EverQuest II unceremoniously wipes its ‘prison server’ and permabans every account

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Svann2, Jul 1, 2022.

  1. strongbus Augur

    Not to mention if you read the term of agreement for getting a all-access account it said that if you get banned it not just one game its all games. This is common in all gaming company's that have a all-access account of some sort. once that account is banned for anything it can't be used on any game in that company.
    Leerah likes this.
  2. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    I think you are making several assumptions without the evidence or data to back it up.

    The fact that you preface your statements with "in theory" shows a bit of a mismatch between your perceived moral outrage and actual conclusions that could be inferred.
  3. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    Sieger knows more than you.
  4. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    I'm an active EQ2 player. EQ2 runs the same F2P model as EQ1. All servers except for Kaladim are entirely F2P. Why would a prison server be a sub-only server? Drunder itself could have been garnering zero revenue as to elicit the shutdown.
    Leerah likes this.
  5. Svann2 The Magnificent

    OTOH dont assume that prepaid subs were not refunded, by that same logic.
    Benito likes this.
  6. MacDubh TABLES!!!

    I don't really see the importance if Drunder was F2P or not. An account with a character on that server is banned means any game you played on that account is now banned. You could have been sent to Drunder years ago, and had been subbing to play EQ1 and now the account is lost.
  7. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Were you affected?

    These are hypotheticals.

    I see no information by the reporting or otherwise to draw very specific conclusions.
  8. MacDubh TABLES!!!

    Isn't that what we do on these forms? Speculate and argue points until they are proven wrong then move the goal post?
    FranktheBank likes this.
  9. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    The dude was basically gonna call the Consumer Protection Bureau or Attorney General. You better have really good evidence and logical flow. lol.
  10. MyShadower All-natural Intelligence

    I speculate they are going to unceremoniously lock the EverQuest forum thread on the article concerning the unceremonious closing of the EverQuest II prison server. Pity, we should have a ceremony, for closure.
    Benito and Nennius like this.
  11. Nennius Curmudgeon

    It begins in 90 minutes. In lieu of flowers the dwarves will accept krono in large quantities. Also, I have heard a rumor that there will be Jello made from the hooves of unicorns. Mmmmmm Jello
    MyShadower likes this.
  12. MyShadower All-natural Intelligence

    I suggest a stadium setting so all that have lost a character to banishment may bring a paper effigy to flush simultaneously.
    Nennius likes this.
  13. sieger Augur

    If anyone is actually in the EQ2 Discord multiple Drunder players literally posted about how they had just in the last month spent money on Drunder. Benito is not arguing from good faith if he's actually familiar with EQ2's community, it is well understood Drunder players were spending money.
    Leerah, WFSBelaar and Skrab like this.
  14. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    1. Anyone can join the EQ1 and EQ2 Discords.

    2. You are talking about a few cheaters who lost their own cheat server (basically, their entire gameplay - they are devastated and compromised individuals with nothing to lose).

    3. You have some people bitter against Daybreak for their rules, state of the game, etc.

    How do you know those posts of supposed injury were made in good faith? Quite frankly, I see motivation in the opposite direction: to make slanderous claims (whether they hope that results in the reinstatement of that server, loosening of the rules, or "free stuff").

    Only Daybreak can verify any claims. They have set up a line of communication (see Angeliana's posts).
  15. sieger Augur

    I'm confused as to what point you are making, you don't appear to have one.

    I have said if DPG was still selling annual subscriptions to Drunder associated accounts, up to the day it closed, and did not refund unused sub time they likely have run afoul of consumer protection laws in California. It may seem silly, but State AG offices actually regularly get involved in helping customers in situations like this--precisely because it is a daunting situation for a customer to be in, the amount of money is too small to attract lawyers interested in a class action, and too small to be worth time in small claims court, but an AG's office can go after them with no charge to the consumer and regularly gets big payouts.

    This is an example of what can happen to businesses that don't give refunds to customers when they sell them something and don't deliver: https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/202...s-44-million-refunds-customers-who-had-events
    Skrab likes this.
  16. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    I'm saying anyone can say anything on the internet (especially when some of these individuals have - in essence - "lost everything" and have nothing to lose).

    For an analogy, this is equivalent to concluding that elections are rigged because of a few reports of voting machine irregularities from a few Twitter users.

    You continue to use conditional (if-then) statements.

    You are free to believe what you want to believe but you don't have license to stir the pot if the evidence is slim to none.
  17. Bamboompow Augur

    So this was a server explicitly created to warehouse players who cheat and basically place those player's methodologies under controlled observation. There are certainly some pragmatic benefits to this. Something must have crossed a legal boundary or otherwise created a bottom-line risk to bring about the end of what was probably a pretty interesting experiment.
    That or the "warden" called it quits. Can't see how that server would be administered the same as a normal law( EULA) abiding one. Someone must have/had a rather unique, overly specialized job.
    Grove likes this.
  18. DeadRagarr Augur

    Less players for a dead game. GG daybreak.
  19. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Be sad just out of the blue they deleted a eq1 server without telling anyone! Especially a high pop server like Bristle or FV. Not very high they would ever do that but since they did that prison server who knows. I mean isnt FV a prison server? i mean you cant get off! I enjoy FV came here on free transfer years ago from the tribunal.
  20. Celephane Augur

    This has to be the dumbest thing you ever said. Prison server... where they sent cheats and told everyone it could be deleted at any time. How is FV a "prison server"?