Terror of Luclin....

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Geko, Sep 15, 2021.

  1. Geko Elder

    Please come up with some new ideas. The last 2 expansions were garbage ... especially COV. We do not need another re-do of the same content that we already paid and played.

    Dear Dev Team ... get some creativity.

    Sincerely, a player from 2000.
    Namde likes this.
  2. demi Augur

    this post is prolly about 10months late as the next expansion is already just about out ..
  3. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Try 2 years too late, they start developing this stuff more than a year in advance. They're fishing for lore info on these forums because they are at the end of a story arc and need new ideas for post Undead Moon Kitties pt 1 & pt 2.
    Cicelee, Celephane, Aenvar and 2 others like this.
  4. Solanli Journeyman

    Many people posted that they were tired of re-do expansions ... so much that a dev actually got on and tried to explain why its harder for them to re-do an old expansion than just make a new one.

    But as the OP said ... we are all getting pretty sick of playing the same expansions and content over and over. I really hope EG7 can turn around the failure that DPG's has brought to Everquest.

    If there are really no more new stories to tell in new zones ... then just let the game die... its better to have a good memory than to press till the bitter end.
    Cicelee, Gyurika Godofwar and Fenthen like this.
  5. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    Hope they found some scrapped Luclin zones and concepts to expand on the old stuff.

    Please, no snow and ice. My eyes can’t take it.
    Zynt, Aenvar, Evye and 7 others like this.
  6. Rainlover Augur

    I see people post and hear that they don't want redo's of old, I see people posting that they do want redo's of old, I think the community is divided on this one.
  7. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

  8. demi Augur

    if they are putting this expansion together more than a year and half ago why are we only getting 4 to 6 zones .. with that much time (covid 19 exception) we should be getting huge expansions 10+ zones with plenty of quests and raids (for the raiders, keep them happy) .. for the expansion cost for collection and premium (basic expansion exempted) I would expect alot more .. all the fluff that comes with those 2 expansions is not really worth the exorbitant price tag .. imho

    hopefully EG7 has them step it up alot ..
    Fenthen and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  9. Marton Augur

    please god, no more snow :mad:
  10. Riou EQResource

    7 zones like the last few (maybe 8 depending on what it is technically)

    Zones take 9+ months to make on the Art side (plus the time it takes design to concept what they want out of the zone), that is their limit
  11. strongbus Augur

    if the going back to luclin don't use luclin use the other moon lol.
  12. Rainlover Augur

    second moon is Drinal
  13. Hekaton Augur

    Eq2 got the daiku corral. These guys have to know if they’re giving us updated zones from previous expansions we want some new zones too. It’s totally killed any mystique or surprise if there isn’t anything we haven’t seen before
  14. Nennius Curmudgeon

    We have water zones, desert zones, arctic zones, cities, dungeons, and caves. We even have the Lost in Space sorts of zones in Luclin. I suppose a zone in space would be cool (if it could be done), but that doesn't seem, to me, to fit the EQ vibe (even as warped as it is now). I am at something of a loss as to what a really new type of zone might look like.

    I don't really want to pay for more of the "ruined" versions of things and as much as I joke about ship to ship combat the idea of it leaves me a bit cold. Perhaps a war zone, where players are new recruits fighting for the defense of the planet? Kind of like Starship Troopers minus the poor acting and weak direction. The battle rages and will more players risk all to defend Norrath against the invading forces of (???).

    A lame idea I suppose but if I complain too loudly, I think out to try and offer something. So, what are some better ideas for new types of zones?
  15. quakedragon Augur

    I thought it was going to be Gates of Anguish aka GoD Oow 2.0

    With a unique zonewide disease spreading. Disease of Angusih is spreading, run to zoneline or fall victim to swift disease death.
    Mobs puke on you and can give you a disease.

    WoW had it so disease could spread across entire server, EQ should have something similar, GoD 2.0 is good expansion for it.
  16. Dre. Altoholic

    4-6 luclin zones, hmm

    1. Ssra
    2. Acrylia
    3. Coterie castle-turned DSK
    4. Nexus/Netherbian/Shadowhaven (landing zone)
    5. Hostile Shar Vahl so I can commit furry genocide
    6. Katta/Tenebrous/Twilight (alternate landing zone)
  17. RyeToast New Member

    I'm looking forward to not seeing snow.
    Elyssanda and Thunderkiks like this.
  18. Riou EQResource

    there are potentially 3 or 4 new ones

    None of these are the zones (unless they pull a Burning -> Burned woods thing), and there are 7 (or technically possibly 8)

    Time for blinding sand instead? :p
  19. Dre. Altoholic

  20. demi Augur

    someone needs this ..
    <singing>Soft kitty, warm kitty little ball of fur! happy kitty , sleepy kitty, purr purr purr !! <singing>
    i felt you needed that Dre :p
    Nightmares and Elyssanda like this.