Is there credible TLP news? (serious)

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by UNDEADCRUSHER, Apr 2, 2022.

  1. code-zero Augur

    It'd almost be worth having a PvP server just for the entertainment value of watching the blowhards getting shredded the robot murder squads. I'm sure that there'd be some twitch streams or something
    Hekkthebank and Gormgeous like this.
  2. Rcbauer Augur

    Ultima Online was the greatest PVP game ever and that's the end.
    Gormgeous likes this.
  3. Juantothre New Member

    D&D Dark Sun Online: Crimson Sands was the best PvP; by the time you loaded into a PvP area you were already Held and getting hit with Disintegrate repeatedly. Good times.

    I just seem to be better than everyone around me in game. Like it feels like im always on the ball are they are a bit slow or dont know what to do. I always end up leading the group because everyone seems lazy. Though they are probably lazy because cheating makes things boring.
  5. jeskola pheerie

    Are you sure they are real people and not bots? I hear bots are everywhere, so you never know these days...
  6. Triconix Augur

    A shrine shall be etched in white Italian marble in your honor, oh omnipotent UNDEADCRUSHER, as you are the eradicator of zombies, the exterminator of skeletons, and decimator of vampires. Without you, the demonic and and fiendish ghouls would ravage this world we call Norrath. May our prays serve as your strength in your quest to rid all spectral beings. The epic tales of your deeds shall be sung by the bards as all races united join in and celebrate while drinking themselves senseless in the dwarven ale houses.
    Corydon likes this.

    Thats right and all without ever downloading or knowing what EQ hacks even did.
  8. Kahna Augur

    Your naivete does not change the fact that any PvP server will be rife with cheating and everyone will see you coming the second you step foot in the zone and there will be no where you can hide from them.
  9. Zansobar Augur

    DAOC was far far better, but it was RvR not PvP.
    Skuz likes this.
  10. Machen New Member

    Ding ding ding. We have a winner.
  11. urbanbo70 Elder

    Quake 2 CTF was the greatest PVP hands down. Rail guns, rocket jumps, and grappling hooks oh my! Sly are you out there?
  12. Elabone Augur

    Im actually ok with them announcing 3 servers, 2 PvE and 1 PvP with the stipulation that the pvp server will never be merged with anything and people will never be able to transfer characters off until it reaches live.

    Let the 250 people who would actually play there play there just to shut them up.
    Kabouter and Hekkthebank like this.
  13. code-zero Augur

    I'd be happier with them announcing a single new server and the queuing issues of the past being fixed
  14. Elabone Augur

    Are you saying you want a server that can accommodate what both mischief and thornblade had combined? (for example)
  15. Gormgeous Elder

    Maybe he's hoping the 64bit update will solve some of those issues. This'll be our first launch with it yeah?

    On topic though, as others have said, somewhere between now and 3 weeks will be TLP news.
  16. Hirbow Augur

    Sorry, but Meridian 59 was ;)

    This might be the best and most constructive TLP thread i have seen in a while. I have high hopes for this upcoming TLP.
  18. AngryKing Elder

    Announcement coming before the end of the week.
  19. sigalph760 Journeyman

    The people that want a pvp server are aware they can hand in their books and go red on any server right? I mean if there was such a crowd of pvpers, wouldn't we see more of the red tags on all servers?
  20. Vindar Augur

    EQ PvP is horrible.