Fixed Internally ToL missions have 6 hour tasktimer

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Svann2, Feb 15, 2022.

  1. Angahran Augur

    so you're saying if someone gets the mission and takes 3 hours to complete it that's an exploit ?
    So now, with the 6 hour lockout, if someone takes 6 hours to complete the mission is that also an exploit ?
  2. Warpeace Augur

    Re read it, Its clear.
  3. Myysterio Lorekeeper

    Someone seems to think that requesting a task on a bunch of a different toons and then finishing them all in rapid succession is an exploit. It's been a thing with tasks since there were tasks. It's no longer an exploit, it's a feature.
    Fenthen likes this.
  4. Angahran Augur

    If the mission had a 3 hour request lockout and people were taking 3+ hours to complete it then obviously they could request it again. That is not an exploit.
    Now, with a 6 hour lockout, if someone takes 6 hours to complete it will you say being able to request it again is an exploit ?

    That's how request lockouts work, you can only request the mission after x time has passed.
    It doesn't matter if you take that amount of time doing the mission or watching a movie.

    If DBG had simply put "We are increasing the mission timers from 3 hours to 6 hours" in the patch notes there would be none of these posts. There would have been posts saying "why did you double the timers?" but people wouldn't be asking if the changed timers are a bug or not.
    Fenthen likes this.
  5. Derka Power Ranger

    What happens when you join a bunch of missions that are already past the 3 hour lockout window? It's a 3 hour lockout on a 6 hour duration mission.
  6. Angahran Augur

    Simply fix would be to reduce the duration to 3 hours.
    Slightly more complicated fix would be to have the mission end if the lockout timeout expires before entering the instance.
  7. Slasher Augur

    No it hasn't In the past most missions had 6hr lockouts with 6 hr duration. Changing the lockout to 3 hrs created the opportunity for people to do the mission as much as they want in one day as long as they have the characters to request it. They could of fixed it by requiring 3 or even 6 toons to request it and changing the duration to 3hrs.

    The intended amount of times they wanted you to be able to do any 1 mission was obviously 8 per day right ? You could do 8 in an hr if you were fast enough maybe more.
  8. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    Thats not what infinite means.
    Fenthen likes this.
  9. Slasher Augur

    Does it not mean limitless ? Which means without end ? Seems to fit the statement.
  10. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    It’s an exploit, but your post gave two limits which were time and characters. Which, makes it not infinite.
  11. Angahran Augur

    So, if I have this straight, the issue is this.
    Bob can request the mission, and he gets the 3 hour request timeout.
    He can then invite Jim and they both go do the mission.
    Then Jim can immediately request the mission because only Bob has the lockout ?
    And Jim could invite Bob to do the mission again even though he still has a lockout ?

    That sounds like a bug, but changing the lockout from 3 hours to 6 hours does nothing in that situation.
  12. Slasher Augur


    Bob gets the task waits 3 hrs. Taskadds Jim and removes himself. Jim adds rest of his group and they do the mission. NO ONE gets a lockout. Your lockout timer is reduced based on the time spent with the task so if the lockout is 3 hrs and it takes you 3 hrs to do the task you get no lockout timer.

    The exploit is caused by #1. Being able to get the task on 1 toon. #2. a task duration of 6 hrs. The simple better fix was to change the duration to 3 hrs but they chose to make it a 6hr lockout.
  13. Windance Augur

    Easy fix for the future missions. Make the lock outs from the time you finish the mission instead of when you request it.
    Moege, Fenthen and Beimeith like this.
  14. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    If this really was happening, Daybreak needs to review the logs and find who has more than 8 task wins in a 24 hour period and take action on those accounts. (Even using 8 wins is being generous, as there is zoning time, travel time and the person would have to be awake all day long/setting alarms to wake up just to do a mission).
    Fenthen, Svann2 and Ibadan Kun'Tirel like this.
  15. Svann2 The Magnificent

    "People cheat" is just an absurd excuse for why they may have changed it from 3 hours to 6 hours. That obviously has nothing to do with it. If they didnt want it 3 hours thats fine but just leave off with the claim that it might be because people found a way shorten it below 3 hours. ridiculous
    Fenthen likes this.
  16. Helicoprion New Member

    Well with whatever happened, I played legitimately and now I am being punished to complete these missions with a 6hr lockout. It's going to be impossibly long to finish getting these Type 5 augs for 3x characters with normal work schedule and all. When are you putting Type5 augs back on the horribly cursed named trash again. o_O
    Fenthen likes this.
  17. Randel Flag Elder

    they have all been 6 hours for years .... when this one came out and they were all 3 hour lockout i thought THAT was the bug, them being 6 hours now isn't the bug....
  18. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    I like how this thing has been sitting here as confirmed for over 6 months. This should either be addressed or removed.
  19. Kendeth Augur

    It was mentioned in the March patch notes that they were all intentionally changed to 6 hours, so it should probably just be marked as not a bug.
    Fenthen likes this.