 2022.

  1. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    XP bonus is going live now started like 11pm thursday.
    Zunnoab and Molybedium like this.
  2. mewkus Augur

    I've heard rumors from other players announcing a bonus, but so far, haven't seen any word from DB regarding one. Nothing announced in game. Nothing on the calendar. There might be a post on the forums here, but that post could be on the forth or fifth page of an already existing thread. On the news board the Stone Cold Summer announcement is the only thing that's shown up in the past two weeks.
  3. Warpeace Augur

    There is an in-game alert for bonus XP for Labor Day weekend.
    Molybedium likes this.
  4. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    The pop up is in game. Double experience

    In /cal it says "Sept 2 at 1 am to Sept 7 12 am you'll earn double experience

    Some Lon Packs on sale in marketplace.

    So it appears we and the game have beat the powers that be that were supposed to tell whoever to post this.
    Hobitses and Veteran_BetaTester like this.
  5. Bobokin Augur

    This is such disrespect for the time of players not to announce this days in advance.
  6. Loup Garou De loop de loop

    I see what you mean now. Whoever is in control of releasing info had no reason to withhold this announcement since it is now in game. Makes no sense that the designated someone will not pop on until around noon and post the info.

    Apparently the communication lag is worse than our in game lag:D

    I also do not believe there is an approval process or person or manager that has to give the go ahead to release the info. If there is then they could free up that position since its automated by the game.
    Hobitses and Herf like this.
  7. mewkus Augur

    I got the in-game popup thing, but it only says double xp during the weekend. Nothing about when it starts and when it ends. The in-game calendar lists only Stone Cold Summer going on this weekend. Nothing about a Labor Day bonus.

    Do only some accounts or servers get the calendar update?

    edit: I should also add that there's nothing indicating such in the News and Announcement forum, nor a mention of anything in the Staff Tracker listing.
  8. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    I'd be interested in taking a stab or two at the LoN packs, but I have no idea what could be the prize cards.

    My will to buy is less than my will to google.
    Wdor and Loup Garou like this.
  9. Loup Garou De loop de loop

    The announcement in the cal is above the box that has the Stone Cold Summer. Make sure you are on the right day since we just moved to Sept and that the lines in the boxes on the left are pulled down incase its hiding

    And that is what we are talking about. The fact that they are so delayed in announcements in staff tracker or news and announcements.
  10. Tucoh Augur

    It is what it is. There is no one at DPG that is tasked with communicating information like this to players. I'd rather they focus their budget on developing the game and let players experience these types of surprises as they happen!
    Hobitses, Wdor and Skrab like this.
  11. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    It has been a quiet week.

    I am guessing there is a back-to-school break, weeklong training/seminar, office closure or isolation (COVID), visit by an auditor or upper management, or reorganization (workspace or roles). Nothing that would differ from any other organization these days. I do hope for the best for all.
  12. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

  13. Zunnoab Augur

    This is not a budget issue. It's a policy issue. And clearly they do have people tasked on it since they quite literally do announce it. It doesn't cost a surcharge to post the message earlier.

    Either way, I'm glad it's going. Now to see how far my plan gets my alts...
  14. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    I only notice because i saw when i killed a mob it said something bout a xp bonus other than that i never saw anything about it.
  15. Abbydog Journeyman

    I guess bonus exp is nice for the folks who need it. But this late in an expansion cycle, those of us who don't play alts get absolutely zero from this. Bonus spawn is where its at! IJS
    Wdor and Fenthen like this.
  16. Sebbina Augur

    Stuff happens, the bonus was expected. I wish my imperfections and failures were so minor as to not post a notice at or ahead of appointed time.
  17. mewkus Augur

    Maybe there's a bug or something, but my in-game calendar has no mention of a Labor Day bonus.

    Below is a screenshot I took a few minutes ago showing nothing except the Stone Cold Summer event going on until Yelinak shows up on the 15th.[IMG]
    edit: I'm not sure why the screenshot doesn't show up. It shows okay as I enter/edit this post. It can be viewed at (where it shouldn't have a problem showing up).
  18. Zunnoab Augur

    Well I'm happy. I figured by the end of the weekend my alts would be 120. The preparations I made got them to 120 within a couple hours, from 115.

    Also, it's not just for alts. I know of at least 4 returning players who can use this exp big time.
    Hobitses and Herf like this.
  19. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    we can see your screen shot fine, at least I can. But no idea why your calendar is wrong. Do you log in thru the patcher? Have you camped all the way out so it can refresh? Maybe run a file verification.

    Validate Game Assets through the launchpad
    • Run the LaunchPad and log in, but do not press play.
    • Click on the Advanced Tools icon (looks like a gear) in the lower left and and choose Validate Game Assets.
    • Press the green Validate button to have the LaunchPad check your game files and download any missing or corrupt files.
  20. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    I don't log in with the launcher, and I saw it in my in-game calendar. Very strange.